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Posts posted by darthtoph

  1. Never seen it. Fix your computer for gaming (and before a response with all games you have that work just fine, seriously fix your broken client running junk)


    It's a confirmed bug caused by the 1.1 Patch. Many peeps have reported it. Try again.


    It's also worrying when you can run BF3 in Ultra mode and 16x MSAA but SWTOR can't even handle 20v20 open world PvP in Ilum with everything set to low and Vsync turned off...

  2. Lol...not at the dev post. At all the crying like babies and false claims of cancelled subs. I'm sure a few of u did. Bigger lol at you. Its a freaken game, and a damn good one at that.

    Exactly. All damn good games give you a random black/loading screen every 5 minutes during gameplay. Oh wait....

  3. Even if BW were to magically fix Ilum PvP tomorrow (pretty much doubt it) they still haven't even bothered to address all the feedback regarding random black/loading screens occuring during gameplay, Warzones included.


    1.1 Patch is epic fail.

  4. FYI this screenshot is NOTHING - I saw multiple others online today where the bonus was +110, not 40... and the guys screen was full! That's 2600 valor, give or take, in what his screen showed alone, give it a few hours at that rate and he's sitting high on the hog right now.


    ^ This. The screenshot the previous poster linked is of me, I went to Ilum and took it to prove a point:


    1. The stupidy that is the 1.1 Patch and Ilum PvP far outclasses Warzone valor gain

    2. I'm a Republic Sentinel Watchman = pure single target melee class (****** aoe aside)

    3. As a Sentinel I suffer bigtime from ability stuttering

    4. Throw random black/loading screens during gameplay into the mix


    How much do you think Imps camping the Republic base while controlling all 5 points were doing every minute while casting decent AoE? A sith bud of mine told me about it, that's why I went to Ilum, took the screenshot, completed the daily/weekly and got out.


    Imps were easily farming +2K valor points every minute. Can you say broken?


    1.1 Patch is fail on so many levels its beyond epic.

  5. I guess I was fooled by all the image shack photos showing valor gain >100 gain every few min by AoE spamming. They must have been photoshopped.

    Me as a Republic player fighting back:



    Let's not forget the fact I'm all about single target melee dps with ability stuttering (go sentinels). Throw horrific lag/spikes into the mix. And random loading screens during gameplay.


    I know for a fact Imps were doing 2-3 times that amount every minute (sith bud of mine).


    Thanks for rendering my legit Battlemaster title useless.

  6. Hahaha and who was talking about irony again?


    That's what I was trying to say. That was me as a Republic *single target melee* Sentinel farming Imps. There wasn't even that many Imps around. An Imp bud of mine was doing twice the amount of valor points each minute in Ilum farming Republic players.


    BW basically broke Warzones too, no need to do those anymore. Why spend two hours doing Warzones when you can farm the same amount of valor points in 15 minutes participating in the Ilum lagfest? sigh....



    Do you guys need a spoon with that info up ur arse to get it in??


    And? Something is broken when I can make 500 valor points in a minute as a Republic player when there wasn't even that many Imps around to begin with. Throw ability stuttering into the mix and the fact I'm a single target melee class, my ****** AoE aside. And the horrific lag/spikes. And random black/loading screens during Ilum PvP and Warzones.




    Why do Warzones when you can make 10x the amount of valor points in the '2 fps random loading screens massive lag/spikes' lagfest that is currently going on? Where is the fun in that? Patches are supposed to fix things, not make things worse.


    Are you really saying Patch 1.1 is a decent one?

  8. An exploit, in the context of gaming, is abusing a bug or UNINTENDED result for gain. Unfair and needing to be fixed is NOT an exploit. Duplicating items IS an exploit. Welcome to your first MMO, stop acting like a child and spreading misinformation.


    Why don't you go tell that to everybody who posted in the now 176 page long QQ thread? Not even NCfail messed up Aion this bad so fast. Or Cryptic Heroes/Villains/Champions/Star Trek. Or Funcom AoC.


    If you can't understand how big of a failure the 1.1 Patch is then you're the one without MMO experience.


    For the record, I've been playing MMOs since UO but whatever. Enjoy your valor gain while it last.



    the loading screen is a glitch, i will give you that but nothing else.

    i had it happen an number of times when flying around fleet but thats about it(well and on the loading screen themselves but that doesnt really matter). havent had it in a warzone or on Ilum.


    Random loading screens have in fact occured during Warzones. It happened to me and several have already reported it. That alone is a major game breaker as it takes a few seconds before you're back doing whatever you were doing, be it Warzone or cruising around the fleet.

  9. Several have already reported the loading screen to pop up randomly, be it ingame during gameplay or between loading screens. That alone is a major game breaker. Regarding turret valor points, don't care if it's true or not but it is obvious that Ilum is not working as intended when there are videos of Imps gaining 100 valor points in 5-6 seconds by going afk inside the Republic base.


    ex·ploit    [ik-sploit] Show IPA

    verb (used with object)

    1.to utilize, especially for profit; turn to practical account: to exploit a business opportunity.

    2.to use selfishly for one's own ends: employers who exploit their workers.

    3.to advance or further through exploitation; promote: He exploited his new movie through a series of guest appearances.


    If you don't want to call afking inside the Republic base while gaining valor points an exploit then be my guest.

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