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Everything posted by Katreyn

  1. ...did not know. Took me a long time to turn on the "loot all loot in general area" preference, even tho I saw it and was like "huh thats good..." *never turns it on*
  2. What class quest are you having trouble at? Not sure if you listed it. But if you already have Theran Cedrax, his stun (holo chick) = most powerful stun ever. It works on every boss you encounter in class dungeons all the way to the end, and even at the end. Knowing this tip and using a never upgraded Theran, I was still able to do them all easily. You bring up an interesting point that I have noticed since I've started playing other characters. My first character was a Sniper, no heals to really support my companion, and I jumped around/never really picked quest rewards for companions. So my companions were extremely crappy geared, or I could just not keep them up and they get taken out of the fight really easy. Not lasting long enough for me to finish off the boss. If you think gear is the issue for companions, can buy them gear from Specialty Item vendors/heavy/medium/light armor vendors. It's nice for filling in the gaps. I've found trying to play a class that doesn't have a heal, or gets a healer earlier on = terribly painful to do anything solo. As far as planets taking too long. You can generally rush through your story mission on the planet, but you may end up behind in levels. You don't have to do the Bonus Series, as it is just a "bonus" way to get more commedations/if you are underlevel for the next planet and need more exp. But yeah, I'm not a huge fan of "rogue"/"stealthy" classes myself. But sadly on the solo perspective, that seems to be a huge part of Assassin/Shadow. After the 20s tho, the tanking trees really start to even out. Once you get far enough in that tree. Tank + geared healing companion = you are unstoppable. I'd just try to trudge on if you don't want to make another character yet. Get your wife to accompany you on story missions, it will make some of the fights A LOT, easier. And see if you eventually grow to what you want it to be, if not, then I guess it'd be time to reconsider. Just my two cents. Hope you start enjoying your experience more soon.
  3. It's just a really odd coincidence. I noticed this as well. And almost all the schematics on Republic AH = Sith only items. And guess what, they don't sell, obviously. >.< Guess this is just something to put on neutral AH (believe theres one on Nar Shadaa somewhere), or maybe send alts. I have yet to try sending mail to Imperial characters on my Republic characters, but I doubt it'd work. :< For me, they just taking up cargo space. :/
  4. The amount of legacy titles I've seen with beer/drunk in the name has been...surprising. Quite possibly every other person I see must play this game under the influence, xD.
  5. This fellow wrote a pretty helpful explanation on the process: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=91505 But I do believe you can only use one matrix cube, as they are unique or whatever. If you want a new matrix cube have to buy a dissembler piece and disassemble it.
  6. Sage/Sorceror have Lift/Whirlwind. This can work on any mob. Has a minute cooldown. Operatives/Scoundrel have sleep dart. This should work on any mob as long as they are out of combat (the mob that is). Gunslinger/Sniper have Stun droid (I can't recall if its a Smuggler/Imperial agent skill or for that advanced class). Has no cool down and be continuously reapplied. I swear Bounty Hunters/Mercenaries have some kind of paralyze dart. My friend used it a lot in heroics, but I can't for the life of me find what it is called. Edit: Too slow xD There are some 8 second "oh crap" cc like abilities. But I definitely wouldn't count of them being make or break of a pull all the time. Example. Flash grenade for IA/Smuggler, Cryo Grenade for Trooper. Most classes have some short 6 - 8 second debilitate or stun that can help clean things up. After trying to find name for some stuff, here is a helpful post I found on a fan forum: http://www.oldrepublic.net/threads/832-crowd-control-cc-abilities-compendium-%5Ball-classes%5D.html
  7. Stats in this game are increased by gear and other items. It automatically adds points depending on your class, so don't have to manually do a stat build or anything. On your codex, it may further explain what stat is your stat, etc. Warriors are strength i believe. Inquistor is wisdom. Bounty hunter/Trooper = aim Imperial agent/Smugger = cunning And everyone can benefit from endurance, that being your 2nd stat to pay attention to besides your primary stat. Hope that made since. O.o But I agree that warrior (especially Juggarnaught) have great suriviability, especially with a good healing companion. You can tank stuff for days and do decent damage, and survive really well. Inquistor/Sorceror is pretty close to best soloer imo (right after warrior), cause you can go healing, and support your tank companion/dps companion, and take on about anything. Least I feel almost godly solo as a healer with my companion doing all the dirty work. Going pure dps tho, I feel really stinks compared to those two for solo play (with friends this is perfectly fine). Because you are usually squishy and you have to choose if you rather have your tank companion, tank stuff and die near the end of the fight, since you can't support then, or using a healing companion and hope they can keep the heals up while you take the hits from the enemy. As far as pure KOTOR feel, I really felt like Sage/Sorceror really feels like what I would be playing in KOTOR, especially with the spells you get.
  8. On my server, I was the only one on the planet on hoth, voss, belsalvis, corellia, and illum...I knew there wasnt many 50s but this was during peak times even. If I saw another person, it was for a split second then they leave/log off. Never seen any Imperials either. Peak time on Fleet is like 15 people. D: Starting area has liek 30 - 40 people every time though. O.o Do people really not make it past the starting zones or what? I think this was like one of the last servers they made, hence the low population..least I hope. I rerolled to this server to avoid queues, well I definitely avoid queues. :x But overall, Corellia, I hated it at first. But its not so bad after you get used to the layout. Which I still find odd, worse then Belsalvis' Quartered off mess. You only get like 1 quick travel location in a whole area, and the quest givers are pretty strung out among places. And some of the final quests were really really tedious (one particular bonus quest comes to mind - dang elite droids). And moving every 5 feet and aggroing stuff is annoying. :/
  9. Wow. Me and my boyfriend talk about our "swtor relationship hijinks" to each other over dinner and stuff sometimes. Makes for amusing conversations, especially when he talks about his imperial agent and the 50328503285 women he's been with. lol. xD Then again its something we've always done with bioware games. It's just interesting to hear the male/female perspectives from the game. Cause rarely do I play male perspective, same as he rarely plays female. Hard to think anyone would get offended over it. :/
  10. Originally wanted to play Republic. All my friends = Empire. Jumped ship to Empire, go to 50 on Empire. Hated it the whole time. No reason. :/ They are just as "evil" as the Republic, Republic just seems to hide it better. I enjoy my Consular, A LOT more then my Inquisitor. I liked the story better, animations, some of the gear, racial choices, etc (Yes I like puffs of air more then lightning, I do not know why; fits my "healer" attitude better?). I liked the self-sacrifice bit of the consular story, just my cup of tea in a RPG character. Trying to get at least one friend to play a bit with me on Jedi Knight or something (he really wanted to play a trooper, but no idea why he wont :/). And all he does is complain about how Juggernaught has like better, more brutal looking animations, cooler companions, etc. I can't force anyone to play what they don't want. But I can't say that either side is inherently different then the other. Same general quests, different overall story. Both sit in a big grey area in terms of good/evil. Almost identical classes, only huge difference, trooper vs. bounty hunter. But its generally the same thing. Being light side on Imperial though, I felt like I was beating a dead horse, cause it didn't change anything. Example, lets plant bombs on these bodies! Wait, LIGHT SIDE CHOICE, lets only make them blow up SOMETIMES. /facepalm In the end, its all preference I guess.
  11. Yeah I usually wait till end of planet, and buy commendation gear. As far as upgrading the gear with mods, sometimes the gear that is being sold has better mods then you can buy for the planet, and may be cheaper to buy the weapon/armor and take the mods out and put them in whatever you want (ie. buy a lightsaber for 14, which the mods alone are 7 a piece). I've saved a couple commendations that way, but it does cost quite a bit of credits to get mods out of armor after a while. But definitely easier to wait till end, cause you have quest rewards that may give mods/gear that you can use to upgrade that saves you from buying something with those commendations. Mods seem to be the most obvious on this. Get one or two mods from quests on a planet usually, and its the same mods you can buy from the vendor. Sorry if this makes no sense. O.o
  12. Probably someone else opened it. The Datacrons like that, usually only require one use of the item for a while before it closes/despawns. You should be able to use it as normal though I would think. Least I've never had any issues with that one if it was already opened and had the item in my inventory.
  13. Have to agree with the others. Having played 3 types of healers, excluding trooper healing, I have to say Sorceror/Consular is the most enjoyable for me. Operative wasn't too bad. It's very proc dependent, and overall that kind of turned me off. But they can put out some great heals with the right timing, etc. Merc healing...eh, I still have yet to get used to heat mechanic. And kolto bullets has to be the most annoying sound ever. ._. But some awesome buffs they can get as well. Those two definitely keep you more, paying attention to what is going on with your buffs, etc. Sorceror is the easiest to understand. Cause its the usual, large pool of force, usual HoT, small heal, big heal, channeled heal. Definitely can work into a simple rotation. And with the proc to get free force from your "life tap" or whatever, can put out a constant stream of heals, and the buffs to the shield you can talent in, is great as well.
  14. Shift + F allows you to take cover where you are standing. (...its nice, but a weird combination for me. ) Noob tip from me, cause it took me like 20 minutes to figure it out, like a dummy. The "walk" key = the / key on your numpad, not the regular keyboard one. D:
  15. I picked up Cybertech/Scavaging/Underworld Trading. Cybertech you can make grenades, which I have found to be quite useful in situations (aka some offer an extra interrupt or stun that can be quite helpful during some of those nasty story mission elites -- since I seemed to have a bit of trouble as a pure dps in some of those situations). And making mods is quite a lot better then making most of the gear from other skills at the moment. On my Sniper I got Biochem and found it quite nice. Reusable packs/stims were pretty awesome. And not too hard to make really. Either one should work out well really. I think I tried Armstech in beta, and it was ok. But didn't like it as much as I thought I would though, no real reason.
  16. Are you at the bottom of the stairs? I could never target him from there for some reason. Run up on the platform and it was fine (since I found it a lot less painful to be in his face then far away anyways). His minions don't attack till after he's dead or phase 3, don't recall.
  17. I got all the way to the very end of Taris, on the last bit of the bonus series on the far east side of Taris and it started showing up. Map/Quest lag, fps drop. I was really worried something was wrong with my PC, changed all the settings to low no difference, but once I saw on the customer service forums that the exact issue I was having was occuring to others I escaped Taris and everywhere else is back to amazingly smooth. Weird it is.
  18. Yeah little surprised at 10 am est, I had a 250+ queue. O.o Been waiting for an hour now, and only halfway through queue (only had 10 minute queues max if at all in early access). I imagine it's just this bad cause its holiday week and everyone is off, at least I hope.
  19. Hmm, I've only had the Taris issue and the Speeder tooltip stick. Have had an odd issue with cover breaking, and have to fight without cover for a while till it decides to unstick or whatever is wrong. I've noticed this happen a lot more frequently after I die in cover or in an instanced area.
  20. I like it, its better then the turret mess that was in the first two games. Of course its easy money/exp, but its a nice break from the usual.
  21. Since I have no idea where to put this (and General Discussion is rampant with the usual threads that have existed for past couple of weeks), I decided this is the best place to put this. Anyways, I have a question. Is there any way to make the tedious platforming for a lot of Datacrons... less troublesome? I'm sure its fine for a lot of people, but coming from a person that suffers from multiple sclerosis, I've found myself having to just ignore the ones that require a lot of platforming. I have found myself wasting an hour or two trying to get 'one' datacron. That eventually I just say its not worth it and maybe try again later. More so, does anyone have any tips as far as, avoiding falling, and landing correctly on pipes and other odd objects. It's more so the jumping on the pipes and things that I find myself messing up: falling through them by missing that sweet spot by a centimeter. Example: Pretty much all the Coruscant ones, minus the Presence one. And yes, I realize they are supposed to be kinda hard to get. Hence, why I am asking for tips. Helpful tips are appreciated, and I hope everyone is enjoying SWTOR.
  22. October 5th checking in again. Is that a definitive on the new servers this morning? Would be kinda nice...
  23. October 5th. Definitely getting in on first wave. Hope it makes me feel better, have had some kind of stomach virus all week, still feel bad. On another note, Amazon seems to be shipping out orders today, says mine will be here on the 16th (US order). So keep a lookout for that if you haven't got an email from Amazon yet.
  24. Same Oct 5th and nothing. First thing tommorow? Or maybe if we get lucky with a bonus wave. Grats everyone that got in though.
  25. October 5th. Wondering how today will go, no expectations though.
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