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  1. Hi, I tanked classic WoW on a Warrior, DPS'ed most of BC on my mage and healed the end of BC on my Druid and continued to main him into WotLK and the sadness of Cata. I had tried tanking, then DPSing and I wasn't bad at those roles but after years of playing I had found my role (one in which I both excelled and was happy) and I devoted myself to it. I had one of every healer class fully decked out by the end of WoTLK and used them all in guild runs... needless to say, I played too much WoW at the time but I'm well equipped to help out if not answer your question. My priest Sardonicus was mostly Disc but offspecced Shadow... and he played nothing like a smuggler. If there's a class that draws obvious comparisons to the Smuggler in WoW it's the Druid, my one true WoW-love (lol). You've got stackable HoTs (lifebloom/medpack) that you can spam on the whole party, an area of effect based heal that isn't really spammable (Wild Growth/Kolto Cloud), an initial heal with HoT (Regrowth/kolto pack) on it, a big slow heal that is impractical in pinch situations (underworld medicine/ healing touch) and B-Rezzing. There are speedy conditional heals like nature's swiftness/emergency medpack and both have mana/energy recovery with innervate/cool head... to say nothing of sharing stealth and stealth based sapping CC! So yeah sorry I can't answer your shadow priest question very well BUT if there's a class in SWTOR that has an equivalent in the druid, it's got to be the Smuggler. ...you won't be going Boomkin though.
  2. I personally like the giggle... I found myself making the giggle in real life before it was removed the first time, and I came back to the game after a few months away and found two things out... Corso no longer pulls enemies out of packs after I tranq one (bummer, it wasn't that hard to turn it off) and the giggle was back... is it proccing every time you get upperhand like before? I don't think so but I can't be sure. Anyhow, happy the giggle is back, sorry you're not happy. Maybe an option to turn off all character sounds wouldn't be too much to ask (rather than just the giggle) but for me personally, not needed.
  3. I dunno, diagnostic scan is a terribly weak heal crit or no crit. I understand the point is to recover energy, but it really seems like a waste of casting. I was wondering whether or not to stack crit or power myself so I googled and found the trooper thread and followed it here, but it seems like the temptation to stack crit is pretty alluring for everyone. As far as alacrity goes, does it reduce the global CD? At lvl 30 I already see alacrity on some of my gear and while I love spamming instant medpack, I could see the usefulness of it for throwing out more HoTs or those quick save heals when you haven't got upper hand ready. The ability to store more than two stacks of upper hand would be nice ( certainly not broken at all... really)!
  4. I for one, would like the ability to take universal screenshots and upload them to steam, also I was thinking of doing what the last person on the first page said so at least people would know why I wasn't responding to them (I'm in TOR dude and I can't access the overlay). I also notice the SWTOR default screencapper won't take pics during some convos for some reason and those are my favorite ones. I was looking through there and I was SO sad to see it didn't have one from when I (as a smuggler) was holding my blaster up and going "Sorry I'm late for the party boys but traffic was terrible" all smarmy Bruce Willis like. So sad.
  5. Grats to all the folks that got in. Unfortunately I didn't get my pre-order code sent to me until the 13th so I'll still be out here. \envy
  6. I couldn't agree more. I doubt he really did, but if he did cancel his pre-order I am sooooo happy we won't be playing with that guy. I lol'ed.
  7. What? It said "Early access code", it didn't say "Retail game key". The company I pre-ordered the CE from (gohastings.com) sent out Early access codes and my brother got his regular edition off of Ama-- Oh I gotcha now. You're saying that box will stay greyed out until we stick in the retail product key. Good to know. Yeah, mine will be in a box with a plastic statue (where are we supposed to put these things?) and has already been shipped so hopefully I'll have it at launch.
  8. Same thing on mine (my brother's too), I have been told this is merely because we have not been entered into a wave yet, but to tell the truth I'm a bit concerned over it myself. Cross your fingers I suppose, just don't keep 'em crossed cause they may be crossed a while. I sent a ticket in on it on the 13th and they were probably annoyed with getting the 942,789th question about this issue. We should be fine.
  9. I read through pages 1-20 and most of the procrastinators are pretty reasonable. No calls for violence or blood in the streets or anything.
  10. I lol with the first guy. I also purchased the CE but I waited a long time because well, 150 is a lot to chuck down on a game... it's a stupid amount to plunk down on a game tbh but hey... <--- stupid But yeah I was all happy I had the 13th off and then I learned about this whole ordeal and what a bummer. I heard the early access was going to start sooner so I figured "I may as well get in and reserve my name". Oh well. Nothing we can do at this point really other than laugh about it. There's no sense getting upset. I was thinking, at this rate (and these guys calling off for the day at 1:50 pm each day, how do I get that schedule?) we're probably not going to get in. Oh well. I look forward to crashing the servers with you guys at launch.
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