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Everything posted by Recamier

  1. I think you're better off Mix/Maxing a mix of Tank gear with DPS mods/enhancements. Due to getting the free accuracy and diminishing returns, I'm going to end up hitting between 300 and 400 rating for both crit and surge, and then I'll dump the rest into shield and absorb. I haven't figured out if I should do power or absorb mods yet. I'm going to figure it out after I finish min/maxing my enhancements to see where my stats end up. Of course, I'm getting rid of all the +def enhance/mods. That is my plan anyways. I don't see the point of picking up 100% DPS stats. seems like you'd get dropped way to fast when you have guard on someone. EDIT: This is for PT ShieldTech.
  2. Wouldn't 4 tanks in a WZ mean you actually had close to a balanced match for once? Wouldn't 4 tanks, 4 healers, and 8 DPS (2/2/4 per team) be the ideal make up?
  3. A 3DPS/1T vs 3DPS/1T fight should have been over long before a tank can get 250K protection. In full tank pvp gear, my crits are like 2K unless it is rocket punch which crits for like 3K or firestorm which crits for about 2.5K. We don't hit all that hard. Your team must have had really low DPS and been all bunched up, standing in the fire, eating that sonic missle. I can't think of any other way for a shieldtech to put up those numbers. As awesome as shieldtechs are, we only totally OP in huttball.
  4. Is he in full DPS gear with reflex augs? The only time I do more damage than a DPS is when they die early in the match, mostly from wearing pve gear and force charging right into all four of the enemy players while the healer is well out of range.
  5. flamesweep makes you look awesome while applying trauma. Jugg is probably the most "plug-n-play" when it comes to comps. If you don't know what your teammates are going to be playing, there is probably an advantage going jugg.
  6. Don't underestimate the heat blast buff. Also, Sonic Missile is the only ranged AOE taunt. OPINION: Oil Slick is the best DCD in the game because it protects your teammates as well as you. OPINION #2: People should always state opinions like they were HK-47. I played all three in 2.x and liked PT shieldtech the best. It could be because I enjoyed the playstyle or the awesome amount of fire effects though. I liked the jug the least, but everyone else loves them. Sins are pretty awesome but you need the right team comp in order to really shine. Sins (2.x memories here. It might have changed!) have the highest skill cap, but when you play it right, people will cry. The one spot where I felt the sin fell short was when you really need forcespeed and it is on cooldown. I think this is why I love running PT shieldtech so much. You have Hydraulic Override, Jet Charge, and ranged attacks. You always have a button to push! I think you should pick the one that has the gameplay/feel that you like the most. They are all great if you are the type of person that likes to tank. That said, you should level a PT though at least Alderaan so you can beat the crap out of that noble. It is almost as good as when you respond "You'll wave your hands like an idiot." to that jedi that tries to use his mind trick on you.
  7. Well, I never said that we were easy to take down. I played all three tanks in 2.x, but I liked PT the best. I think most people play jug and sin tanks because sins put out the most damage and jugs are the easiest to quantify. The damage prevented by oil slick doesn't show up on the boards, but the damage prevented from intercede does. It is a lot easier to put a number on what a jug brings than it is to put a value on having a ranged freebie attack to prevent door caps or the damage prevented by oil slick. PTs are hard to take down because we have the highest passive mitigation and 40% uptime on the heat blast buff which gives us +25% absorb. I normally save oil slick for groups and to protect other players. IMO, it is the best tank DCD in the game because you can use it to protect other players, not just yourself. The PTs you were fighting might have felt the same way. I'll use it if I am alone if I think I don't need to save it for protecting someone else in the immediate future. It has a pretty short cooldown. So, I do use it solo quite a bit even though I prefer to save it for my teammates. If all of our DCDs and medpac/adrenal are off cooldown, we can be absurdly hard to take down for a while, but is no different than a DPS doing absurd damage when they get their relic procs when their OCDs are off cooldown. All of that said, we should be hard to take down, we give up a lot for it. Those 2K crits are really not all that awe inspiring when you can respect AP and see a series of 7K crits followed by a 14K energy blast crit that results in salsa death. Your idea is basically the same as having your DOTs and HOTs stop working when you are stunned. If I suggested that, people would just laugh at me. I have seen other people post about HOTs healing after they killed the healer and how they thought it was unfair though. I think it is really a case that most DPSer just want to fight other DPSers and would be happy if healers and tanks didn't exist. I can see where they are coming from, but it is a trinity based game. So, you have to give all trinity roles a reason to exist. This is why I think tank tunneling as a dominate strategy is great. In a trinity game, everyone (NPC or player) is supposed to attack the tank.. That is the point of the trinity system. By "I can see where they are coming from", I mean that if you and I both play the same class with the same spec and gear, it all boils down to the player that plays better wins with no ambiguity. Tanks and healers add some ambiguity to the mix. It is understandable that people would like a victory/loss to be as unambiguous as possible.
  8. A terrible idea? There are hardly any tanks in PVP as it is. I only see one other tank that queues regs regularly on Ebon Hawk, and you get "tanks please queue for yolo" in fleet chat from the one other tank trying to get a pop. So there are basically three of us on the whole imp side willing to pug it during peak hours. I'm sure there are some more doing team ranked and some that play at a different time than I do, but pvp tanks are definitely rare. If anything, tanks need a buff. If tanks were OP, they would be FOTM. A better solution to your problem is not to stand in the oil slick. It is pretty amazing how long you last against DPSers that stand in the oil slick while good DPSers don't have a problem taking you down. Here is what you need to do. CC their teammates and focus the tank down. Taunts and guard don't do anything when you focus the tank. When you focus them, you are just dealing with their higher mitigation and higher health instead of their higher mitigation, higher health, guard, and taunts. By focusing the tank, you remove two of their best abilities from them. Oh and don't stand in the oil slick! You should also mark the tank if you are in a pug. EDIT: How are you seeing 2 or 3 tanks per WZ? I never see any. 3 Tanks is almost a balanced group!
  9. Character Name - Tullulah Guild - No Guild Yet :-( Category - Overall Protection Number - 1,357,807 Warzone Code - NC Screenshot - http://1drv.ms/1CQG3R9
  10. I think I was in that battle. It was a pretty epic stalemate at the south node in N.C. for something like a good 5 minutes at the beginning of the match. It reminded me of the old southshore fights before WOW had battlegrounds. http://1drv.ms/1CQG3R9
  11. OK, You didn't say you were still 55. So my apologizes for focusing on lvl60. Not sure about the 30-59 bracket since I went straight to leveling.
  12. I'm not really sure what to say then, because I'm not having any survivability problems and other people are. You'll note that the OP is saying that (s)he is taking too much damage from pve mobs that are 5 levels below his/her level. Considering that Yavin 4 is a cakewalk in the 168 greens & 178 blues you get from quests, the problem is not the class or the patch. Also, the bolster formula changed. So, I wouldn't be surprised if what worked on paper in 2.x is completely different in 3.0. My personal experience in the lvl60 bracket this weekend is that there is a big discrepancy in stats. I have over 45K health (in AP spec/gear) and other people on my team have 33K. That is the type of stat gap you can't overcome. You are going to get turned into salsa with 33K health in a lvl60 WZ.
  13. I'm pretty sure they do not have any expertise considering how fast they are going down. A lot of 60s I've inspected are wearing Oricon quest gear, which I find odd since you get better gear from quests.
  14. You must be really under-geared. I rip through Golds/Silvers on Yavin 4 and don't stop to heal up afterwards. I rarely finish a pve pull with less than 95% health, but I did notice a bunch of lvl60s in pvp still have 156 & 162 level gear on in WZs this week. I don't know how they hit 60 without getting the 178 blues, but I'm pretty sure it explains why they are getting taco'd in 4 globals.
  15. Can I ask why you were running 3 ST + 1 AP and not 2 ST + 2 AP or 1 ST + 3 AP? Seems like you'd rip through people with 2 or 3 AP PTs, or is the damage output from ST good enough to drop healers? I'm asking because I am up in the air on whether to gear out ST or AP. I like both but prefer ST a little more. So your observations will be helpful. Thanks!
  16. two man enter, one man leave.
  17. Other than Huttball like you mentioned, the only other excuse I can think of is that you were guarding a node that never got attacked. EDIT: Running the huttball is no excuse because you should still be using your taunts.
  18. Recamier

    Mara Woes

    If Bioware wrote the original trilogy, Boba Fett would have killed everyone.
  19. Anything under 200-ish is fine, and you will start to notice lag around 300ms. I used to play wow on a cell modem back when 3G was the best cell network you could get access to. I traveled ever week for work and played on a lot of cell networks during that time. Anytime I was under 250ms ping time, I was good to go. Around 300ms, your abilities start firing late. You can grind some quests as a lowbie, but it gets really annoying if you are pvping at that point. That said, it is time to bring back the fatman.
  20. Basically, but you don't need the mezz or pushback since the package of abilities you get on a ShieldTech is pretty sweet. I've got a 55 jugg and a 55 PT. I get my 45 sin to 55 this double exp week and will be able to do a better comparison of the three then. (They're all tank specced. ) IMO, Grapple is superior to force push. Force push combos nicely with force charge, but over all, I think the peel combo of grapple + oil slick is better. Yes, knocking someone off a bridge/platform/etc. is extremely useful, but it requires a bridge/platform to knock them off of and the enemy to make the mistake of having their back pointed off the bridge/platform. Grapple is just more universally versatile. The force push + force charge huttball score combo is fun, but you probably would have scored with hydraulic overrides in that situation anyways. It just wouldn't have been as sexy on your youtube channel. I also feel that jet charge + hydraulic overrides is a better combo for huttball scoring anyways. Intimidating roar is great though. It is one thing that juggs have that really stands out. I don't really miss it on my ShieldTech though since the over all "package" is better on the ShieldTech. I'm not in the competitive arena scene, but for straight up warzones, SheildTech has a clear advantage over both Juggs and Sins if your goal is to actually win. Missle blast is instant AOE damage from 30 meters and stops multiple people from capping at once. SheildTechs can also stop caps while stunned with shoulder cannon and have stealth detection. All non-huttball maps have caps. So, I feel this is a pretty big advantage in favor of ShieldTechs. I feel stealth guarding nodes on my lowbie sin is strong as well, but the ranged AOE cap interrupt from missile blast puts SheildTechs on top for node defense. Maybe someone that is into high-end ranked play can chime in on that aspect. OTOH, both my Jugg and PT annoy the crap out of the other team by taking forever to kill when I blow all my cooldowns.
  21. I'll point out that sins have 2 hard stuns as well, electrocute & spike.
  22. Unless the other team has a ShieldTech. Then you get to cry because they are on cheat mode. In addition to having the highest passive mitigation and lots of fire effects, oil slick makes it look like you have the hersey squirts. You simply can not discount the terrifying effect that 4 pints of beer, two bean burritos and a bit of time to let it "brew" has on the enemy. When your "brew" is ready to unload, you can grapple some poor melee sod off your sorc buddy, get him to pull your finger, and watch him try to run away as his strength to move is sapped away by the horrific stench of your mud-butt. Only you and your sorc buddy will be thankful that you've mastered unloading a 5-gallon drum of sewage from your backside.
  23. I think we miss-communicated on #3. I'm talking abut the +def secondary stat that is only on tank gear. It is pretty useless right now since there. Are so many attacks that it doesn't work against. It is clearly a pave only stat at theis point. It is ok if they want to give us Def as a stat that you mix/max out of your headset, but there should at least be a shield/absorb ear for PTs & jugs then. :-) The damage issue is really just a quality of life thing, but taking damage is what tanks do. I think #2 is a much. Healers protect their teammates too. I don't really view that as the tanks primary role. Tanks should be about taking damage first and protecting teammates second. Running the huttball and guarding nodes are perfect examples where tanks can shine if we are given the ability to take damage in pvp the same way we take it in pve. I think this goes hand-in-hand with not relaying on healers so much though. Right now, it is mostly about guard swapping and hoping a healer picks up on the fact they you are tanking is pays extra attention to you. That is sort of lame, but TBH, I don't see Broward doing a huge overhaul of tank abilities in order to balance us in pvp. I think it is better to focus on asking for small things that don't throw too much work on the revs. But yeah, we really need to be looked at in general.
  24. I haven't played my Jugg in about a year, but I am currently playing a Shieldtech PT. My suggestions are pretty basic. 1) Tanks could hit a little harder. The 36 point talent should add "converts xx% of endurance to power".( I'm not sure how this would effect PvE. ) 2) Allow any damage source from another player to be shielded, or have crits from other player automatically reduced by your absorb %. (The 2nd option is if it takes too much work to change the way the game roles for crits & shields.) 3) Remove +Def from PvP gear and just let tanks stack end/shield/absorb. ....or just give me an shield/absorb earpiece. Those changes don't seem too drastic. Although, #2 might be difficult to implement.
  25. What is everyone's opinion on sin vs pt for PvP tanking?
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