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  1. As the friend mentions, yes I would like to see some color options or possible changes within the hud. The red boxes are a bit hard to spot, the red triangles vs diamonds, especially with everything flashing around as fast as it does. I know it's supposed to be chaotic, fast and active but its downright confusing whos what and where when I can't see the darn indicators. I'd like to enjoy this but I'm just moving in circles and being destroye dfrom something somewhere invisible as far as I can see.
  2. Wasn't that guy mistaken and fell a long long way till he exploded just a few minutes later? Anyway to get this back on track I wanted to call on something from the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook for the d20 version of the Star Wars tabletop game. Now this isn't a book full of rules and stats and tables but ideas, philosophy and means to help players properly portray a Jedi and to understand the Jedi way. The Potentium Heresy As Jedi learn about the Force, they frequently form their own theories about how and why it works. They question how, if the Force creates and sustains life, it can have a dark side. Some arrive at the erroneous conclusion that the Force is not divided into dark and light-that thereis only the Force and that its energy is inherently positive, despite the use to which it is sometimes put. Those who blieve in this theory feel that no "dark side" waits to corrupt them for daring to explore the limits of the Force any more than monsters wait beyond the galactic rim to devour starships. To them, the Jedi theory of the Force is just one way to percieve this potente life-energy, and the training and disicpline the Jedi emply to reinforce their perspectivge only serves to justify the existence of the Jedi Order. Seeking another answer, these self-styled philosophers relable the Force something that fits their perception of it-"The Potentium" is but one example-and attempt to eplore their philosophy as far as possible. These "heresies" are fortunately rare, for if unchecked, they can produce dangerously powerful Dark Jedi. Sadly, those who follow this line of reasoning straight to the dark side rarely perceive the danger, believing that they are making new discoveries that the Jedi were afriad to explore. ...The core of this theroy asserts that there is no distinction betweent he light side and the dark side. It claims that both aspects of the Force are the same energy viewed from different perspectives. Its adherents theorize that using dark side powers...in the service of good still serves the cause of good and doing so cannot actually lead a person towant to us ethe Force for evil. They question why using a lightsaber to strike down an opponent is any different from using the Force to choke the breath out of someone. What they fail to see-and what the Jedi so dillegently try to establish-is that being a Jedi is not about exploring the limits of the Force, but about using wha is already known to protect peace and justice. That's a lot to take in, and it doest struggle against previous posts saying that the dark side is a twisted version of the already existing Force, in a Taoist sense. Perhaps some will say that they aren't here to use the Force to protect peace and justice as Jedi, but rather to explore their full potential in power. That is directly a thing of the Sith.
  3. Hell I'd love this too. I've been recording the stories with Fraps as well, but some of them I've already completed by the time I had the idea. If I could repeat them I could finish the recordings but now with outfits that are complete, so I don't have them change from scene to scene, and can make it all look good or know the choices I'd like to make in the dialogue to make the scene look good. For others it's an opportunity to see alternate choices in the quest lines or revisit favorite mometns without having to start a new character. Now I know OP said this could be an easy coding thing, but It may be harder than you think. Some of our choices did have reprocussions or dialogue that changed far ahead. There's another option, possibly. That being a cinematic option. We may not have our dialogue wheel or whatnot, but we would have the choices we made already, and we still get to watch what we did before. Now I don't know if the game records every dialogue choice for our main story but if it has this could be a simpler coding option, maybe. Either way it's a challenge for coders to be sure but as a player I'd find it very worthwhile. It'd keep me playing, keep me subscribed, and having fun.
  4. So after all this, leave things the way they are? Change nothing? Then it really does become WoW with another skin. The exciting thing was that it was going to be something different. Try something different. But then it's just too far from the famliar so don't bother changing it?
  5. Not compeltly a bad idea, but good looking gear could drop as well. It may seem silly to you but there are a lot of people who would enjoy looking their own particular way instead of how raid gear defines how they must look. Otherwise every raid become a formal dance, every PVP match becomes a buisness work day. C'mon guys, embrace casuall fridays
  6. Be glad to answer your question when you have a succinct one with a question mark ending it so that I understand all references. I'll try my best however from what you've posted. I have already stated I'm not really fond of some gear having the extra slot, augment slot, whatever thing. I'd like to see it gone altogether so it's not a fuss. Hell I'd like to see all gear made to be orange maybe some is just green to help get you started but even it can have an appearnace form. Appearance slots are great, but the already existing code for orange gear works well too. In fact having to pay to extract mods creates a money sink, good for MMO economies. As far as I know with existing orange gear there are no thresholds, no limiters. Any mods can push them to the equivilant of any level. Fine by me to remove the whole augment slot thing. No crits, just make the orange piece and let the buyer or crafter enjoy. If however they are coming out with level 50 oranges somehow being able to bypass level 15 oranges at the base level before modifications then yes that is compeltly counter to the goal of getting people to be able to wear what they like. That is IF they are doing this thing.
  7. Enrage timers are a design borrowed from World of Warcraft and implamented into other MMOs that forces a certain activity from DPS in order to defeat a boss. This was likely implamented because raiders were so fine tuned that they whined about challenges and threatened to leave unless they were satisfied. Many players, especially the hard core ones cannot see the trade off as the already existing penalty for bringing too many healers and not enough dps Too many healers/tanks Pro: Not likely if ever to lose main tank or die Con: Fights will last a long long time Balance of healers, dps, tank Pro: Fights will take a much shorter time Cons: Possiblity of having a wipe, having to start the fight over. This is not enough for some. Conformity is the only answer to them.
  8. I can agree with you there. I'd rather the whole augment thing be taken out altogether but the rest of the changes remain as is. A good compramise.
  9. As an addition: Doesn't the requirement of adding some form of augment to add a slot to an armor or weapon create the same problem as an armor or weapon needing that extra augment slot when being created to begin with? Either way the only optimal path then becomes having that extra addition that was the problem to begin with.
  10. That extra slot is going to apply to alot more gear pieces than the current uniform sets that are available for pve/pvp. Some of the current purples will become orange too, so you can keep what you want anyway. Any orange that is crafted that has that crit happen will have that extra slot. Some will be more expensive to craft that others. Orange sets with that extra slot will be available to many people because oranges will be across the spectrum of levels and material costs and with the proper mods can be equivilant to the needs of a raid, a pvp match or any other need. There's talk I've heard of any critical when REing a piece being capable of turning it into an orange, having the augment slot or BOTH, so, all kinds of gear that weren't orange before can be. Basically this kind of change opens up a pleothra of possiblities instead of requiring we all wear the same thing when being the same class. Whatever happened to fighting comformity?
  11. More oranges is good, more diversity of appearance. And we can possibly put all that raid gear mods and bonuses on them too. hopefully the new oranges will look nice to boot.
  12. More oranges is good, more diversity of appearance. And we can possibly put all that raid gear mods and bonuses on them too. hopefully the new oranges will look nice to boot.
  13. So basically this game lacks a measurement of the disparity between hardcore and causal players. Between the landed privilaged aristocracy and the peasent workers whom they expect to faun over them because of their epic armor? edit: I mean don't most of us work already? Do we need two jobs? Especially one where we pay to work.
  14. There are a dozen differen types of orange type gear appearnces so there will not likely be any kind clones wandering about. Much less so than anything you'd see at the high end today anyway. I can agree that the extra audment slot could be something left out since it makes that particualr kind of orange gear nearly mandatory. However just because there's this possible flaw doesn't mean the idea as a whole needs to be shut down as most hard core people seem to be trying to do.
  15. Casuals will not be doing the raids and will not have the statisutics to begin with. A raider doing these efforts will still be head and shoulders abovet he rest, and anyone doing these things and putting them on the orange items they like can also appear as they wish, rather than how all the raiders wish them to appear.
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