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Posts posted by Fraxture

  1. I have always wondered and have observed this:


    People get mad at END level, because they are reaching the END of the game and if it isn't what they expected in their mind that they set up, it is a GIANT disappointment for them and they say it was a "crappy game" because of that reason.


    So why? Why has NO company thought of a system where...there is no end. I know there is no end in mmos..but I mean no level cap.. you just keep leveling and keep gaining more and more and more points for things as you go and the content kind of...recycles itself to make it SEEM different but it is.


    Why hasn't any company thought of that yet? I'm just wondering. Because I think if an mmorpg was to have NO level cap and you start at 1 and just..keep going and going, earning points, crafting whatever, trying different crew skills, this could be an even better game than it is!


    Just imagine TOR with this:


    Level system that just...doesn't stop, you keep going, getting more valor, more ds/ls points that you can buy unique things with even MORE points.


    No endgame. There is no end at all...no cap...no end raids...just an end to your story...for now.


    Keep on getting crafting points up and up...your skills just keep going... start at 0 and there be no 400 or w/e to max it just keep going. That would keep people HOOKED.


    It would be an amazing feature of an already amazing game. You could fight your BUTT off and the game would NEVER END. EVER. That is the mentality that makes or breaks games. It is people, and you have to know gamers' minds. Nobody wants their beloved game to end or story to end. Why should it? We should all be able to play as long as we want without a level cap. It would completely change the mentality of people saying "oh darn, this endgame BLOWS or...man..I'm almost to fifty..I don't want it to end! or man..all I do is raid"


    Even YOU die eventually, so you are level capped in life.

    If we cannot do it in the real world, how do you expect eternity in a virtual world?


    And on top of that, it's easy to sit in your recliner and tell others to create the impossible.

    You seem to have a good grasp of what you want, get out there and start programming, investing and brainstorming this impossible game.

  2. But...but...the game is failing! The trolls told me so!


    LOL, 1st they use the same report to say how the game is a failure a few weeks back.

    And now many of those individuals are now saying this report isn't an accurate indication of the game's success.


    Just goes to show that they were on a crusade to tear this game apart, rather than make it better.

  3. Really? All that just because some guy posted some numbers?



    You assume there is no ulterior motive to this?

    Why must the numbers be posted here?


    To...enlighten us?

    To..educate us?


    Or to show "what an epic fail SW:TOR" is?


    I am confused what this information is providing for us here?


    Better game play? Better queue times? What does this information provide in a general forum for betterment of those who subscribed to the game?

  4. The only mission that I am on is to put some better evidence on the forums. I have made zero judgments on this data. I am just putting it out there for everyone to discuss. In making the OP, I have tried very hard to be as neutral as possible. If anything I have said is not neutral, please let me know and I will happily revise it.


    Then you overlooked the question he was asking.

    You aren't doing this for our benefit, you don't know us from Adam and could care less if we live or die, or how we spend our dollar.


    You assume figures will change the mind of those who like it the way it is.


    Tell me why I should hate the color red, set me straight.


    Fine, the numbers are dwindling, wonderful.


    Now what?


    You will lead us to the promised land, and we will follow?


    None here will prevent me from logging in tonight with my guild and family, and playing.


    Same Horse, different stick beating it.

  5. Magazine reviews mean literally nothing.... Why would I ever trust TIME MAGAZINE on a video game review?


    We already know... as in, it is a confirmed fact.. that video game companies try there hardest to make sure only companies who promise to give out high scores will get review copies of the game and other such shady practices...


    like what is this?


    'Most of all, it makes you feel like you’re part of a huge narrative that’s at once personal to your character’s journey, but also part of a wider, unfolding epic between the Republic and the Empire. Quests and story arcs appear to end, but don’t. Your character may finish a mission, only to get ambushed while strolling back to his ship hours later.'





    That statement is so far off from what the majority of people who actually have played the game would say. In fact most people who are fans of good narrative and actually have TASTE were completely disappointed by the "stories" in this game.


    If you honestly cannot tell that it really is the same fetch quests and kill x number of monsters quests, just like every other mmo. Glossed over with Voice acting... then there is no hope in arguing with you.


    you show up to a new place... There is a new gang causing a bunch of trouble... you must kill X number of them, then disable X number of terminals.


    I am truly sorry you lack the ability to make sound financial and entertainment decisions for yourself.


    You should of held onto your dollar longer rather than just jumping in without doing proper research and following the masses like a loss lemming.


    I was with the game since Sept Beta, and I knew what I was getting, and was quite happy with my decision.


    Quit telling others they are stupid for liking the color red, for example. Just because it doesn't cream your Twinkie doesn't mean others have to be of like mind.


    We are satisfied with our purchase, too bad you made a mistake.


    Maybe next time you will show some restraint and exercise better judgement.

  6. Friend fail: How about he be a real friend that said he would level with you and when you are not playing he create a different alt toon to play that does not affect your group time.





    You fail: go to preference and turn on the ability to share access to zoned areas. Also, since you solo a lot it seems you only want help on your terms and others should drop what they are doing just cause you hit a speed bump.




    Boyfriend, real life and understanding the game fail: You get more expereince for grouping in this game most of the time. Anyone who can actually get their girlfriend to play video games are already a head of most people cause you can't seem to help her out is your own fault. She's seems to not be getting what she needs on many levels. Your not doing it right thats for sure.




    Cognitive failure: Is there even really a problem here or just your active imagination making something up again.




    Please God no. If you want to solo you can. If you want to group you can. If you have friends and girlfriends that want to group, it's your job to make it happen and not Biowares to design that system. Put in a little effort why don't you.




    You already get more expereince in this game for grouping at appropriate levels. There is no reason someone should get experience (more especially) cause they had a level 50 help them. Kind of defeats the entire leveling process by doing it that way. The perk of getting a level 50 to help your level 10 is getting the quest done faster and getting to the quest reward, Not more experience.




    The grouping is good. You seem to have a problem understanding what is a personal flaw and a game flaw.


    Your friends wont wait on you to level, you wont help your girlfriend by staying near her level or simingily showing her how to play better. You like more solo play but should you need a group someone better be at your beck and call and when you do group you want to have someone higher level than you and still get the most experience as if they weren't already trashing the content for you.


    The only grouping problem is you and your odd mentality of it. Probably best if you just I stayed solo to be honest. I don't think you can easily handle the grouping dynamic.


    This, I have a toon that runs with the big dawgs. And I have a toon to run with my wife since she is a slow at leveling.


    I now have a toon for every occasion in every level range to fit the needs of guildies, friends and family.


    It's just common courtesy.

    Never leave a man behind..or woman. :cool:

  7. I don't know what cries fanboy to you in this post other then the word Bioware. Its simple common sense. I know that can tend to be not so common these days. I have a system that puts out its share of heat, but I was able to think to myself I might need some good airflow to support all this. Then I thought to myself, I might need to clean my filters and my hardware once in awhile, and presto, I have a cool system that works all the time. See how that works now?


    Wait, someone is shocked to find a SW:TOR fanboi...on the SW:TOR forums?

    I will say it again, that's like being shocked to find animals at the zoo. :eek:

  8. So you blame BioWare because you have a crap system?


    My system runs at 31-35 degrees. If your system has issues and the majority don't then it's you, not the game





    I would like to blame the OP for my crappy sports team while I am at it.


    I have had zero client or CTD issues.

    My system is not an uber gaming rig either.


    Now I work on servers for a living and my gaming system is as clean as whistle with antivirus software fine tuned for gaming and not filled with any other crap like torrents or useless background processes.


    Most of what I have been seeing is people not having a decent system to run SW:TOR. Or having tons of crap programs running in the background while they attempt to fire up SW:TOR.


    Also found many suffering after patching due to messing around with files in the SW:TOR game directory. And they warned everyone about doing that awhile back and that it may screw up patching and/or the game files.

  9. They only real problem I have with the morality scale is that you are punished if you don't go full blown light or dark.


    Why even bother making choices during questing then? Why dont I just click light or dark when I make my character if the game is obviously designed with me being full blown one or full blown the other.


    I like the concept of a Grey Jedi. One who serves the Republic, but might make choices that aren't always light side. For The Greater Good kind of thing. Unfortunately I get punished for that at 50.


    You can make up any light or dark side choices that you made in your trek to level 50.

    If you have 9000 light and 1000 dark. You just need to do a couple of Esseles/Black talon to get that to a perfect 10000 for example.

    So you are never stuck with an unbalanced light side/dark side.

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