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Posts posted by Technohic

  1. I generally have avoided rank. When I played; sniper was not very welcome. I supposed that might have changed.


    Good to know about Eng and Virulence. Haven't been a fan of MM since I learned those 2 back when you could hybrid them.


    I will probably poke in to some regs over the weekends. Probably just for the month then will be out again once I get my fill

  2. I have played since whatever they call that new grind. How have things been and how are they looking?


    I just had an itch to play my sniper/slinger again. Do midbie and lowbies pop?

  3. Hey folks!


    Good catch on the 50 characters. That section is meant for quick/brief feedback, but not quite that brief. We have alerted the team of the issue and they are looking into allowing more characters in that field. Thanks!




    Well thats great after we already answered it. I was amazed that my 2 line response was 350 characters and I had to chop it down to what seemed like 3 bullet points that were very vague.

  4. I see quite the opposite on JC.


    Every night I've been on it someone in chat saying once again why their sage healer needs another pair of defense Asyum leggings or some other such useless garbage the swtor casino has decided to give them. I see guilds talk of running quick and easy HM OPS and coming out with nothing of value for their time because mats to which it seems when I ask there just saving them because the made gear isn't worth making and it's still rather expansion to make just a few mods.


    Consistent talk of poor RNG loot crate drops and waste time doing old content for just a chance at gear but in reality it's what garbage will they be disintegrating this time.


    The rare few (kind of like the rare few that got gear doing high level ops) being the only ones to get a couple items of value. It's all rather disheartening to read iink general chat and channels we have created to link guilds.


    Bioware is monitoring feedback and has determined that chat is a major source of frustration in game with showing junk found in RNG crates and chat has now been disabled.

  5. Guys, just unsub. I did, 20 whatever days left and done. **** it, let them ruin this **** or let the people who still enjoy it support it. They've clearly shown they don't give a ****, for months now, since they announced this crap. And the stream was just a **** in our faces.


    Do yourselves a favour and leave. They ****ed us over and they don't care. It's not going to change, and by some miracle if it does then re-sub.


    I had only got a 2 month subscription when they announced this planning to just play the story and then leave. I might have 15 days left.

  6. I don't get it either. I mean; its kind of cool having a Rattataki sniper since launch and having the romance with Kaliyo the entire time, but what does it get me? A 30 second "good luck" scene here or there. The chance encounter when I found her in KOTFE and that has been luck since she wound up being part of the story. Probably won't ever hear from Risha ever again on my gunslinger. The depth of the story died when the class story ended.
  7. IMO the stream told us everything we needed to know. It all makes sense now. RNG is here to stay. The plan for the foreseeable future is simply the monetization of GC QoL improvements.


    We already see it and more is coming. CXP boosters are live. They have less value at lower CXP gain rates. They will be more attractive after the upcoming changes. They are raising Gold values. They will raise again I am sure, they just need to figure out the lowest number people will still grind at. Because grinding is certainly an activity that makes boosting attractive.


    You want to gear up your alts? CC


    You want to have catch-up mechanics? CC


    This was the entire point of GC.


    I'm so tired of pinhead theories such as "It's more new-player friendly!" Seriously, shut the **** up with that crap. The entirety of GC is monetization. Period. Anything else you might think is simply something you fell for. There's no happy unicorn point to any of this. Wake up.


    BWA had a consultant come in earlier this year. They advertised for the role, it was on their site for everyone to see. They wanted someone to come in to help them better monetize this game. And look what happened in the next six months. FTP - dead. Incentives to build a stable of alts while exposing everyone to the "itch" of opening crates. Get 'em hooked. Raise the level cap for no discernible purpose aside from creating a gear grind. Throttle that grind as much as possible.


    And then? Pay-to-Win. OK - maybe not completely. But Pay-to-not want-to-blow-your-brains-out.


    Listen, I'm sorry but no sane, intelligent person is going to create Galactic Command and think it's going to be well-received by this playerbase. I'll admit they've done a damn good job marketing it as if it's a credible idea. Certainly there are a few people on these forums that have fallen for it. But there is literally no universe in which a GC-like system without an RNG element is not superior in every possible way.


    Except monetization potential.


    They want us to hate it. They've modeled it. They'll lose a bunch of subs now, sure. They know this. They get this. They don't care.


    This is the long con.


    I gotta say, well played gents. Out of touch? I'm not sure if I'd say that - because this is some diabolical ****. And nicely done.


    Now if they really wanted to take this all the way - I mean if they're in this for the big win - they'd announce Ops in January. Certainly they won't actually work on them, but they'll say they have Operations in the early planning stages. Picture the one-tooth guy, with that throaty laugh from all the parody videos. Doesn't matter. Everyone'll pay, we gotta get our gear on for Ops. They'll clean up.


    It'll all come crashing down someday, but these guys checked out long ago. There's no passion for the IP in that studio. Not one drop. Because in that whole damn building, there isn't a single person with the vision and stones to point out that they didn't need a suicide switch. Because their consultant had blinders on. Because they never belonged in a spot where this game was in their care.


    This is *********** Star Wars. It is still kicking and breathing despite Bioware, not because of their vision. Or their "story". What a crock. There is no gameplay here. There is no sense of community among the studio and its playerbase. There is no sense of the direction this game is going. It's just one giant cash grab.


    The IP doesn't deserve this. It shouldn't be cheapened in this way. It deserves better.


    This game needed pros. People with passion. People that thought farther than the next 6 months. People that understood how to build a playerbase. It's *********** simple. Create great content. People will play. Period. There's no voodoo. How pathetic is it that they dropped $150M (or whatever) to build this, had 1.7M subs, they've got lightsabers - yet we're 5 years in and this is their best plan.


    I don't know if I'd say out of touch because I think they know exactly what they're doing. But they're definitely in over their head. This is literally the best they can do. A better studio would have not had to stoop to this level. And this game would have been *********** amazing. And that studio would be making a hell of a lot more money.


    IMO it's just pathetic.


    Great post!


    The irony is; I feel like they did a really nice patch as far as the story, adding different mechanics to the game. They messed class balance up a bit but that was needed IMO to change the meta. All said and done; this would have been a great patch if not for this new gearing system. I'd even support the elimination of expertise as a great idea. Just that implementation though. Pure money grab.

  8. Why would it be any different this time? When have they actually made a meaningful change based on player feedback/outrage? They've gone from 218 servers to 4 that are still alive, and they STILL don't realize it's their mismanagement that has caused it...they clearly don't get it...at all.


    They made money so they don't care about server population. Truth is; if the majority of the player base dislikes something, yet continues to sub or buy cartel coins; they are part of the problem.

  9. There is so much in this thread that makes it a microcosm of all that is wrong with PvP. Whether it is knowing how to play, toxicity, or just plain complacency. It reminds me of why I quickly lose the will to bother. I don't want to be stuck with bad players nor complacent ones sitting it out waiting for their reward; nor do I care for the berating of the former 2 types. PvP without matchmaking just breeds this and it makes it not about fun and more a bitter RNG game with very few good matches.
  10. Many online games are divided by rankings/leagues/divisions etc... I don't see radical differences here.


    Population and necessity. There is no need. Maybe I will change my mind when people are sitting at the highest level gear min maxed but that is way off

  11. I'm not at my pc so can't look but pretty much ballistic dampeners in the first tier and the new legendary one that makes ballistic shield heal and adds defenses while making you immovable are required IMO. The rest are nice but depends on how you play. I tend to go for added defense and I like the new counter measure utility for mobility. And I like SOS KB as well but could live without
  12. Attention:


    208 Enhancements (old pvp gear) are BETTER then 230 blues and purples! You gain MORE mastery, end, tertiary stat (opposite from what you put in), bonus healing/damage for slightly lower power and crit rating. ITS WORTH KEEPING YOUR OLD 208 ENHANCEMENTS IN YOUR GEAR. UNTIL YOU HAVE A FULL SET OF 230 ENHANCEMENTS THAT OUTWEIGH THE FULL 208.


    Advanced Adapt Enhancement 40X vs. Adept Enhancement 50


    Mastery: 7678 (+37)

    End: 8953 (+13)

    Power: 3218 (-17)

    Crit: 2050 (-32)

    Alacrity: 1871 (+10)

    Bonus Damage: 3261.3 (+3.7)

    Bonus Healing: 2347.4 (+2.7)


    You say enhancements, but do you mean all inserts? (Armor, enhancement, mod, hilt)

  13. I dislike the system but at this point I don't think it matters that much. I completed the story, enjoyed it with the visuals, the different systems added in, and the class changes. But after the story; I find pretty much the same tired content either way. I'm over the gearing system in that I see no reason to participate either way.
  14. 208s vs 224s isn't the issue. It's akin to wondering whether 190s were better or worse than 164s pre 5.0.


    The big deal is going to be how much better lvl 70 tier 3 gear is going to be.


    This is true. Could be akin to before where you were bolstered pretty good so long as you didn't go over a certain gear level.


    That and its about the sets. Fine if you had the sets already but not so much if you have a new toon.

  15. I run eng as well. What utilities did you pick up?


    I cannot remember off hand. Was a busy day yesterday so didn't even get to think about logging in. I do know I took the countermeasures utility though that people seem luke warm on. And on the legendary I took the 10% heal on roll that give 2 extra seconds on evasion as well and I can't remember the other one but other than that, mostly the same as I had before.


    I don't know that the new utilities I took are the best bang for my buck but just a little self healing and mobility that doesn't require me to be in someones face or to waste entrench are both things I have wanted for a long time. That reminds me. I took the coverpulse defense utility that also gives and instant snipe. Gives me some fire on the move ability. Cover pulse to get some room and start running> Dart>probe>EP >snipe>discharge>nade


    Hows Virulence? Anyone run it? I might run it a bit tonight or tomorrow as I generally switch between it and Eng pretty often.

  16. Lets be honest here. 600 is not amazing either in anything relative to whats going on. What is it? ~270000 CXP to reach rank 1? Capped at ~27000 week? Thats what I have seen but need to get to level 70 yet to verify. Thats 10 weeks for 1 level if you can even manage to hit the weekly cap. Ignoring caps, thats 450 warzones.



    Again. Don't want to freak out or other people to freak out until reliable sources confirm thats the CXP needed for a level. Especially with the recent 20 CXP rumor and the fact that we are pretty much beta testing this in early access

  17. Its just less insulting to PvPers where 20 was what was being given for "elite trash." Whatever that is. Its still insulting to the entire game community given the grind, just equally insulting now.
  18. I like everything else but this and it is a doozy. Doesn't matter I suppose. My subscription is up in 29 days now from my 2 monther. Thats usually enough for me to get the story done and get my fill of PvP for a while to maybe last until the next update.
  19. CXP system in general. They could have done it for solo player or whatever but I don't like a gear gate for PvP. Population health there has shrunk as it is without alienating people who might fall behind or just have to start at a huge disadvantage.


    I like, love, or don't care about anything else

  20. I guess I can give them a compliment and say so far; I love everything about the expansion....


    Except the RNG gearing grind and CXP. I think that is all that keeps this from being a big win.


    Also would have been nice to have made all warzones cross faction. I wanted to switch from my sniper to my gunslinger but since I like to PvP and given the CXP grind being too long as it is; I don't want more time in just sitting in a queue longer than I have to.

  21. Loving it. Running Eng, the new EMP discharge seems a lot better. Having mobility and root/snare breaker together on counter measures adds something I found lacking. Healing on covered escape added another. And an extra 2 seconds on evasion is quite useful.


    Not sure where we are in pecking order yet but the class is playing well. If only they didn't do the crappy RNG gear change.

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