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Everything posted by ZNICK

  1. The CP build neither out DPS's a pure DPS specced build nor is more defensive than a pure tanking build... it just gives good balance between the two. Z
  2. You get it from doing level 50 Hardmodes. One always drops. Z
  3. So there are no level 49-50 crafted Implants that we can RE to a T2 purple, only levs 21/29/41? Z
  4. I know with the weapons and armor you can RE a purple crafted item and get an even beter tier item. Does this work with implants? Z
  5. I was also looking for an Imp armor set, and found what the above posted talks about... it's called "Imperial Armor", but you have to buy the collectors set OR I think you can spend 1 million credits and get a pass to the VIP lounge and buy it. Z
  6. It's close... I think pvp's faster if you're good, wz's pop fast enough on your server to keep playing, and win a lot. (and don't mind the same thing over and over and over) At level 16 I'm getting 8,000-9,000 average per WZ every 15 or so minutes. There's no way I can complete a quest every 15... What I think is the fastest is stay queued for pvp whenever you're playing, and run pve quests. When the wz is up, jump in and pvp, when it's not, quest. Z
  7. You want every char to be exactly the same in power, force, damage, def, whatever.... go play Duke Nukem. Z
  8. I've played many hundreds of matches of Huttball and have been disconnected around 5 times. It was a fluke you happened to have the ball I guess. Z
  9. I pull ppl up there all the time... and many times it DOES still give them the score, it depends on the height they were as they cross the line. In addition, it does NOT give the team doing the pulling the ball, it goes back to center. Z
  10. In my opinion, open them now if you want the better gear for your level. The one thing some people don't seem to realize with the new system is YES, you're going to get more gear quicker... but it's NOT the better gear for your level. (unless I misunderstand the changes) If you're below 60 valor the new system will fill your slots faster with cent gear because you get more comms per bag... but it will be HARDER to get the Champ gear because the drop rate is being reduced, and you can't "buy" champ gear with comms until you're V60. You'll quickly have a full set of Cent gear and a load of unused comms... and left farming bags "again" hoping for Champ pieces, but with a lower drop rate. In addition, once you're V60 you'll be getting more comms to spend on Champ gear, but since they're lowering the drop rate of "items" it's going to be harder to get BM stuff than it is now. Personally, I like it better the way it is. Z
  11. LOL! You know "32" people on your server who leveled kill trading. That PROVES that nobody who's high level valor earned it. ::end sarcasm:: So the other 20,000 or so who did it manually don't count? Get over it... if you want to be high level valor work for it like everyone else. Z
  12. No kidding. I absolutely LOVE PvP... and am lev 55 valor... so still a ways to BM. Even so, I'm so tired of Huttball I could croak. I've played so many games of Huttball my fingers hurt and my eyes are near to bleeding. I want to shove a Rancor up the Huttball announcers backside I'm so sick of his voice... When I hit V 60 I may take a break from the game it's so old... so don't anyone say we don't deserve it. Z
  13. THIS! And until the teams are 8 battlemasters vs 8 new lev 50's in greens, it's fair enough. In other words, you're a low level 50, but we likely have someone just like you on our team. Z
  14. Oh please... don't take the minority who got extra valor for ONE day and lump them in with the majority who worked for it, and quit making assumptions that are ridiculous. "Hardcore" players were NOT the only ones exploiting. There were plenty of people exploiting (it's even arguable if that can be considered "exploiting") that were casual players as well. It didn't only allow people with "x" amount of hours to kill-swap. Anyone could. I'd also argue, (although it would be as speculative and theory-crafted as your post) that MOST of the current Battlemasters did it the honest way... they played the game for hours on end and EARNED it. Don't assume that just because of one day of a BW mistake that everyone who ground to BM even used or knew about the error. Saying people didn't earn what they got without facts to back it up makes you sound like a jealous schoolboy. Z
  15. I'm all for casual, but not THIS casual. In an hour to two a day they can now be fully geared in a month or less. Helping the casual player is one thing, but how about rewarding the people who DO play more hardcore as well? Z
  16. I like that they're making it more consistant, but it's way too damn easy with the new changes. I am so sick and tired of companies dumming down games and handing things to people. At this rate, by JUST doing the ONE pvp daily in warzones, a new 50 will get 85-90 Champ comms a week, and around 180 Cent. That means in only TWO weeks he'll have enough to buy a full 4-piece set of champ gear with the gear bonus, and ALL of the Cent gear to round out ALL of the rest of the spots. In a month he'll easily have a full set of champ gear... it's way too easy. Z
  17. I'd like to see it effect a 10 foot circle around the caster... so a point-blank AOE... or something similar to Death From Above, without the whole flying thing. Z
  18. Because I'm still doing damage, shielding when I don't have the ball and scoring when I do, I get plenty of medals, I get 9-10 regularly... and win at the same time. I average over 100 comms per game and over 1000 valor. It's people with the "Who cares about ball caps?" attitude that ruin the game for those who want to play it for what it is, a sport, not just a deathmatch. Z
  19. If you want to sure... you can get Shield Vents. There's a handful of points to play with. I also put points into offensive skills because while I run the ball as good as anyone with this build, the majority of the time I am "not carrying it"... so I want to be able to do enough damage to kill the opposing runner as well. Although I get stunned much less, I "do" still get stunned, so the 20% less damage when stunned helps a lot. Combined with other defensive skills after I break the stun I still have enough life to continue my run. Z
  20. It also slows attackers with a certail skill enabled, applies a DOT, keeping them from capping and/or activating door bombs and other things. Z
  21. Brilliant! Imagine all the credits you'll save respeccing! Z
  22. Lol... mental m@sturbation at its finest. I've played "an actual ST build" in Huttball and it comes nowhere CLOSE to the ability this has. Since I started running this I've been invited to 3 premade groups on my server and I had never been asked before. Laugh all you want, but it's me who has the "last laugh". Z
  23. All I can say is don't knock it till you try it, lol. It's fun and it works. I've NEVER won as many games in a row, or scored as many points myslf until the last day or two. So far today I have played 14 games of Huttball and won 11, scoring in all but 2, and scoring at least twice in 7. I scored 4 times in 2 of them as well. (and games are going by fast) Total strangers are commenting on how well this works... A combo of high hit points, mobility, a speed boost, and the potential to go from center to goal line only being slowed or rooted once or twice works wonders. The 1st slow I break using Determination, then I hit the speed boost and can't be stunned again for 8 seconds. With the defense and mitigation I have plenty of time to look for and pass as well... Add a healer and sage to help pull you around and you're a machine. If you're not as closed minded as some of the people critisizing who have never tried or seen it, give it a shot... and give yourself a day or so to work with it. I knocked out my weekly today in no time flat. Z
  24. LOL, disregard whatever you want... I just scored 4 times again in one game because I take litle damage and it's very hard to slow/stun me. And 20% less damage IS "a lot". Z
  25. Because without your $15 the company will fold, right? Z
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