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Everything posted by cobaltpraetorian

  1. Daaaaaamn. I hit the middle, spent 5 mins zooming out, and was like, W. T. F. Not to mention creating this. SO PISSED. And I paid $$$ for the Explorer's Edition. At least I got a nice die-cast model to display.
  2. I'm down to 192---make that 193---from 345 when I tried logging in at first (make that 191, now).
  3. Making progress! I'm down to 290 in the queue. EDIT: Wait, make that 292. Wait, make that 286. Wait, make that 345.
  4. First, I looked for something like these compilations for quite some time, and couldn't find anything. If they already existed, well... here's another one. Second, I want to say thank you to everyone over at TorFashion - without their help and that of their contributors, I wouldn't have been able to make these. So here's the deal: I got tired of flipping back and forth or side-by-side windows to try and compare these armors for my toons. Herein I present all five sets for each class (male and female) for your visual comparison. Only the front is presented because otherwise, this would've taken days. Feedback is welcome, but I doubt I'll put any more effort into these. They serve my purpose, and I'm posting them here to help others who might have had the same questions/difficulty. Republic Consular Knight Smuggler Trooper Imperial Agent Bounty Hunter Inquisitor Warrior
  5. Posted this in the wrong forum. Visit the post here, instead: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9312099
  6. In both Story and Veteran modes, my companion will disappear after using a Star Fortress elevator and need to be completely resummoned. This happens on every toon, with every companion I tested (I stopped at 6), both Imp and Rep.
  7. Great job. Much appreciated! Turns out there's a lot of stuff I missed... Any chance of an update for the current stuff? (e.g. Rishii)
  8. I can confirm this works. Scary to do, since it was several hours of work, but it did fix the problem.
  9. I'll be nervous, but I'll give that a try. Thanks!
  10. I have completed the missions for all the items. I have nine items in my "Mission Items" tab: the Sphere, the Jar, the Pearl, the Tuning Apparatus, the Utensils, the Mask, the Writings, the Egg, and the Shard. I have also completed the Dubious Motives mission, and witnessed the Chevin in their meeting at the casino on Nar Shaddaa. Agent Reeho indicated he would get back to me, but I haven't heard anything, have no mail from him, and no quest. I have the option to turn the items in to the Chevin. I DO NOT have the option to turn in the items to the SIS at the dropbox on the north side of the Lower Promenade, near the Republic taxi. I am playing a light-side character, and would prefer not to get the dark side points from turning in the items to the Chevin. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem, and if so, how did you solve it (if you were able to)? Your help is much appreciated.
  11. Any chance you might wanna post a link for that spreadsheet you have?
  12. I'm looking for a way to get a basic listing of the craftable items in SWTOR into an Excel spreadsheet, with as much data about each item as possible (name, quality, required skill level, item level, ingredients, etc) so that I can track whether my character has the recipe already. Essentially, I want a checklist in Excel format so I know which ones I pick up on other toons that I can sell and which ones I need to keep. To that end, I've looked at building my own database, but that seemed silly when the data already exists on sites like swtor-spy.com, torhead.com and darthaterdb.com. Unfortunately, that data is not easily extracted from those sites and put into a spreadsheet. Does anyone know how I can best achieve this? Constructive feedback is appreciated.
  13. If I knew Flash, it'd be interactive, with links to the codex entries on swtor-spy or at least detailed info. Alas, I work with what I have.
  14. I'm a pretty visual person, and while the listings of coordinates and descriptions of everything for getting the codex entries is relatively good, I've not been able to find a planetary map for the planets that shows all the locations at once, or even just some of them. So I made one. Of course, because of the silly restrictions on this forum that don't allow you to post pics, I can't include it inline, but it's worth a click. You can download a print-ready version (about 5mb) here. Depending on interest, I may do the same for other planets.
  15. Thanks for the headsup. Anyone else have any more info?
  16. I honestly don't have a clue what armor it is, just that it looks great and I hope is moddable. It's from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e75_UyKQyyA It's the green set from the first vanguard bit, and the blue/white stuff from the second part.
  17. I've looked through the forums until I can barely see straight, and can't find any answers on this. Someone please help! The trooper progression video has two sets of armor I like the look of for Vanguards. One is from the jungle planet (Quesh?) and is dark green. The other is from Hoth and is blue/white. Of course, I'm only assuming the armor is from these planets because that's where the troopers are while wearing them. What I need to know is the name of the armor sets AND where to get them. Or alternatively, if someone can tell me they conclusively don't exist in game, that's good to know, too. Either way I can stop obsessing over it. Damn OCD. Your help is appreciated!
  18. In the Trooper Progression video, there's two sets of armor I've been looking for and can't find any info on: the green armor from the jungle planet (Taris? Quesh?) and the blue/white armor from Hoth. Can you tell me the actual name of these armor sets and/or where to get them?
  19. My vanguard just hit level 31 last night, and I've decided it's time to begin looking at gear that I'll be taking all the way to end-game. My understanding - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong - is that basically, once I find an orange set of armor (all 6 pieces) that I like, I can keep it until the end. The only thing I need to do is keep swapping in new mods/armorings/enhancements (and barrels for the guns) as I increase in level. Now it's just a matter of finding a set of armor that I like the look of, and grinding until I can buy it (either through commendations or just plain ol' hard currency). I REALLY liked the look of the armor the vanguard is wearing on Hoth in the Trooper progression video (me and every other Trooper, natch), but I'm not a PvP-er, and I'm given to understand that's PvP armor. Which makes me a Sad Panda. Is there a location online where I can view the different armor sets as a whole so I can decide which one I want to pursue? I realize that my choices will be limited based on bonuses given, but surely there's a site where someone has put together a few pics. Any suggestions as to sites with those pics, or armor sets for that matter, are welcome. Any other tips for moving into the upper levels are welcome, too. Thanks, and y'all have fun out there!
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