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    Eden, Australia
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    Stay at Home Parent
  1. My bad I missed part of the announcement .... Players in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore will also be given the opportunity to receive the Founder’s Medal** – an exclusive in-game title awarded to early players of the game. In order to qualify, players must complete one of the following transactions by Monday, April 30th, 2012, 12:01AM EDT, 2:00AM NZDT; Hong Kong & Singapore: Sunday, April 29th, 2012, 9:01PM HKT, 9:01PM SGT: •Billed at least once for an active Star Wars: The Old Republic recurring subscription •Redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic 60-Day Pre-Paid Game Time Code
  2. This is good news but raises a few questions ... * Will we have a list of server names and types prior to the xfer so those of us who are seperated from friends can pre-organise a server to meet up on. * How will Legacies be handled in the transfers, i have max level imp and level 40 rep on different servers what if i feel like putting them on one server .... will the legacy xp add up ? will i have to move all characters from the original server ? what legacy name will i be allowed to use ? * Will our maintenance times be different of that from the US ? * Also although i have it, what about the founder title ? since these are new servers and the game is just being released here ? I am sure i have only scratched the surface of what people want to know ... as much as I enjoy this game, ever since the early access fiasco, I and I am sure many others have found your vague and uninformative announcements to be quite frustrating, couldnt you have included more ? maybe held of a day or two until you had some usefull information other than it will be available on the first of march and existing players will hear about xfers early march
  3. Sadly i get the feeling until it's officially released in our Zone this could be the norm for a while.
  4. I believe it was called a Flourish, and I am suprised its not in the game Is there no emote for this ? I used to love doing it in the KOTOR games.
  5. Check out, http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Legacy_System Although limited info, gives you a bit of an idea.
  6. This I doubt, but I would ask can you switch between them, I have added the mobile authenticator, but see no way to detach it.
  7. I am curious, since I had no idea there would be a chance I could get the CE, I had given up hope prior to this thread. I decided to secure my account with the authenticator, having worked in a security conscious industry in the past as soon as I saw I could attach an authenticator I grabbed the iPhone app and linked it to my account, after all up until this thread I never thought I would get a CE. Now with neverending thanks and praise for the OP I am getting the CE, is there a way to remove the iPhone authenticator and swap it to the FOB ? Or what if something untoward happened to my iPhone or FOB in the future, would I be able to remove the Authenticator ? I had a quick look and didnt see any option to do such a thing. My searches have not managed to turn up any Information on this either, any thoughts or information anyone ? Did I just miss a FAQ or something in regards to this ?
  8. Thank you for that Glad to hear, hope you are enjoying the game
  9. I too am curious, i cancelled my standard edition after ordering the Collectors, I dont have enough cash on the card for both and cannot risk anything happening where i get billed for both. I attempted to enter the new Pre-order code (i only entered the standard one on the 7th so its not like i wil wait much longer) , however it says "You already have the game and items associated with this Product Registration Code." Will the standard code be cancelled and i will have to add the new one ? or is it just a case of since you have a new one we will leave well enough alone ?
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