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Posts posted by Senul

  1. Wait till you see a Guardian in action, with a well organized rescue, force sprint across the fire, leap to the consular, then force leap to the unlicky guy who just rezzed and ran out.





    Yup fun

  2. So, how is that out of the four classes that have hoods, Agent PvE gear, Marauder T1, Marauder Battle Master and Warriors with certain chest pieces and Inquisitors, every class BUT the inquisitor gets to have their Helm and Hood up at the same time.



    I feel cheated.

  3. Look at this handy dandy post by a yellow that i so conveniently found in the Dev Tracker Forums



    Due to the unexpected extended maintenance today, we are going to be offering every player a full day of game time as compensation. We apologize for any inconvenience.




    Now quit your pointless complaining.



    Also, proof just for the people that can't go find stuff for themselves or are too ignorant to believe me.





  4. We(The people who go to the forums) are the smallest minority in any game. 99% of the player base probably doesn't even read the patch notes till they hit on patch day on the new feed on the login screen. Everybody is not quiting. .1% of that 1% forum minority is quitting, the game is not dying.
  5. Every 18+ guild/group I've been in has had the same reason for their age restriction. If you're under 18, there can be legal ramifications for swearing/saying suggestive language in the same chat as you.


    Thats stupid, especially since most highschool you see have more swearing/suggestive language than you'll ever hear over vent or anything.

  6. It doesn't make sense, at least to me to stop a fight for the sole purpose of denying the other side medals.My point is that there have been numerous battles where the people losing come back and win and reap the benefits.

    No doubt you have also participated in many of these types of fights.Maybe up the amount of medals you need to get gains so these three and out people get nothing.Set the minimum at 7 medals.



    Hell for some of these weak Nancy's enforce a perma kill mode if they are sitting when killed, that would be fun.

    Three and out? It appears you have no clue whatsoever to what you're talking about. The minimum of 3 is fine. Seeing as what you think as three and out is, get my three medals, leave, get my fifteen coms, well, thats. not how it works, you actually have to finish the game. Oh and 7 medal minimum would royally screw healers over in losing games.

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