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Posts posted by Prismatico

  1. This.


    Seriously, so much ignorance about the cash shop mechanic in the F2P games.

    WoW DOES NOT have cash shop, it has some stupid (generally ugly) mounts and ingame pets that u can buy. Thats all. Nothing that affect ur game experiance at all.


    Go check games like Shaiya, 4story, Allods - a pure pay to win BS :) These are f2p games with actual cash shop.


    PS: I wish this game never became F2P. Never ever.


    There are plenty of hybrid models from the past two years that are in between the examples you just listed. It's working for other games but yeah, it's technically not F2P when there are still subscribers paying for premium options.

  2. I'm perfectly fine with the legacies you've listed.


    Not everyone has an authenticator and access to fleet pass. Really, they don't. You do, others may not. I have it, my wife's account isn't authenticated. I use my galaxy tab for the app but it's completely broken and will force close at least 3 times just opening it everytime I need to authenticate. My phone is a wp7.


    Also, I see no problems with those prices. If you have that many 50's, you should be pretty rich by now. It's very easy to make credits in this game if you put just a little effort in. You can casually make 1 million credit per day of playing and it doesn't even require all your time to do that.


    Will they add more legacy bonuses? Who knows and frankly, who really cares. It's a bonus that is only really there to add some convenience and flavour but isn't even remotely required for normal game play. It's not like people are suffering without those right now.


    I'm pretty sure it will be fine.


    Casually make 1 million a day? What?

  3. Well I personally also recall (from guild summit) them saying "Legacy level OR credits".

    You quote is from a later date though (and I didnt read it before), which probably means I either recall it incorrectly or they changed it.


    I recall them making it sound like the credit option would be there for shortcuts (not wanting to level a race to 50) and the neutral GTN thing. When they talked about the mailbox, rocket boots, and training droids it sounded like they'd just be there after a certain Legacy level. I just assumed that there would be a nice bonus to having a higher legacy level that wouldn't eat up credits so I could focus on companions and crafting with my 50's.

  4. Its all about the time sink; the more time you spend online the more money you will spend monthly. Making you reroll as a form of content is pretty much all about getting you to continue to fork over that 15 bucks. If this stuff was available based on legacy level you would not rinse and repeat hour after hour and day after day.


    Yes I would, I'd be playing my different characters, like how they're marketing Legacy. Instead they've got credit sinks behind over half the stuff, which would be unaffordable without sticking to my high characters doing daily content solely to purchase what I technically unlocked.


    I know some people already made tons over time and didn't even spend it on the recent vendor dumps of color crystals and speeders, but don't you at least think it's a little ridiculous that Legacy Levels mean nothing after a certain point if you don't want to farm credits? Role-players (the target audience) generally aren't fans of that, so it's counter-productive in my opinion.

  5. Yeah. Your Legacy level basically gives you the ability to buy things. Bad, just bad.


    I wish we could get things as straight up unlocks with high enough Legacy Level. Like, say, level 8+credits for the rocket boost OR level 20 for the first rocket boost without a credit charge, then 30 and 40 for the boosts. 50 for the GTN on your ship, wouldn't that make sense?


    Something like that...because right now, I feel like there's no point in me desiring to level my Legacy any further, or potentially obtaining more character slots (when available) for my Legacy since I could get the same stuff I want on another server by Legacy Level 8 or so (with enough credits).


    I know it's not difficult to build up credits daily with a 50, but it's too tedious and considering the system is here to encourage us to play as more characters I don't understand why things need these lump sums if they're only there for the solo experience. I'd rather put credits I farm into crafting and companions and such; gating the best novelty and convenience items after months of people expecting better guaranteed rewards for higher Legacy levels is pretty disappointing.

  6. Actualy Dragon age might work but bioware would probably make it so you can only be human. Also they wouldnt be creative with classes and they would stick to mage, warrior, rogue.


    Instead of adding new interesting concepts to DA like necromancer or warlock mabye even druid.


    Still id rather not see that and i think mass effect has greater lore and possibilities.


    The sooner they jump ship from TOR the better and the quicker they can start on a new project so im all for them dumping TOR in a year or so. But i know alot of people would be unhappy at that so mabye keep it going a bit longer with a skeleton crew.


    Bioware Austin, you mean? Bioware is actually six different studios; each of different quality and purpose. Taking this team who some don't feel can make a good enough MMO wouldn't really accomplish much if that's what you're suggesting.

  7. It's a status symbol to have a certain rare colored item, and very expensive as well for the even more rare. It's a way of showing your status, time spent leveling I guess, and in certain cases crafting ability. Getting to 50 is not that hard. Yea it takes time, but just follow the story and it will come, along with the purple colored light saber. :hope_06: personally I have 2 on my Marauder, but Cyan is my favorite.


    If they hadn't given them to so many really low level mobs I'd understand...but they just kind of rub it in that you won't have what they technically drop on the ground when you kill them like a hundred hours before it's open for you to use.

  8. The Sith Purebloods are part human, only because of Sith Alchemy. Star Wars lore follows real world genetics, in that natural reproduction requires genetic compatibility. Species mixing would be extremely rare, and restricted to species that are very closely related.


    The machine on Belsavis that the inquisitors use was the creator of some species, and presumably many of the near humans


    Clone Wars made Twi'lek crossbreeding canon and when you think about it, the races they did give us are Near-Humans anyway.

  9. Or just buy another account. If you have that much time to waste you probably have another 15 bucks a month to throw at it.


    Most games don't allow this many toons. Many just allow 5.


    Most games don't strongly encourage alts in a manner such as the Legacy system, so that comparison is moot. Sure, they allow it, but when you're making it a selling point to expand your family tree yet so many players have already filled their 8 slots, it's tough to basically say they can't utilize the species unlocks without creating (and deleting an old character) a new character.


    Some people have 20+ characters in Champions Online because the game pushes you to create more and utilize their customization. I see similar demand here with people wanting to expand their Legacy, and I'm sure many of us would be fine paying a fee for the option.

  10. First, thank you to the OP for posting this. Second...




    I wonder why pricing was made different for the different races? Are they saying it is more desirable to be a Mirialan as opposed to being a Zabrak?


    Zabrak and Human can be anything already. Human to 50 gets presence buff, Zabrak to 50 just unlocks different patterns/colors normally restricted to the other side, and Cyborg unlocks the different "pieces" that go on faces depending on the class. These are things that can benefit a single character without having to reroll (when they add a "barber shop" eventually like they said) and don't put more isolated races out there as easily for everyone, so the pricing makes sense.

  11. I heard about this but can't picture it. If you put a stack of something on the GTN for an alt, then log on with the other character, chances are that the item wouwld be gone when you checked it again. Unless you set a very high price, but then you would have to have the credits on the new alt to buy it. I can't picture how this would work.


    I'll just wait for the mail. LOL. Safer that way.


    Well, the neutral Nar Shaddaa GTN is relatively inactive on most servers, but the new Legacy unlocked one for your ship might spike some extra activity on it. If you did it at like 4 AM or something you'd probably be able to transfer something without any risk.

  12. What I found most interesting was regarding transfers, as they said the highest legacy will take priority. Theoretically, one could spread a single Legacy to 40 servers? Not that there would be any point and likely an immense cost of paid transfers (if it's allowed like that), but basically I intend to utilize this to get the benefits on two servers...even though the option is still probably several months away.
  13. not as big of an issue as it seems. I have the same Legacy name on more then one server.


    There are a lot of servers, and lots of naming potential...but also plenty of common names and there's always a decent chance of picking the same slightly more obscure thing as someone else.


    Consider that lots of people looking to transfer will be aiming for the high pop servers at first, and it's obviously a big issue since they do not have fully functional renaming tech implemented yet.

  14. Well, considering they're implementing AUS/Oceanic Transfers in Mar/Apr, soon.


    Also, I may have to check the source, but I have read that Transfers will open in Apr/May.


    From a dead-server reroller, I can't freaking wait.


    I think it was said that those international users might not get Legacy transfer, which is what they want to get working before it's available to everyone else. I'm sure one of the biggest issues is related to something else they're working on (the re-naming service).


    I'm looking forward to it, not because I rolled on a dead server, but so I can actually use the Legacy bonuses by migrating one of my characters+Legacy to a separate server. They're not working on more character slots so it's really the only way I can think to do that in the foreseeable future.

  15. What new customizations because I didnt really see anything new. Just existing stuff which will be allowed under certain circumstances and be mostly useless fluff.


    Legacy system= Now you can be a Chiss Bounty Hunter and level him up through all the same content only you can use Force lightning once every 20 minutes! :eek: wow so cool! :rak_eek:


    I see a Chiss BH every day, so I know I'm nitpicking but that's not one of the new options that will be available soon. I mean, I get that race means nothing to some people but on the other hand that's one of the things that keeps some people playing this genre (MMO's have some of the most diverse player bases around).


    I'm looking forward to these Legacy implementations and don't even really care about the new flashpoint and such, so yeah, I'll probably be seen as lame for liking a video game for what others see as trivial fluff but that's unavoidable no matter what game or form of entertainment we're talking about these days.

  16. Or how about having an option in game settings to enable legacy cross server? *Ding!* problem solved. Go ahead and run 1000 alts if you want :)


    That actually creates more issues, since you say to make it an option yet surely many legacy names are already used by different accounts across most servers.

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