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Everything posted by Zsavooz

  1. that's the ticket, laddie. This monster eats ram like cookie monster eats cookies... nom, nom!
  2. I approve this thread /fun
  3. this is what those who remain will be left with, utterly mystifying.
  4. Yah, Bioware is quickly becoming the Zynga of MMORPG's.
  5. indeed! Prices have gone up substantially. Go figure! Hopefully when SWTOR introduces their cash shop, prices will decline.
  6. haha! and I'm there again... shoot me, please! Your post pretty much sums up this sorry excuse for a game. Wash, rinse, repeat!
  7. were you bullied in grammar school?
  8. that's it, rolling on Fatman, screw the Legacy crap!
  9. sounds like we started these games about the same time. I can see your point very well. Today's MMORPG gamer's are definitely not the old school variety, more like the Post WoW generation who seem to be the majority, unfortunately. I'll keep my sub up, only out of pure boredom and that I still have a month, now 2, thanks to Bioware. Once that is extinguished so will this game be. Like you, I wanted to love this mess, but that was not going to happen. I've never played such a small, controlled game as this one is. For a game only 4 months old, I also have never seen one seemingly die so quickly, this may be a record. See you on the flip side.
  10. this! I totally see what you are saying concerning the difference in zones in WoW. Albeit, the game has been out for 11 years or so, even from day one, the change from zone to zone was easily felt whereas in SWTOR, the planets do have differences but they are pretty much the same thing like the poster I quoted states. It is a rigid linear path we take in this game. I'm now running through Dromund Kaas for the 10th time to raise my legacy level and utilize the buffs etc I get from my 50. I want to poke my eyes out.
  11. I agree. However, the reason is quite simple, WoW. It brought millions into a genre which was originally meant for a much smaller player base. This endless cycle of wash, rinse, repeat will never end until developers stop producing PC based games, which I believe is rapidly approaching. Walk into any EBGames or GameStop and look for PC games, granted many are digitally downloaded but the sad fact is, we are quickly running to PC endgame. We can only move forward in our MMORPG evolution, and sadly, what we have now is a very irrational player base that wants everything now, not tomorrow, not next week, but today.
  12. yeah, yeah, yeah.... <--------=-My best Jimmy Stewart impression!
  13. EA should lose their CEO, the clock is ticking.
  14. Article - http://www.gamespot.com/news/mass-effect-3-falsely-advertised-says-bbb-6371157
  15. may I interject with this late breaking report? Bioware subbed out their development team to North Korea. That is all.
  16. as is demonstrated time and time again, Bioware is as sharp as a bowling ball.
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