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Everything posted by Pesh

  1. I am assuming you are talking about the animated series. Which is not G-Canon. G-Canon is only episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The series falls into C-Canon. Which according to Lucas and Lee (who keeps all canon in check) falls behind G-Canon. The way cannon works: If something from C-Canon contradicts something from G-Canon, it is wrong and the rule will go by what is stated in G-Canon. Dooku is stronger and bests Obiwan x2 in G-Canon. This is the TOP LORE.
  2. Ok... you are ether now trolling, or just ignorant of the lore. You keep saying top lore, what you want to say is G-canon over C-canon, you can use that in future trolling 1- Obiwan let Vader strike him down, cause he knew how to become one with the force (learned from Quigon Jin) and it was the only way to keep Vader distracted so Luke could escape. Luke was the Jedi Orders last hope, and if Vader found out what he was at that point, would have possibly killed him, or worse turned him to the Dark Side. Obiwan channeled no force power into Luke. 2- Your telling me Obiwan let Dooku cut his arm and leg , just to see how Anakin would fair? Or how about the second time they meet, when he clearly tells Anakin "we take him together this time" but then lets Dooku crush him under a starship bridge (on a starship being bombarded no less) to let his apprentice fight a sith lord on his own? Wow, that screams Jedi teachings there... Dooku was a master duelist who simply out matched Obiwan. He was a former apprentice of Yoda (greatest jedi master of the time period) and trained Quigon Jin himself. He also had tutored Obiwan when he was a youngling. The "top lore" as you say constantly shows Anakin being able to accomplish what Obiwan could not. Anakin had the greatest connect to the force EVER. As stated by Lucas himself... King of the "Top Lore" or in proper terms "G-Canon".
  3. Yes Obiwan beat Anakin, but it was not because he was more powerful. Obiwan was a Master of his saber style, that was extremely defensive oriented. Anakin at that the time, was as strong in the force as anyone alive... but, he was not a master of anything. He was just naturally talented so to speak. And extremely arrogant. This arrogance was his downfall, not Obiwans superior skill. The fact is, Anakin lasts as long as he did against a master of his skill on pure talent alone, that just shows how much power he possessed in the force. Right before the battle ends, Obiwan gains the advantage and points it out to Anakin. Anakin in his arrogance defies Obiwan, thinking nothing could hurt him. He deliberately jumps defenseless into Obiwan, thinking his power would protect him. It was a mistake that costs him dearly. Later as Darth Vader, he refused to make that mistake again. Vader would later on learn to control his arrogance and mastered all lightsaber forms plus his control over the force. This is one of the reasons he goes on to be one of the strongest sith lords ever... His arrogance cost him everything, including some connection to the force... imagine if he figured it out before his horrible injuries.
  4. The whole theme of this game is extremes. Extreme goo and extreme bad... your complaint is that the 'Bad Guys" are actually bad? I get it, its over the top... but that is what a villain is, over the top.
  5. No it would be a group of Bandits traveling through time to Kill an extremely powerful Sith Lord and his apprentice (who becomes the strongest sith lord of all time). Since that is the only way of preventing Vaders existence, and preventing what he does from happening.
  6. The Death Star was not about destroying the planets, it was more about a symbol of the empires power. Planets would surrender at the site of it. Yes his power was stronger then the space station, but it did not offer a visual like the Death Star did. For armies to understand his power, he would have to use it. To understand the Death Stars power, he would only need to show it to you. He did not want to rule a galaxy of the dead. He wanted to rule a galaxy of loyal and afraid minions.
  7. Your mistaken about him being outed as a Sith Lord. Yes the Jedi in hiding, and the upper command of his Empire knew of his power. But he never outed himself to the general public in the galaxy. Vader was the one who was given the credit for hunting down the Jedi in the galaxy. And most people had no clue he was originally Skywalker. The Emperor had undeniable power, but what made him even more powerful was his ability to skeem and plan. Very rarely has he ever been caught off guard. This is the reason why Vader is able to kill him, cause he never saw Vader turning on him in his master plan. He was also extremely prideful. This is why his true power comes after the movies. When he died on the Death Star 2, his battle meditation (yes while electrocuting Luke, he was also controlling his Navy with the force) ended and the Empire fought amongst themselves. When he was strong enough to return, the empire was in factions and disloyal. His subtly was no longer effective, so he used his power to rebuild the empire again. He never used his powers if he did not need to. He was a master planner who enjoyed crushing his opposition without them even knowing he was in the game.
  8. Seriously? Vader is a unstoppable force at times and has a ridiculous threshold for pain after his accident. Vader fought a clone of Darth Maul, who is a much better duelist and much faster then Revan. Vader won by stabbing his lightsaber through his own chest. Revan, a powerful force user, main strength was his connects he made through the force. Vader, one of the strongest force users ever, was an excellent duelist, before and after his accident. I am sorry but Revans greatest accomplishment in fighting was defeating his own apprentice... Vader commented mass genocide of the force, defeating numerous masters of the force, both dark and light. Simply put Vader would crush Revan in a duel. Does not discount Revan's greater knowledge of the force.
  9. There is tons of lore throughout the Star wars universe, including most recently "the Force Unleashed" that explains when a force user is cloned they find a connection to there original self through the force. This causes madness and eventually they die.
  10. I don't know what your disagreeing with here, I clearly stated Windu won, and is the greatest duelist of the era, making hard to imagine him losing. Sidious is not nearly as powerful with the saber but far far more powerful within the force itself. While out-dueled, he was not defeated, and between his ability to manipulate pretty much everyone and his force abilities I do not see how it can be viewed otherwise. He tells Skywalker he is Sith. He clearly knew that Anakin would turn him in and send Jedi to arrest him. He used this to place the Jedi into a bad situation to turn Anakin to the darkside. Sidious whole plan to take the republic revolved around Anakin from the day he was born.
  11. Knowledge of the EU helps alot with this. Sidious's extreme use of the Dark side in the Mace Windu fight is what drained his body. He reached levels of the dark side no sith have ever reached. This destroys and corrupts the body. Sidious discovered immortally in the force by jumping his "soul" from body to body. And had a cloning factory that produced lifeless husts of his own form. When his body could no longer with stand the force of the dark side or he would die, he jumped to a new younger body of himself.
  12. This is 100% correct. Something people seem to never know is that Mace Windu was known as the greatest lightsaber duelest of his era. Sidious, clearly far more powerful was not defeated, but out matched with the lightsaber. Mace was doomed the minute he walked into that room, no matter how good he was with the lightsaber.
  13. I joined this late an honestly have not read much of the thread. But I will put this out there. I do not understand the idea that Revan was this grand powerful Jedi. Was he strong? Yes. But by no means one of the strongest of all time. Revan (like most strong force users) had an unique ability in the force that made him special. That ability was creating connections through the force with others. Extremely powerful bonds that would have others rise up and fight with him or for him. He also had a great understanding of the force from both the light and dark sides. Very rare. But, in comparison with Anakin Skywalker or Darth Vader, his ability to use the force just pales in comparison. Vader is one of the most powerful force users to ever live (Darth Sidious himself tells Yoda that he would become stronger then ether of them, and Sidious is the greatest Sith ever). If it was not for his injuries at the hand of Obiwan, he might have been the greatest. Revan would be an afterthought to Vader. One on One anyway.
  14. Sooooo are there any customizations for SCORPIO?
  15. There are 8 stories, you have 8 slots... 1 for each story. Pick the other account class per side. You went Jedi Guardian, go Sith Marauder because Jedi Guardian = Sith Juggernaut and Sith Marauder = Jedi Sentinel. There are no need for extra slots... cause with the slots provided, you can play every class the game has to offer on 1 server, plus every storyline. In the future if they ad additional story/classes, I would expect them to add additional slots.
  16. Are you kidding? I play on a very high end machine with all the graphic options turned to as high as they can. A month ago this game was not impressive graphics wise (which was fine since I knew they still had patching to do) But a couple of days ago (i guess last patch), when I signed in, it was crystal clear the graphic have improved. Are they a 100% yet, probably not. But they are damn close.
  17. Thats fine, but rats are known notoriously as an ugly animal. I personally have no issue with them, just providing the facts. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jawas You can get a decent description of what they look like here.
  18. You do realize Jawas are a rat like people?
  19. how is it BW fault that players want to play empire over republic? They are mirror factions, with equally good story-lines and the same exact classes. Some people just enjoy playing the "bad" guys. get over it.
  20. The game works exactly the same both ways. The only difference is one side if uses the word JEDI and one side uses the word SITH. There is no imbalance in this game, other then what people want to play. It absolutely amazes me how people will simply blame everything on BW. If you want to play with more people then roll Empire. This is the same issue every game in the history of game has had and will always have. One side will always be more popular. There is nothing you me or BW can do about it. The only difference is in this game they are called Republic/Empire... in WoW it was Alliance/Horde.
  21. Swallow their pride? How is it BW fault people prefer to play empire... They cannot force people to play republic. The story-lines are just as good on both ends, and the classes are 99% the same. People will just have to come to terms with the fact its going to be 60/40, and on some servers even as bad as 80/20 empire to republic. This is on the fan base, and the fan base alone.
  22. this game takes place 3000 years... thats three thousand years before Star Wars: A New Hope.
  23. This is after all an MMO... not a single player game. Flashpoints, group quests, and pvp are more then half the content of the game you are choosing to avoid. I am not really sure the purpose of it... if u do not want to do pvp or flashpoints, thats fine... but in terms of group quests and regular quests, there is more then enough content to get you through your levels. so maybe just start doing your group quests.
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