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Everything posted by JinsGhost

  1. You can check "my account" tab then go to code redemption. It will tell your if you are ready to play today or not.
  2. sept 16 and in. I just got it now so the wave that just went out is the one im in and it's already at september also at work for another 5 hours tho. Cmon qq threads!!!
  3. Oh wow another super thread. read one page and 2 more spring up. If you strike one down the rest become more powerful then you could possibly imagine. Also since this post will be lost in the sea of qq posts. I LOVE SEEING MOSTLY GROWN ADULTS REDUCED TO TEETHING TODDLERS NEEDING SOMETHING TO SUCK ON. Yes, promises were made but I've never seen so much dignity lost in what are supposed to be adults for the most part. Your tears make my work day go by faster. Please, continue. Oh and @ROCKJAW - YOU TELL 'EM!
  4. Does this thread constitute a forum riot? Perhaps our own occupy SWTOR in galaxy far, far away...
  5. For PvE they seem pretty balanced. It just a matter of what you want to play as and what role suits you. You can only level as fast as you want to. Pick what's fun for you and you shouldn't have any difference in how "fast" you level compared to others.
  6. Jugg/Guardian & Trooper/Bounty hunter get heavy armor. JC + SI I think can only use light armor and Smugg and Imp agent can go up to medium armor.
  7. Where your map shows there is a little button that if you put your mouse over will say que for pvp or something. It's attached to the mini map in the corner. It coul have been showcased better but once you use it you will que for pvp. Again as for sending companions on missions buy the apprpriate crew skills then use "N" or open crew tab/menu and you can send them out to do your bidding.
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