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Everything posted by krty_cro

  1. Nope but you know shockwave device > full auto > cryo grenade > grav round/hib/demo/etc no maurader
  2. Because they gave you imunity to roots and snares with 30% speed increase ... meaning you can escape unwanted 1v1 and keep doing your job if possible... They gave you 2x tech override with 1:30CD (it was 2:00), agai varrious options ... tech override > 2x Grav round or 2x Heal or Plasma + stun or xxx combinations... + hold the line to move away... They have you remoded adrenalin rush that heals more! They gave you electro net that literaly owns mauraders or jugs that want to fallow you and it can't be cleansed or breaked... I hope you're getting the wider picture now... If you can't combine this into a sucsessful pvp I encourage you to practice because its still a decent class. P.S. You don't need massive volley radius anyway to DPS. Its crowd control skill so you release pressure on certain points, interrupt, finish off few low health grouped people... etc... P.P.S. Stockstrike root > Stockstrike knockback... because when you push maurader off your self he comes back, if you root him you can get your distance and do some damage!... Yes it felt nicer to push people off with it when you'd already use knockback but this is way more usefull!
  3. No no a lot of yellow posts just you get them in your private message box labeled as warnings or notifications of deleted posts!
  4. 300 million dolars invested for this? Why dont you write thanks people for paying us to be beta testers?
  5. This is such a troll post! There will always be people who lose and dont understand that losing is part of the game. You will get your unranked noob pvp wzs where you can pug your way to daily missions. Your solution is now to queue pugs with pugs, premades vs premades and they already separated lvl 50 from rest. You want us to wait 1hour to play one 15 min wz? P.S. Premades are 4 man so if you constantly lose every game gear up and start using skills.
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