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Everything posted by geschmonz

  1. I would like bioware to add situation based comments from the companions. As like, if a player dies: "Oh, did we die?" or "Not again" and "Ok, let ME decide what we do next, right? And NO, we wont go back to that group of elite snails!" Or if players decide to pull a lot of monsters, they comment something like "Hey, over there, to the right, are another 20 elite sand people!"..
  2. I recently met Yada ingame. He is the grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-father of Yodas janitor.
  3. For me the changes to the companions sound ok. I am a little bit scared about the changes to Star Fortress..
  4. I still dont understand the part about star fortress, as it seems. Is it meant like "We will turn H2+ SF into H4 SF" or is it meant as "We will make it more challenging, but only for the unbuffed soloers"?
  5. Let me quote: This paragraph is a little bit confusing, yes. But i think it says "We dont want h2+ SF to be soloed anymore until you are raid equipped"..
  6. They talked about the h2+ star fortress and that they want to make it a high challenge. I would be happy if i got it wrong, but i dont think i got it wrong.
  7. Yeah. Currently i enjoy Fallout 4 and AC: Syndicate. Great games. But what does that have to do with the discussion in this thread?
  8. I never deserve nice things. I still want them. SO GIVE ME THE NICE THINGS!
  9. I would like to add that my opinion is the most valid. In my opinion. I am always right. Or left. Depends on the situation.
  10. Just read the dev tracker. Seems they change h2+ star fortress to be even more challenging, probably into a h4 version. I think they should allow people to complete the destruction of the fortresses at the solo difficulty as well. That would complete the last alliance mission questchain. tl;dr: All other changes sound great. But it seems people who arent able to solo h2+ star fortress today wont also be able to complete it tomorrow.
  11. If a game does not adress my gamestyle, i rather quit. My "hardcore gamer days" are long over. If you are willing to put months and weeks into the same challenge, you are welcome to do that. I myself skip that part. I play games since 1978. I played every playstyle you could imagine, and every genre you could imagin.. and my conclusion from all those games played is that its the story that matter, that its the gameplay, if its fun, but surely not if i have the biggest epics from a month long grind. Extrinsic rewards have no real value. Only the intrinsic part of a game is what matters to me. I am a solo player. I never would commit to a raiding guild or group nowadays. Yes, thats also just a preference. And no, a mmorpg is not just about group play. A mmorpg is about offering the option to play in a group. I want to complete the alliance mission which asks me to destroy the fortresses. The npcs in my base tell me that NOW is the time to destroy them all. Ok.. i was on my way doing so.. but the patch destroyed it for me. Bummer.
  12. Blaming the other player for being not able to master the game is the elitism here, if only the elite masters the game.
  13. You get me wrong. Elitism-example: "Because the elite can everyone can. It's all your fault you cant". Definition of elitism from wikipedia:
  14. No, its meant as solo content as well. Solo player plus companion.
  15. It is elitism as the player is being made guilty for the fact only a minority is able to master a challenge. And that he has to grow to the challenge given. While only a very few do that. Most people just stop playing if the challenge is frustrating. Sure it is elitism. As people take the elite as an example for everyone and use it as only argument in a discussion which even becomes argumentum ad hominem. It's just a useless argument its all about the player if only 2% of the players are able to complete a quest because its too challenging.
  16. Not a good idea, as its very hard to quote you if you put your answers in my quote. You also can build a rocket and fly to the moon. Everyone can. If he just had the abilities. You know, exactly that is elitism. If something adresses a small minority successfully, and if you act as if everyone was adressed by it. Only because the elite can, everyone can. I am not talking about story content only. I am also talking about endgame content which is off the main story, as like operations. The game should offer every content to everyone without a challenge gate. The completion of the h2+ star fortress quest chain is gated behind a challenge. I am not claiming it, it is a fact that the completion of h2+ star fortress is gated behind a challenge, and that only a very few are able to complete it after the patch. Additionally to the fact star fortress is gated, this includes also the completion of the alliance missions. But the solo version does not have the whole content available. If the solo version would allow you to play the final boss, there would be no need to nerf h2+ for anyone. The problem really is that alliance mission content is being gated here, while a fix is really easy. Add the last boss to the solo mode, and people may complete their alliance mission quest chain. Just see my quotes above.
  17. I never wrote that. I wrote that the notion "If you cant manage it its just your fault" is elitism. The fact that the ability to solo h2+ was limited to a few only.
  18. It was soloable before the patch, and still is soloable, and is also meant to be soloable considering Erics comment. It just adresses a lot less people for solo play after the nerf, which ist adressing the elitists only which want everything for themself. Sure they need it, as its part of the alliance progression. It's actually starting as solo player quest and may be completed as solo player quest. And its completion allows you to see another part of the story. Special encounters in raids for the highest difficulty is quite normal. But it usually isnt part of the lore and story or is being started as a solo player quest. People want to complete what they started. Bioware defacto removed the ability for many to solo h2+ star fortress while people where actively progressing through it. I demand nothing. As i cant demand anything. I just tell you my opinion how a good MMORPG should be designed. And that means: Everyone is able to see every content, but only challenges give you the best gear. Thats because i ask to add options instead of removing gameplay.
  19. Once again.. gating a large amount of content behind challenges in a casual gamer MMORPG is just the wrong path, as every player pays to see the same amount of content. And as every player has to pay the same amount to play the same content. At the end, you get content paid by many and seen by a few only. While the typical mmorpg has around 60-65% solo players, only about 10% who complete the lowest organized raid difficulty and a few only who organize in raiding guilds. There is something like target group sizes. And if i would create a game which had less than 10% raiders, i would not create raids only for endgame. And i would not gate expensive content behind challenges. Thats just wrong. The content could be available to everyone, while the item rewards could be limited to challenges only. That works like a charm, and just think about the idea if the retention of the casual gamer base could be extremely raised if they also would be able to solo operations (with lower level rewards). As more accessible content is and as more people are able to play content as bigger player retention will raise as less engaged players are. Only a minority is very engaged, so it just doesnt matter if some hardcore gamers think everything is "too easy".. it's the big number that keeps a game alive, while the small hardcore gamer target group just is very vocal and some of them even toxic, as they demand everything for themself.
  20. .. for you. Tunnel vision? You see all those reactions on subs and in the forum? You still could have the fun if it was optional. It wont be taken away.
  21. Some can, so everyone can. And if they cant, it's their failure. Elitist logic.
  22. You can only complete 50m in the solo mode. The end boss is only available in the 100m h2+ version.
  23. So tell me, what is wrong about adding an option which allows both parties fun in the game? What except the envy someone else could complete it without the effort you put in? Hatred for "the filthy casual", and envy someone who plays 2 hours a week could see the same content as like a hardcore player.
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