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    Birmingham, UK
  1. I figured it was time, you don't see many threads like this one.. It's usually all just Bioware hatred, so here it is. Okay, so Bioware have made one or two mistakes during patches. They've made some questionable calls in terms of customer service, but hey, they're human..I'm all for letting those small discrepancies slide. The game that they have provided us with is nothing short of amazing. Captivating story lines, characters that pull you in, make you want to progress just so you can find out where their story ends. The companion system too.. It really adds a new layer to the things you can do in an MMO. If you're capped, finding yourself completely geared out with not much else to do but dailies and PvP, go ahead.. Boost all of your companions affection levels, experience their stories, they're there for that very reason and you won't be disappointed. Now moving on, the combat. Sure, there were problems at the start.. The delay, lack of fluidity and the cooldown graphics that people just continuously complained about, the repeating of animations when using certain attacks. It's all been addressed. Now we have what feels like an enticing, fluid and simply great to watch combat system with awesome animations. There may still be balance issues here and there, but that's normal in MMO's, not one game is free of whining about class balance. Warzones are fast paced, exciting endeavors and I never find myself bored of grinding kills for quest items/objectives. The man hours and dedication Bioware have put into this game through all of the hate, the doubt and the downright insulting behavior of some of the community is truly worthy of merit. They worked through Christmas to ensure us a steady release, and they delivered exactly that. Now with 1.2 on it's way, I'm even more excited to be a part of this amazing adventure.. So Bioware, thank you for a great game. Also, inb4 "durr, biodrone how much did they pay you"
  2. Make the most of your selfish ways while you still can. The bottom line is, you, and every other TOR player who engages in this idiotic action of needing for companions at the same priority as present players are in the EXTREME minority and I'd put my house on Bioware implementing a system that makes it impossible for you to continue with what you're doing ALOT sooner than you think. Trust me, it won't last long and your smug attitude will fade away, as will the frustration of all those who play fairly, so enjoy.
  3. I pre-ordered on July 28th, am I the only one from that month that didn't get in yet? Just want to be sure there isnt a problem with my code/account.
  4. I redeemed my pre-order code July 28th, am I the only one from that month that didn't get an invitiation yet? Just want to make sure there hasn't been an issue with my code/account or something along those lines.
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