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Everything posted by Geryboy

  1. I encountered your third bug with the missing floor pieces 2 times in a row today, the thrid time it was ok and we killed him. Just repeat and hope it is not buggy, we tried the last boss about 8 times today. It can be frustating cause you wipe and it's not your fault i agree.
  2. I'm getting battlemaster in about 27k valor and I'm raiding atm, so basically for the other days an alt would be nice, about time.^^ Now if they only gave us info on legacy character creation I just might wait to lvl my alt. Would be nice to know what's coming up in order to not regret putting time into it.
  3. do some pve? warzones for fun? learn to play the class better?
  4. rofl that is the best yellow response ever guess the poor guy needs to spam that alot.
  5. you have a 3min or higher cd? when it is ready or still <15 sec left, you will not know and that is a little problem when you try to keep up your rotation and need that cd.
  6. hast the first lvl 16 imp reched valor lvl 100 yet? just wondering....... the last week I played 6 hours a day warzones to go from lvl 50 to lvl 60 valor, glad some people get it gifted now. I'm happy for you guys....
  7. There's a hell of a lag. As a melee I need to force sweep very direct in the target, can forget that. They farm you like hell and get valor like hell. I tried to farm to valor lvl 60 on my rep char. I got like 5k in an hour playing warzones. Now every Imp noob will just have to stand near the zerg and get carried to lvl 60. Do you even know what you are doing? This is a joke.
  8. how big is the nerf? like what are we talking about?
  9. i think you can /say however nothing else, no whisper etc.
  10. just make purples for everybody that are 10% less powerful and make mods for modders that are 10 % more powerful than the boe stuff.
  11. all right let's ask in a different way... are my stats good enough to tank EV normal?
  12. So I hit 50 a couple of days, got my ilum armor and hilt mods, and the enhancement and mods from the corellia commendation vendor. Always bought the hands for 10 comm. and put the stuff I needed out of there. My stats are currently: HP: 15930 dmg reduction 44,1 % defense: 22,3 % + the additional 6% after riposte, so 28,3 infight. shiled chance: 39,3% absorption: 22 % accuracy: 96 % So I heard that 8 man eternity vault is easier than most hardmodes. How do you gear up after getting everything out of the world commendation traders? Do you hit the easier HMs and 8 man ev on normal? Or should you go for all HMs before entering ev?
  13. use the pillars to los his spells wait fpr the clones, hit some, drop down the stairs and forcejump a clone atop and go behind a pillar again.
  14. I tried to tank and spank him alot with no success, usind the pillars was a good idea, also droping down the stars and hiding behind that torch then force jumping a clone to get up again. his melee is indeed really week. you help me alot with this post thank you.
  15. I noticed that in beta and thought well it is beta no need to worry, until now.^^
  16. For me 100% I'm never going back to wow. Old engine autoattack is crap for melee classes it just feels better in swtor. Daylie spacecombat missons >>>>> every other daylie quests. Story and the whole gameplay. They have united single player content with the benefits of mmos, that is pvp flashpoints and operations. The content I see in mop isn't going to get me over again.
  17. isn't cybertech rather for troopers and bounty hunters? Artifice has also mods for force users armour.
  18. I enjoy that stream too, nice humor and good gameplay. Chat is funny always entertaining to watch.
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