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Posts posted by Prismatico

  1. Paradox in the forums strikes again.


    Pre-patch.... people QQing that credits are worthless as there is nothing to spend them on and gnashing about why Bioware doesn't put some credit sinks into the game to protect the economy.


    Post-patch...people QQing that new features like Legacy unlocks require credits in addition to legacy levels....that there are too many credit sinks, and everything is too expensive.




    Are any of the pre-patch and post-patch people the same people? Possibly, but without proof of any specific individuals doing so, what exactly are you rolling your eyes at? Different people want different things? That's not a paradox.

  2. Patch notes never cover every single tweak and squeak they make in a patch. People just need to understand this and accept it.


    If they did document every single thing, the patch notes would be 50 pages long and people would QQ and demand a cliff notes version, and threaten to rage quit.


    I would say an experience nerf is significant enough to be there, though. Obviously we don't need to know all of the tweaks and improvements made, but something like this happens in a lot of MMO's since it's going to be negative either way.


    Let's say they mention it, so in addition to people who disapprove, people who otherwise didn't care or wouldn't have noticed might be up in arms, or they can avoid most negativity and let a minority discover it for themselves and possibly complain in general chat or the forums for a bit and then move on.


    The latter (stealth nerf) is safer, so yeah, I don't agree with your assumption as justification, as people will get mad no matter what. Besides, it would take like 8 words to cover this: Experience rewards from companion quests have been reduced.

  3. I know that a quest around 7ish levels below you will only give "5" xp, that includes companion quests. However these same quests level (40's, right after chapter 2 they unlock), on my Bounty Hunter pre-patch, gave 10-15kish exp. Now they give 5k. Unless I missed something in the notes....?


    Edit: Ok the experience has definitely been nerfed. I went on my BH and had a "talk" available with Torian. It gave me 6k xp. Before the patch his quests were giving me no less than 10k...


    I hope they stop here with the experience nerfs, I already feel like I shouldn't bother with space missions anymore (or wait, in 1.3 we can buy back the original rates...).

  4. I didnt say I was making a suggestion, I merely said what I did.


    FYI, you could see rested xp on a level 50 character and as you did quests ect, it got used...


    It may not be there anymore, but that is in no way an exploit as one person tried to say, cause Everyone got the Rested Xp that was 50 even while just hanging around in fleet.


    My point is that to take 105 days of game playing time to have level 4 characters to 50 and get level 50 legacy, its just playing the game not an exploit. Thats just over 26 days per character, to level and get companions set ect.


    Each storyline I did getting a character to 50 got me roughly 5 levels of legacy ea, just from the storylines and quests along the way.


    Considering most people are leveling to 50 in 10 days or less easily and without spending hours of time. What I did wasnt to difficult and it mixed the game up alot I didnt get bored or stuck in a grind that way.


    Obviously I knew about rested XP on 50's or else I wouldn't be commenting on the stealth nerf.


    All I was trying to say was that what you did doesn't work the same way anymore since they nerfed a bunch of things, not that you're wrong to say it (although it is technically inaccurate now) or that you exploited anything like some others did. I felt it needed clarification that even though you did it legitimately, the actual process would take a lot longer now...at least twice as long due to no rested XP, fewer gains from some things, and higher requirements Legacy 20+. Make sense?

  5. in battelefield 3 it took me 200 hours to reach lvl 57. always the same maps over and over again. always the same gameplay : shooting with my rifle, hiding, ducking, pffff, i even had to fly planes for 20 hours so i could get that air medal.


    Pfff all that work :(( and unlocking all extras for weapons i never use or really wanted, but i wanted them cause everyone else had them...


    Do you see where im going here ... ?


    You're technically playing PVP there. PVP in this game just got nerfed in terms of credits, and it wasn't really that fast prior to 1.2...


    Now, if you spent 200 hours playing the same 5-10 single player missions every day, the analogy would make more sense. Games are repetitive, this is true, but while fun is subjective there is a major difference between what kind of things are done repetitively. There is always plenty of variation, adversity, and surprises offered by PVP, even in this game, but none of that applies to PVE dailies.


    I don't think a lot of us want these things because others have them, it's more because they're not even something that affects what other players can see or PVP. So again, not really an accurate comparison.

  6. Cry me a river. Really people. this game has challenges, thats a good thing. doing quest, back quest that you skiped, dailies isn't that bad. If you want stuff handed to you go somewhere else. life isn't free so why should anything in a game be free. Remember This Is A Game. get real people. suck it up and just play. make it fun. doing the dailies every day or whatever yea gets old but one it gets you credits, two you can make it fun depending on who you are and if you are running with someone just for the heck of it. Stop your whinning.


    Out of curiosity, how does one make it fun when so few people want to group? You say it depends who you are but I'm really curious as to how it's anything more than in-game work.

  7. So game went live in late December.


    How is it a bug to have 4-50's prior to the patch yesterday with max legacy


    That averages to just under a month for each toon including maxing companion affections.


    Thats a rather generous amount of time.


    I'm saying they greatly increased the effort required to level Legacy. It wasn't in the patch notes as far as I can tell but rest XP resets on 50's now by default, meaning it does not apply to Legacy XP. Also, you get less from space/warzones/flashpoints (this was in the notes) so that also means less Legacy XP.


    In other words, your suggestions aren't that helpful considering they just nerfed the rates a ton.

  8. HAPPY waiting a MONTH for ONE unlock? Lies and propaganda.


    I did dailys for 2 months, bought whatever I needed for my companions and my gear. Started an alt, got biochem to 400, spent credits on that chars gear and companions. Still have a million credits.

    I sell columi ears on the GTM and materials from underworld trading.


    The past month there has been aprox 30 ppl on the fleet at prime time on republic side, so sales have slowed to almost nonexistent. 2 months ago I could make 100k a day from gift sales.

    Lucky to make 5k a day now.


    I expected after watching the dev QnA that the time I had spent gathering legacy would be rewarded and I would be able to get all the unlocks that my legacy level earned.

    After my class was destroyed I thought oh maybe there is some good with this legacy. Now I will not be able to enjoy that either.


    Thanks Bioware :(


    Yeah, I don't get why anyone is sharing GTN success stories at this point...I'm on an above average server and the GTN is practically dead. These credit sinks only serve to hurt the economy more, but they were too paranoid about a vocal minority complaining that the majority is getting screwed. Even if we grind the stuff out, what's the point of the neutral GTN when even the faction GTN's are dead on most servers?

  9. Lazy because it's easy to get a lot of cash if you wanted to, besides if you're casual and you have a character in your 20's you don't need to worry about any legacy features. So I kinda miss your point...


    It has nothing to do with being elitist or not having a life. The question of this topic was "Why are people complaining about prices"; I answered..


    Legacy Level 20, not character level 20. Legacy levels are not easy for casuals to earn and neither are credits since I personally don't see grinding (which is not easy for people trying to play for fun) as a major reason why casuals play a game like this, yet these novelty features seem intended for them. It's safe to say that the majority of subscribers do not play every day, nor do they intend to repeat PVE quests over and over again no matter how long it might take (1-2 hours). Sure, some stuff needs to be rare, but we're talking about convenience things that other players never see, so it's not like these are vanity items to help you stand out.


    It is work, and while some have a point that not everything should be given for free, I beg to differ regarding free since Bioware put a sensible unlock system in place that takes a lot of time (and can be approached in far more effective/diverse ways compared to earning credits) with earning Legacy experience. It seemed perfect to me, you level up enough you get an easier time the next time you level up. After 30 or so Legacy levels you get all of these ship bonuses minus the GTN (that's how it sounded at the Guild Summit), with more things on the way in future updates. It sounded great back then.


    Anyway, I didn't specifically say that you were one of the elitists, but it IS condescending what you said, and that isn't right either when you offered little to no actual argument on the matter.

  10. Short answer; people are lazy and want everything handed to them, that's todays generation for you.


    What is lazy about wanting Legacy levels to mean something? No casual has higher than the 20's by now (constantly doing dailies, HM flashpoints, PVP before it was nerfed in 1.2, etc. is not casual) and as I've been suggesting several times they easily could have tweaked the experience needed and I bet far less people would be complaining.


    Sure, some still would, but at least we'd be able to enjoy our alts while still making progress and not gimping ourselves while leveling. It's all so counterproductive when the original way it was worded sounded like a great idea. People playing one character could buy almost everything, and everyone taking advantage of Legacy could level up and eventually earn convenience and novelty bonuses. Two paths, both require grinding but of different types...most people would be happy. That's what I think, at least.


    Right now, few people are happy, and others are using this situation as a way to either be elitist or condescending, which really isn't a good sign of this whole feature being too popular.

  11. Yes because the longevity of a MMO is to give out new content to players ASAP so they quit after a month. (Rolls eyes) wow you people are so freakin unbelievable its not even funny, you complain cause there is nothing to do, no goals. Bioware gives you goals to achieve and you whine about that. Holy god I hate this new generation of mmorpgers.


    Why do so many people use the "you complain" thing when it's almost never the same people who said what you're using against them?


    Plenty of people had goals, or still have them...that doesn't mean they're suddenly now whining about this, or if they are, what does that matter? This isn't content, it's convenience and novelty stuff that satisfies a minority, when these unlocks are probably better suited for casuals who might even be willing to pay real money for them to enhance their experience (and they will, from farmers).

  12. what experience was NERFED? wth are you talking about....


    There is ONLY a COUPLE of worthy unlocks in the whole legacy so far.


    1. fleet pass time reduce 3x up to 6 hours

    2. Fast Travel CD reduced 3x by up to 6 min afaik


    THATS it and PERHAPS the repair droid.... which is not needed cos only 1 in ops need it


    Everything else is epeen apart from human unlock(which is very cheap 500k) and affection to 10k gives additional presence buff.


    The legacy ancourages those who are BORED at lvl 50 to reroll cos they get bonuses...


    And it also encourages altoholics... if you have 8 chars on 1 server you will SOON get enough to buy 1st legacy i bet, unless you suck at playing... I am lvl 33 on my 1st alt and i have 125k credits.


    So easy when i ding lvl 50 i usually have 600k+ (dinged twice) then you DONT buy lvl 3 rank speeder cos its useless so you have enough for another perk...




    They did nerf experience from warzones, flashpoints, and from space missions, it's in the patch notes (you also can't do the popular fast Boarding Run farming anymore). They intend to get you to pay for more Legacy unlocks later to get the original rates, and perhaps slightly better ones.


    If you reroll it's not to buy Legacy stuff, you don't get really good credits until 40+ really and by then it's hardly an alt but another workhorse with a variety (in my opinion) of things worth buying.


    Having 8 characters means nothing when you still have to put the tedious grind in strictly devoted to credits (that can be spent on many other things, despite the claims of others), which is all that people are trying to say. It's embarrassing that people like you are actually insinuating that anyone sucks over this.

  13. Sigh, must not be very time savy people, no exploit or anything, no playing 24/7 either


    Its Simple...., its called rested xp...., it applies to legacy xp.....


    New toons you make after your legacy is made get legacy xp from level 1.


    Make any new toons you plan on doing the story line on. Then level them high enough to get them off the starter planet and then park them in a cantina. I did this with 4 toons for names I wanted to reserve for leveling in the future.


    After my first toon got to 50 i parked it in a cantina as well. By then the other level 10's have the max reseted xp. Now you simply play them till the rested xp is used, 1 at a time then log them off in a cantina, rinse repeat till you are on the 50 again.


    Dont use your toons for any questing at all if they dont have rested xp.


    I also maxed affection on all my companions as well at same time, simply send them on companion gift missions while you are recharging your rested xp in the cantina.


    Its stupidly simple, watch tv, hear the audible go off they are back turn around click a few times and off they go again and back to the movie.


    Ended up with 4 -50's that way all with maxed companion affection. Two I raid with weekly and the other two are fillins for when my main isnt needed and we just need a spare body.


    As Xalek would say....... Simple, and doesnt invovle alot of time killing yourself :)


    Rest experience (unless it's a bug) no longer works for 50's, and they also nerfed space/warzone/flashpoint XP so your suggestions aren't as easy as they were prior to 1.2...in fact they're like 2-3 times as long now in addition to the already increased rates for 20+ from back in January.

  14. but those who play for LONG periods of time and ALOT of time need some things to aspire to.... everyone can still get it just the time to achieve it will be alot longer...


    noone DENIES you the legacy unlocks... but please do something for it.... besides more things are coming LEGACY IS MEANT TO BE LONG LASTING FEATURE not something you buy in 2 weeks from release and have forever...


    So enjoy it and be happy that in 6 months you will still have something to look for.... there wont be new story in 6 months to lvl 100..... there will be only legacy and your 8 lvl 50 alts.... with nothing to do and you will unsub, now you have legacy!


    So you don't think it takes a long time to get higher legacy levels (which could have easily been adjusted again)? Why do you guys have to exaggerate and act like there isn't a way to balance it out better than only satisfying the people that can tolerate daily grinding?


    Nobody is getting to max Legacy level in 2 weeks; not even close. Meanwhile, experience has been nerfed for 50's and for those who stick to PVP or space missions...until they buy the Legacy perks whenever 1.3 comes around.


    It just makes more sense to me that your actual Legacy would affect what you get to use, not your legacy plus your endurance runs. That's the vibe they gave off when they revealed things at the summit, that players who stuck to one character could purchase things while others who stuck to their Legacy and leveled it a ton would get the majority of the benefits.

  15. Would you prefer having to achieve legacy level 30, 40 or 50?


    The system is built in a way that basically intends to give legacy levels no purpose. They are automatically achieved by just playing. Its, in its purest form, just free handouts for casual players with 1 lvl 50 toon.


    If they didnt ask for credits, and handed out everything at legacy level 15 (as you guys seem to propose or ask for) they might as well not have bothered: it would be wasted development time, since it doesnt prolong game time in the least


    However, if legacy levels actually MEANT something, the forums would be ablaze with whinethreads from the proverbial lvl 50 casual, just dinged, who now feels he is "behind" all of us who play since headstart and achieved legacy levels of 35+


    Who said 15? They have 50 levels they could fill out and I'd be fine if they increased the experience required (again) since they already nerfed 50 rest xp and warzone xp yesterday. And how are they handouts? Casuals aren't the ones doing dailies every day...

  16. Yep, its moroinc.


    Either level or credits, not both is the way to do it.


    I'd rather they double or even triple the XP required to get Legacy levels. At least that way I can still make progress to gaining access while playing as family members and allies. And actually, they did in a way, didn't they? My rest XP disappears on my 50's now, so it's technically twice as long to get Legacy XP as a 50 now.

  17. Introduce yourself to the concept of a time sink. A crucial aspect of any MMO.


    The difference here is that they are trying to encourage people to play not just one, but many alts. Sure, it's easy to grind dailies which is tedious but effective and you could probably buy one expensive thing a week, but you're spending all your time only on a high level, not the alts they want us to enjoy.


    Grind for upper tier PVE/PVP gear, crafting, other MMO staples, fine. But the one thing that seems ideal to enhance the experience for casuals/addicts is only suited for people willing to grind. Plus, they tweaked experience earned from warzones and space missions in order to have you purchase the original rates again later (1.3).

  18. Yeah, I only have room to make 2 new characters on my main server with 1.2, the rest are too far ahead for me to be willing to reroll. I'm sure it's not really a high priority right now until transfers are fully tested and implemented, though.
  19. I was suggesting adding experience per legacy, not per character (I.e. if you leave a character on the server you transferred from, their legacy level would go back down to 0)


    Well, I wasn't only responding to you (as suggested was in reference to other people), sorry for the confusion there...but at the same time, why back to 0? It's not like you only used one character to level your Legacy, so if you want to move an alt that would screw up your whole original Legacy. We also don't know if they keep track of your Legacy experience, especially since they've already adjusted the values per level since launch.


    Meanwhile, because they gated things with credits and restricted most of the perks to solo play I see no reason why it'd be an issue to let people directly "copy" their Legacy to multiple servers by transferring characters.


    It seems more convenient, easier, and most sensible to the player to just give them their highest Legacy. After all, we'll need to farm credits (which can help gain Legacy experience if done certain ways) to get the higher benefits no matter what.

  20. You have to complete Act 1 to unlock legacy, so I don't think it would be that much faster to make 5 lvl 10 legacy levels. They could just add the legacy experience together, but I think you were right when you said it would take too much extra work.


    If we are able to transfer multiple characters and it added up as suggested then that's basically a shortcut to max Legacy (not that it means much since you have to pay for most stuff in addition to unlocking it).

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