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Everything posted by Zerex_Kildron

  1. Juggernaut Powertech Vanguard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzAmtEVzFzc Sorcerer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLPE4vhSBx4 Sentinel Operative http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq9dYVfE_Wk Guardian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky4wTMZ0AZM Sage Assassin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64BrQjnlEkk
  2. That's your countries catchline, isn't it?
  3. Well, if you want the singleplayer version of this, pick up a repack as soon as one is announced (There isn't one out there so far), once you have a repack you can set it up and play the game solo
  4. I got the SWTOR Headset, love it! http://pinoytutorial.com/techtorial/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/razer_star_wars_headset.jpg
  5. I would love to see more Single Handed Lightsabers though, lots of Double Bladed Lightsabers
  6. Looks cool, any list for the upcoming Cartel packs avaible? If so please link me
  7. We've been over this already D: But yes, very nicely done
  8. Well the fact that this would be a High Legacy Item, and once a year would make the opportunity more realistic. But on the other hand, it just doesn't fit
  9. Many Force Users can block other Users from seeing there real reason, Palpatine did this with the Jedi during the Grand Plan. And many others, in this particular situation the Order did not know about the crystal being found by the couple, so that reduces the chance of the Order taking it back even more.
  10. I love it how people from POT5 are complaining about exploits/cheats and then bash the TOFN Server Forum calling us exploiters :3
  12. The Light Side restricts its users from gaining some knowledge/power. I was always someone who preferred the Light Side over the Dark Side, because the Light Side offered serenity and control over yourself. I'm also addicted to knowledge, but since the code restricts me from actions that will give me knowledge I chose the Dark Side. Example; the mission on Tython where you have to find out if two padawans are in love, they offer you a crystal if you tell their master they are not. In my opinion those two padawans have failed their trials and even if I dont stop their training now by telling their master they are in love, I'm sure they will mess up their trial again because they lack what Jedi need. I know they are doomed anyway, but this crystal of theirs is rare and has some history to it, I must preserve this crystal and its history by protecting it. (This is called Lorekeeping). By protecting artifacts that may have some valuable research to them, research which may aid people who are in fact worthy of this (The two lovers were not, because they lack control) I create progress. And progress is essential.
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