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Posts posted by Siita

  1. 35 minutes ago, cosmicchar said:

    Here's the carvings on the practice saber. Really nice wood grain and practical craftsmanship! Smooth wood might get too slippery, so the carvings add some friction to the hold. And there's slight grooves on the handle for a better grip. Yet another gift from Arcann with real thought put into it. Kudos to the art team for making this


    THANK YOU for posting this in such wonderful high quality.

    If this is indeed another hand-crafted, thoughtful gift from Arcann, this is, in turn, another homerun from the devs.   10/10 no notes.

    As you mentioned, the carvings add more grip to the saber, thus enhancing their effectiveness in sparring practice.  This clearly can translate to improved performance on the battlefield, possibly even saving the player character's life while in the thick of things. 

    Yet another way that a gift from Arcann serves to:

    • Protect the player character "If I'm ever unable to fight by your side, I can still ensure you're protected"
    • Show how deeply he cares by hand-crafting each and every token of his affection (the symbolism of hands + Arcann = 🤯 = we can talk about this forever, right @witchglove?)
    • Demonstrates how essentially everything Arcann does and says is "MAXIMUM EFFORT" - from the carefully chosen words he speaks, to the time he takes to carefully consider every situation before taking action, to the sheer fact that everything he does is for a reason and shortcuts are never taken.  He could have just found some random sticks in the Odessen Wilds to spar with. Nope!

    To me, this Date Night was absolute perfection.  It showed new aspects of Arcann's character while reinforcing and enhancing existing traits that we have come to love about him.  Because of his Zakuulan upbringing which emphasized aspects of "warrior/conqueror" culture, coupled with his natural physicality (and presence 🔥), of course this rendezvous was going to be active and engaging for the two characters - a dance between enemies-turned-lovers that now share a transcendent bond and partnership for the ages.

    I'm absolutely smitten and captivated 😏 with this content.  Still on cloud 9.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 minute ago, cosmicchar said:

    YESSS this must be a gift directly from him. And I really believe he made the wooden practice sabers himself. If you look closely, there's some beautiful carvings on the handle. Much like the armor.

    Just think about the time he puts into these handmade gifts, the armor and the practice saber, all to support the PC's strength in battle. Then he ingraved it such a profound statement of devotion 😍


    Arcann has pledged such unwavering devotion and fealty to our player characters.  He doesn't even need to put his name (obviously) or any I love you etc on the plaque.  The transcendent love that is shared ascends beyond those three words.

    Also, notice that it says "With you" on the plaque, not my purpose "Is you".  Again, we see the omnipresent theme of walking this journey alongside each other, as equals.  This is so much more meaningful than saying anything else, imho.

    "In my vision, I saw a place by your side... and what I needed to become to be worthy of it." - Arcann, from Old Wounds


  3. 2 hours ago, cosmicchar said:

    Arcann's date gift has this incredible detail:

      Reveal hidden contents

    A plaque in Aurebesh that translates to: "My purpose lies with you" 🥰 Love the callback to Unmasked Regret!



    This is absolute 🔥

    I love this Date Night so much 😭😭😭

    So we're thinking that this is actually a gift from Arcann (vs just a deco for us, the fans), especially since this is a 1/1 decoration, right? RIGHT?!? It has to be?  Another gift from the heart... fitting since Date Night is called Dueling Hearts. ❤️ I'm just dead.  

    Transcendent love, baby!!!! 

    • Like 1
  4. Hello There!

    This is just another kind reminder of the fact that the Dark vs. Light system went away over THREE YEARS ago and, although some people that were here during that era still have a few dark and light tokens saved up, countless players are left viewing the enticing items on the DvL vendor with no way to obtain them.

    As seen in this thread and also this thread, players would very much like to access the awesome stuff housed on the DvL vendor on fleet.

    Many folks are especially concerned with being able to obtain Arcann's dark and light customizations.  As it stands now, Arcann is the ONLY companion in the game that has ALL of their customization options gated behind a vendor with absolutely no way to currently gain the resources that are required for purchase. 

    Please consider making these items available to players again in the near future - either by allowing them to be procured by credits or by providing us with a way to obtain DvL tokens yet again. @JackieKo ❤️

    Thank you so very much!



    • Like 3
  5. I'm positively giddy every time that I go back through Arcann's Date Night as there are just SO many different outcomes from all of the conversation choices. 😍

    I've been talking with @witchglove and @cosmicchar for hours about this amazing content and it literally keeps getting better with every viewing of the various playthroughs.  

    The devs really knocked this out of the park, IMHO, and they, yet again, did the character of Arcann right on every level - especially in showing the fine line he is always walking while trying to find his place (and show his true self) in the galaxy.  I especially loved the scenes that echoed previous situations that we saw Arcann in, finding him now in an infinitely better place.  It really warms the heart.   Thanks also go out to the devs for showing us different sides of Arcann as well - there were a few "That's the first time that he _____" moments that I caught.  ❤️

    I have much more to say, however I will wait for a bit of time to pass to allow everyone to enjoy the content :)

    One last thing.

    I did the 999 levels of Renown grind to get the Limitless legacy title a few years ago...  It is now being shuttered 😂

    I will NEVER, EVER use another title after seeing that the devs added this masterpiece to the game:



    I can't believe we've had 8 YEARS with the character of Arcann.  Look how his relationship with the player character has grown over those years... freaking magical to sit back and admire.


    SHOUT OUT TO MY FELLOW ARCANN FANS!  I hope you enjoyed Date Night as much as I did 🔥

    • Like 2
  6. Alright everyone.  In case folks didn't get a chance to replay all of the story again before tomorrow's update, here are two videos that provide a bit of a recap for Arcann's story.


    Arcann's journey - regrets and redemption



    Arcann's story and the metamorphosis of his relationship with the player character: the enemies to lovers literary trope (done right!)



    I'll say it before and I'll say it again.  People that kill Arcann and Senya are missing out on some of the best story in the game and are depriving themselves of an absolutely wonderful redemption arc.  



  7. Look what I made this weekend:



    It is around 6 feet, 4 inches high and it rules!  It isn't perfect but I really love it.  I know that I did a decent enough job as my dogs immediately started barking at Arcann when I stood it up. 😂

    I butchered a Din Djarin/Grogu standee for this = worth it x1000.


    I'll put up more pictures of it when I move it to my basement with all of my other Star Wars (and Arcann!) memorabilia.  🥰

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  8. I'm beyond hyped for Arcann's Date Night.  The dev's track record for knocking Arcann's content out of this park has been absolutely flawless IMHO.  I know that this is going to be epic, especially since they are focusing on the whole sparring practice dynamic and what that means to both characters, considering their tumultuous journey together. ❤️


    To anyone that has enjoyed watching Arcann's character growth and development over these wonderful years and is just now returning to the game after a break, YOU CAME BACK AT THE RIGHT TIME!   It has never been a better time to be an Arcann fan.

     All of his content has been absolute S+ tier and we now have a Date Night coming up that's bound to be spectacular.



    • Like 3
  9. You all are the best!

    It makes me so happy to see this thread still alive and well!

    One thing I wanted to bring up again... it is incredibly frustrating that Arcann's customizations are locked behind the DvL tokens that were obtainable only a few years ago.  Arcann is literally the only character in the game that this affects :(


    Any suggestions as to where we could post about this again? Is there a recommended consolidated thread?

  10. 1 minute ago, cannibithobbal said:


    I just have one futher question: is Snowtacular flair missing from the list of sales a mistake or are we really not getting it??  

    I joined in feb and have been waiting basically all year for the life day event to get that flair, very sadge if it is not available.

    Snowtacular flair is on the CM right now!! :)

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