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Everything posted by FilipHolm

  1. Just to get it out of the way, I love this game and it's the only mmo I've enjoyed to this level since the early days of WoW. But there are a few points I've always felt lacking in the game. 1. The Social Aspect One of the biggest concerns for me is the social aspect of the game, or rather the lack of it. I like to socialize with people in mmo's, and even though alot of people might disagree with me, there's a good number of people that agree as well. Just a simple feature like being able to sit down in chairs would really enhance the player interaction for those interested. Like another poster mentioned, Chat bubbles wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe if the players were rewarded in some way for socializing in the cantina for example Don't be afraid to draw inspiration from other games, primarely Star Wars: Galaxies. While it wasn't the best game technically, the community and social interaction was great. They did some really interesting things woth costumizable gear and ships. It made it so much more interesting and varied. Something I've been saying since day one about SWTOR is that it "feels like playing a single-player game with other people (sot of like Co-op) and not like a living world." Obiously you had a vision for what you wanted to do with the game and I'm not questioning it but merely pointing out what I think would make the game more enjoyable for me. 2. Space Combat The question that pretty much everyone's been asking: When are we getting PvP Spce Combat? And are you planning to add free-roaming in space at some point? It's a huge undertaking I understand, and would be like building a whole new game. But I don't think you've missed how much people are asking for it. It's something that would no doubt make the game alot more interesting and more importantly: Bring in alot of new players. This combined with more personal ships as I mentioned before are like wet dreams for us players. 3. Opening up the world A final note, and a very minor one, is that some of the planets feel very closed in and small. I love the open world of Tatooine, but opeining up some of the dessert parts in the map (not outside obviously) would make the world seem more open and alive. Eh whatever, this is not big deal but just an idea. These three subjects, at least the first two, are pretty major changes that would take alot of work and change. And it's probably three things people have been asking alot about. But there's obviously something that people are really craving for, and if you aimed to please those people, even for a little bit, I think you'd gain alot of both happy and new players.
  2. I was Fahllas Starwalker, Jedi and 14 years old (to explain the name). I to lost interest somewhat after the NGE patch. Last memorable time I played was the Battle of Restuss... Also: Yes! Bioware should definitely take inspiration from what SOE did with the Social stuff. IMO that (And pvp spacecombat) is what The Old Republic really needs, a good social aspect and community features. A simple thing like being able to just sit down in chairs would enhance interaction with other players, for those interested in that of course. We should make a thread or something and really bring this up because I think it's a very important discussion.
  3. I really wouldn't want it to go F2P. I'm willing to pay as long as we are provided with new content. And if it goes Free 2 Play I'm pretty sure we wont, or at least not with the same quality. So Bioware please, think about this.
  4. So this is a serious Issue. Alot of people are dropping out BECAUSE of the fact that most servers are pretty much empty most of the time. How am I supposed to do these Heroic+4 missions when there's only one more person online on this planet? I love the game guys but this is a serious problem, and I hope to see it fixed one way or another. I don't want to have to create a new character
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