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Everything posted by Miotoss

  1. problem is you cant avg out the dps you are doing w/o writing those numbers down and actually doing the math. Also if its about having fun all the time, why the hell would I want to sit there and do math to figure out my most proactive spec?
  2. Than explain why you are against them and saying its imbalanced is not a real explanation. Top guilds are already running these tools and putting out guides.
  3. Gear score was my biggest gripe in wow. I saw players with lesser gear pull better numbers while raiding and its not a judgement of skill as much as it is luck.
  4. I apologize heat of the moment type deal. I have limited time to play, but when I play I want to know that the least amount of hiccups are going to disrupt that. That includes bad players who Quote " Just wanna have fun oh girls just wanna have fun"
  5. While I understand it hurts to be bullied. Lets get this straight if you are bad at your job you will get fired. Well recount is made as a performance judgement tool. If you are bad the people you play with deserve to know that. Otherwise you are the jerk wasting their time.
  6. If this were true why did they at one time have one in the game? It was taken out because it didnt function well enough for release. You have an answer for that my kind sir?
  7. Ignorance is bliss. People who want no parser are the people who were picked last to do anything in other MMO's. Truth hurts.
  8. If by bad you mean saw more content in any game they will ever play than you will and down it. Than yeah they are bad. That's why their builds / guides are gospel in wow. Let me ask you this how many guilds refused to take you on raids that made you this bitter?
  9. Lehoric come on man people can mathematically figure this stuff out on their own with alot of work. Elitist jerks for example figure all that stuff out w/o recount. Point invalid. Get good and let people take the path of least resistance. I also know for a fact guild have private parsers and other things already in use that run outside of the game to figure all this stuff out already and it wont be long until copy paste builds are every where.
  10. Lheroic we are not talking heal bot so your point is not valid. We are talking recount.
  11. ^^^^^ +1^^^^^^ these people just dont ant to be criticized for not pulling their weight. They just dont realize they are wasting peoples time in grp.
  12. Nah Im here to kill people who are here to just have fun like you. This is serious business. TBH people not wanting recount want to tag along and not pull their weight I get it your lazy, but dont waste peoples time.
  13. Im just going to take a shot in the dark and say the people against a recount type mod are the people who couldnt cut actual raiding in wow or other games that had such tools. Spurned lovers are forever scorned.
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