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Everything posted by LordHartigan

  1. How is it a quality of life feature? Changing something cosmetically doesn't improve the quality of your character. It's entirely unneccessary as far as game progression goes. Which are EXACTLY the things that are supposed to be on the cartel market.
  2. Cathar were announced a long time ago. My theory is it got swept under the rug because they didn't figure the logistics too well (i.e. would people be allowed to switch toons to new races, only apply to new characters). This I think is the only real solution to that. Seems like a small inconsequential thing, but new races and the ability to change is probably on my high end of things I wanted to see happen. Curious as to how far they'll go with that in terms of just changing skins or essentially let you re-create your character down to body and facial features.
  3. I was most pleased to hear about the cosmetic changes we'll be able to make to our characters. Especially the ability to change races. Thank you very much.
  4. What's the lock out on them now. Can you do both 16 and 8 man SM once in a week?
  5. Some of the missions for the gree event are a bit confusing. I seem to recall the last time the event was on there were actual flagged missions for defeating Xenoanalyst II and the two WBs. Seeing the event had restarted I went back into this zone, grabbed all the missions from the terminal (I had enough standing that I can also get Advanced Training). I joined a group to kill Xeno, was able to obtain loot, but there was no flagged mission for it. Is it a one time deal and after that basically treated like any other world boss?
  6. Pretty sure this is right. 1 for the event daily Heroic 8 each for Xenoanalyst II fight HM and SM Also for the mission to kill all 3 world bosses (3 I think) Can remember if you get for doing the planate hopping one. The daily is repeatable as well as Xeno, but I think the latter is once per week.
  7. Okay. That's what I was hoping. One thing that confused me is on level specific gear there's extra stats at the top like armor rating or damage. These stats aren't displayed on adaptive gear and I didn't undertsand whether that was something on top of the stats listed in yellow or somehow all incorporated. Your response clears up a lot though. Thanks.
  8. I am not exactly understanding how adaptive gear works. For example the gear packs you can buy with cartels coins. I have a character almost to fifty and like the look of some of that gear, but I am worried about my stats dropping well below gear that meet my level requirment. For example a piece of adaptive gear that has no level requirement and 3 open mod slots. By installing mods appropriate to my level can really make the adaptive piece of gear as good as a level specific piece of gear stat wise. Will the stats on the adaptive gear be the same, for example, if I simply take the mods out of my level specific gear and transfer them to the adaptive gear. Somehting tells me no, because there are more stats listed for level specific gear than the adaptive gear. On the other hand if one wanted to remain competetive statistically there would be no point in the adaptive gear other than looks. While it may look nice it is something I would sacrafice for proficiency. Can someone let me know if I'm the right track or how this stuff works?
  9. MMO 'vets' need to understand they can't have it both ways. First they complain about population decline and no one to do anything with, then pop goes up and they complain no one knows how to do their job right. To the OP, you're just gonna have to learn some patience. That or shout in general for the FP or OP instead of using the group finder, you want to do and stipulate your 'requirments' to be in your party.
  10. There are actually not literally 10s of thousands of players that loved it. No way did that game have even an entire player base of 10s of thousands, let alone 10s of thousands that thought JTL was good.
  11. EVE is a space MMO where your avatar is essentially your ship. It's 'leveling' system is highly complex however. You basically level stats to make yourself more proficient in your ship or to gain access to bigger, better ones. What EVE lacks is the speed of SW space battles. It's got the many player controlled ships occupying the same space part down, but for Star Wars like combat it would have to much more manuevarably and more dog fight like.
  12. Right now we know it will be after RotJ. This most latest of rumors, (Vader resurrection), I would be so unhappy with if they go that route. It will be a slap in the face to the fans and for a fan I can see know other way to see it other than a marketing ploy.
  13. Has anyone considered adopting some game mechanics used in 'another currently popular MMO' (not sure if i can mention it without getting post deleted)....anywho.....I can see dynamic events being difficult to implement, but one cool little feature is an item that allows you to keep the appearence of one set of gear with the stats of another. i think there is kind of a way to do this now in SWTOR, but this way is much easier. When you click the item you get to a window that allows you to select the appearence of the new item, then the stats of the item. I'm not worried about F2P honeslty because clearly it works for this 'other game'. As long as there are fun and innovative game mechanics, people will play.
  14. It just looks silly now. The delay doesn't bother me. Just get the timing down. Right now it reminds horribly of the edit to have Greedo shooting first. Who's with me? P.S. Another suggestion would be to add the ability to create voteable posts. I would think that would be helpful in the suggestion area.
  15. I'm not sure how they would do new actors in the roles of Luke, Han and Leia. I don't think they're gonna go with young actors like that because I think we do know it's going to take place after the events of 6. the age of the three characters will have to reflect that. They could potentially use the same actors, but Mark and Carrie are gonna have to get their buts in shape.
  16. That's not the point. The point is the rampant speculation we can partake in as a result of said rumors. There's gonna be a 10-12 now too. Who will Luke's offspring be? Will Mara Jade be the mother? Etc.
  17. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/05/star-wars-episode-vii-director-rumors Aaaaannnnd...........discuss!
  18. I would be worried too, but agian based on what's out there I think we've been assured of a few things already. 1) This is NOT going to be a re-boot. That's pretty much a guaruntee. 2) Timeline wise it's going to occur after Episode VI. 3) From what I have read and seen this was not a sale Lucas made lightly, and Lucasfilm will remain under the same management. It's just owned by Disney rather than Lucas though it sounded to me like Lucas will still get some input and Disney plans on remaining faithful to his vision and the very least, faithful to 'G-canon'. So it's not going to be a story that nullifies what came before it continuity wise. In fact, I think it has the potential to be the best there has been as it will be everything we'd hoped for out of the prequel trilogy minus Lucas' god aweful scripting.
  19. I stand corrected.....and T-canon's and C-Canons. It just sounded so ridiculous and certainaly makes things confusing if you're a continuity hound.
  20. Seriously this is so totally made up BS. There is no 'official' G-Cannon except for what some fan made up for their own personal rationalization and making things fit issues. I don't know how many times this has to be said or why so many proclaimed fans have missed this. George Lucas has already done an interview on this subjeuct and we have pretty good idea what the next films will be. While Lucas isn't helming it, it is still going to be based largely on his ideas for episodes VII-IX. It's not gonna be a reboot and it's not going to contradict the first 6 episodes. There is no D-canon.
  21. I'm hopeful/expecting at least some easter eggs. They could certainly show Thrawn in the background or give him a line or two reporting to someone. Other characters we'd want to see more screen time like Mara Jade and I'm not sure that will happen which is a bummer cause there's certainly lot's of potential there.
  22. I don't think they will be that concerned with complying with the EU in the new trilogy. What us fanboys forget when it comes to things like this is that we're a pretty small group of people and when a company makes a movie they want to be able to make money on it which means appealing to audience bigger than just us fanboys. It means appealing to audience we are a mere fraction of. Working on coforming to EU continuity just so it works for that fraction is not going to be a high priority. Continuity will be sacraficed in the name of appealing to as many people as possible if necessary.
  23. This concerns me too that the new trilogy just won't have that same depth, but I would propose you consider this as possibility. See I disagree that by the end of VI everything had come full circle. While Palpatine masterminded it, Anakin/Vader was in large part responsible for the destruction of the jedi order. To me full circle, would be a restablishment of the jedi order. Luke rebuilding what his father destroyed would be coming full circle in my mind and I think that could make for some good movies. Luke starting an academy on Tython, Taris or Yavin IV. Luke being the head of the jedi council on Coruscant. The trials and tribulations of building the order but ultimatley having it restored to its former glory by the end of IX I think could be pretty good on the big screen.
  24. Also not true. While not everything outside of the moveis is canon, Lucas has signed off on things outside of the movies as being Canon. The Force Unleashed video game, for example, is considered canon.
  25. Again most simply aren't going to agree with you on this. No one is going to claim the Thrawn trilogy is up there with War and Peace in terms of literary excellence, but that was never the goal. The goal of everything that exists outside of the films was and is to tell more stories and expand upon this universe. You simply don't recognize your own biases. You're one of those SW fans who doesn't except anything outside of what appears on a movie screen. That's fine if that's the limit of your imagination, but it doesn't objectively mean that everything else is 'less than' the movies. Quite the contrary, while Lucas vision of this universe is certainly great and the overall story of the 6 movies decent, you can certainly argue that many of the EU stories, whether it be book, comic book or video game, have been told better than Lucas told the movies. A good scrip writer, Lucas is not as evidence by the fact that the two films considered the best by many are ones he didn't direct. The EU is not some half *** version or piggybacking on of the movies. Lucas created a UNIVERSE and time didn't start at The Phantom Menace and end at Return of the Jedi in that uinverse. The EU exists because at least some people had the imaginination to wonder what happened before after and inbetween what occurs on the films. Is it all Shakespeare? No. But it is certainly not unnatural for people to want to know what else goes on and happened in this universe and it certainly is some bastardization of the films for someone other than Lucas to tell those stories. Again I point out to you, you are posting on a message board that would not be here if not extended universe were allowed or desired to exist by Lucas.
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