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Everything posted by Bamfed

  1. Awesome write makes me want to try it but... Wouldn't engineering be more dots? 20 eng Toxic dart 16 eng Interrogation Probe 16 eng Plasma Probe 20 eng Series of Shots (after talent gets elemental dot) pluss SoS is kinda like a dot... x2 16 eng Explosive Probe (after talent gets a 4 tick dot kind of) seems like more dots IDK. Sorry for derailing because I am a huge fan of the post.
  2. Go Mercenary Then. They are easy kills for my Sniper. The funny part is you add healing in there as an option vs a sniper... That's good you heal and don't dps me while I continue to dps you and out dps your pitiful healing. Snipers have no crutch to fall back on like healing making our job so much easier KILL KILL. Don't you be messing with my 20% alacrity either or I'll cut you. Are you not aware that engineers can use adrenalin probe every 60seconds or if you need to twice in a row every 2 min.... you know what kind of burst i can do with 2 back to back adrenalin probes and 20% alacrity!!!! GFY I have 6% damage reduction all the time while in cover plus i have shield probe you seem to forget about some how it just like the bh shield but i can use mine once ever 60sec or twice in a row ever 2min. So keep your heavy armor my plasma probe is elemental damage... and my shatter shot is 20% armor pen. while your damage bounces off my 2 shield probes and then barrier. Wow you know you can't move while casting your missiles the same for me i can't move in cover. ZERO difference except I get 20% more avoidance while you get nothing. Extra bar is nice too!
  3. you let them cast 4 tracers in a row you deserve to die. on and if you put stun in the rotation they won't be repeating this for 60 sec... you are a sad sad troll. Edit. I"m not a merc I"m a sniper and have no problems killing merc's they probably have players as bad as you complaining about good shadows and snipers.
  4. you get 7% hp every 2 min. << Period That heal isn't worth a single point. If you could divide a point in to tenths and have 1/10 of a point to put in it, it still would suck. The heal heals you over 10 seconds if it worked every 6 seconds why would they make it heal over 10 sec.... If you want to really get into the "But it says when we vent heat!!!!" well we vent 5 heat every second automatically, so you think we should get 7% hp over 10 sec every single second then another 7% hp over 10 seconds every 6 seconds when we vent 8 heath then another 7% hp back when we vent heat every 2min? I would like this too because we could stand there naked with no gear on and never die... if you have one point and don't know what to do with it every single talent in the advanced prototype tree and every single point in tier 1 of the other trees are better than this.
  5. How is a single attack while in stealth going to effect your long term damage in pve. This is only a pvp nerf Do you know what DPS stands for. 1 op attack at the start of the fight and after a long cool down shouldn't be what you base your PVE dps on. Even if you open this when then re stealth and do it again I'm sure your tank and healers would hate your poor decision. You re stealth a lot during a boss fight huh?
  6. Tanks are an illusion. I'm lvl 50 just for reference. As shield tech full mitigation spec every single person would focus me first even 1v1 because we are the easiest to kill with zero threat to them. I've since re-spec'ed to advanced prototype, and wow I can live through an operatives opener thanks to 20% damage reduction while stunned. And then I can put out my own damage so things die faster so I don't need tank stats. Oh and now I'm the elemental tech damage dealer. With all my accuracy, I'm lowering resistance to my attacks even more so... 100% armor pen and you are vulnerable to my attacks you can't dodge/deflect my attacks you can't shield my attacks. My attacks are unstoppable. No matter who I attack you get the same amount of damage. There is zero penalty for attacking tanks they don't die slower at all unless they stack 100% endurance...
  7. Sweet so tanks still can't tank in PvP... Tanks mitigation = Armor - useless vs anyone but marauder and sniper Shields - useless vs anyone but marauder and sniper Defense- useless vs anyone but marauder and sniper Most tanks need shields to proc for talents to do there job like vent heat or reset an ability. You can fight most classes and have zero chance to shield, avoid, or armor mitigate... sweet.
  8. Devs? Hello? This is like free to play support. Wait. Is this game free to play already?
  9. Faith in BioWare has been shaken. Why would they not post a reply on this. Tanks that can't tank? That seems like something that needs to be addressed. If my PT can't shield anything then I don't get to rocket punch every 4.5sec and my 6sec 8 heat vent doesn't work. Respecing to Pyrotech tonight in protest till we get some answers. I'm going to post random curse words immediately after this post. 10k credits says it gets more attention than this legit problem they don't seem to want to talk about.
  10. So 1.1 just went live and I'm worried I didn't see in the patch notes that shielding works correctly for all but internal damage... Does it still not shield elemental damage? That would be bad since elemental damage ignores armor...
  11. That 3 pts in AIM is a threat talent only. So it is even more useless in pvp. I was just stating I don't even need it it pve. I'll have to find the post where someone did the number crunching. People see 9% and assume that has to be better than 2% but it's not. 2% more damage reduction vs the 9% aim ends a 1v1 fight with you at a higher % total hp pool. This is my goal to live as long as possible. Your not dps. **Now if you want both get them both for even better results** BUT DO NOT give up 2% damage reduction for the 9% aim you will end fights with less hp every so slightly faster, but loose more hp in the process. This is all assuming 1v1. WZ's you will get attacked by more than one at a time far more often. The more attacking the the more weight the 2% damage reduction gets vs 9% AIM. Bottom line. Do your job. Live as long as freaking possible and control the hell out of people. I have 13% damage reduction to your elemental and internal damage vs the OP's 7% I win.
  12. 9% more Aim for tank is retarded. Tanks have such small aim pools that the 1% damage increase you get from 9% more aim is a waste of 3 valuable points. I looked at your spec and skipped reading any more of it for a 3 point failure. It was stated before 3% more damage to your rail shot you use every 15sec is your lucky vs 1/2% less damage take ALWAYS. Fail. I also like rock punch but 4/8% more damage on it is like 100-150 damage per punch which isn't bad but easily replaceable. Get this if your gear sucks and you have problems with boss aggro. Your rotation or priority bar is retarded. You need either flame sweep or flame Burst in there every 15sec for 4% damage reduction. Your build + rotation gives up 6% damage reduction... what is your purpose to die faster because your 1.% damage increase isn't going to kill fast enough to make up for all the extra damage you will take over me.
  13. Did you quote the right text? I've been saying this same thing. It needs work but don't take away the ability to roll into cover. This doesn't mean I don't want the bugs fixed. That guy needs to learn to play because he didn't know all of his abilities. He thought the only way to take cover was to roll into it. I see anyone that requires cover as a caster. Mercs can't move while dpsing and neither can snipers/gunslingers. The only difference is we hit one button before we stand there and dps and they just stop moving. The roll to cover like you said will get us into spots fast while the other casters are still walking over. The argument I was making is DON'T take away roll to cover completely like that guy was suggesting.
  14. Like I said. Fix the bugs like the lag but don't take away roll to cover. It's not the problem. I use it for mobility. It's AI could use some work, but I've been able to work around it after some practice with approach.
  15. Man i have to post again. You out of context quoted the last sentence of a topic about rolling and the first sentence of a topic about bugs and thought you were smart. Do I really have to use paragraphs for the special kids? -10 internet points
  16. Do you not know how to read? It's been said 100 times now you can take cover in place or choose a cover point to roll to. The roll feature isn't just for taking cover fast. For those who know how to use roll to cover it increases mobility. I can roll away from trouble or next to something to knock off a ledge. Don't complain about things that are working fine for everyone else. L2P. They will fix the bugs like they just did last patch but they can't fix user error. That is on you.
  17. Step 1. Read your talent trees. Step 2. List all talents you get in the 3 operative trees that require you to be in cover to use. Step 3. Realize your not a cover class just because you have cover. Just because you had a skill before you chose your AC doesn't make it something you are suppose to use. Every single class have abilities they get from 1-10 they they don't even need to train any more after they pick their AC and get AC specific abilities. Your argument is a healer needs to use cover? REALLY? you get lots of BIG heals from not be able to move? So many people have so much to learn it isn't funny. I'm not telling you how you CAN play your class. Feel free to play as badly as you want. The fact of the matter is cover using operatives are as bounty hunters tanking with unload... HORRIBLE BADDIES!!! Edit** unless your just using the roll to cover as travel then your pro obviously.
  18. Wrong. You don't need any of this on your bar. There are key bindings specifically set up for both of these skills. Cover system is suppose to be fluid like movement. you don't see a walk forward button on your bars do you? There is a reason for that. You start with cover on your bar to let those completely clueless players know they have cover. My personal choice for roll into cover is middle mouse button. I use roll into cover as movement just as much as cover as it gets you places really fast. If i like where I'm at a simple hold of shift+mmb will have me cover in place. I love the mobility of my sniper. my only suggestion would be to show all possible cover points and maybe make them clickable to roll to them as a choice. I find it a bit awkward trying to get to the correct side of multiple boxes stacked together.
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