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Everything posted by bananaface

  1. Only baddies don't know how to deal with AP PT in ion cell. Been at this before. Other class specs have the option for 30% aoe dmg reduction and 30% dmg recution while stunned aswell. And the shield aint up 24/7 :confused:;):mad: Nerf sins imo, look at this: http://postimg.org/image/ywnmke0bz/ 60% defense chance!!!oneoneelevenelevenhundred
  2. Full conq without rebraced armor, ion cel 5199 armor. 5199 armor = 27.08% damage reduction vs energy and kinetic damage. Full conq with rebraced armor and ion cel 9228 armor. 9228 armor = 46.73% damage reduction vs energy and kinetic damage. Ion cell gives 5% damage reduction baseline. You gain on average if the amount of all damage from all sources is the same another 14.825% damage reduction if you run ion cell with rebraced armor over any other cell w/o rebraced armor. Looking forward to your next rediculous post.
  3. Should get the gang back together, sweet talk them into coming back. When everyone quit to play D3 I went back to wow but got back to this cause they ****ed over peeps with 2.2k+ in rbg's in current season and how rediculous arena is atm in wow. I'll pm ya with me skype details so we can have a chat thar and maybe I'll play me imp toons some more.
  4. Aaaaaah it's the same bananaface yeah from basilisk droid;) are vic and beren still playing or anyone else? Currently I'm playing a lot on pub side though.
  5. In general the imp classes just look better compared to their pub counterparts. Lightning > pebbles Choking > stasis Rockets and jetpack > a big gun Knife > fists That's in my opinion ofcourse but I can bet a lot of people feel the same way about what looks cooler. And aside from that, it's good to be bad instead of being a goodiepants.
  6. You tell me, I haven't seen any other bananaface's around though nor anyone else who is a butcher irl. And yeah I normally dun post much on the server forums since I dun have a clue who everyone is. Doesn't help if ya started on a different server back in the day and only recently came back a month ago after ya quit in 1.2.
  7. Sure it's easy to reapply dots, but so it is for madness/balance aswell. The fact that you have to reapply if someone is spam dispelling is rather annoying, especially if thermal detonator gets dispelled while its on a long cd, and incindiary isn't really free either. Heat regen has been better then it was before but it's still somewhat clunky at times and if you're spending a lot of your heat reapplying incindiary then yeah gg. It's not like we're totally **** outside dots or that it's hard to reapply them, it would just be a nice QoL change. And yes I totally agree we need more survivability compared to AP. Degauss can't compete even the slightest with energy rebounder + stabilized armor. If Degauss become a more potent defensive cd then it would make a nice difference (a straight up x% dmg reduction). With AP being fotm it's doubtfull a pyro buff will come anytime soon though.
  8. As the title says, with madness getting a dispell protection in 2.5 it would imo be pretty fair to give it to pyro aswell. Againt good players you just spend most of your time reapplying dots and its just rather frustrating, especially since the range on our dots is so limited. Two classes can dispell our dots, while only another sage/sorc can dispell madness/balance dots. Since pyro is far from OP at this moment I'd say it's a well deserved QoL change. Now only thing left to change is being less squishy outside kolto overload and we're on par with AP.
  9. Responded on the thread in the PvP forums with this aswell, but though it might be a good idea to place it here aswell since dev's actually made this thread. So here are just a few suggestion I came up with. I must note, sage/sorc isn't my main but I do have one as alt. It aint fun getting a free kill in wz's and arena when you see one, mainly in arena (yay other team has a sage/sorc, we won!) Force speed removing stuns roots and slow and making you immune to them for the duration much like blink. Doesn't make it OP cause people will just have to wait 2 seconds before they can charge again, only baddies will waste their charge and stuns. Reduced cd on force slow and increased duration or simply remove the cd since it costs force to use. Pretty much every class with a slow can spam it, it's just hella frustrating that a sorc/sage can't. Should even out the playfield a bit. Lolknockback 360 degree and not 180 and make it root baseline (same as sniper). Missing the current frontal cone due to serverlag or w/e dodgy reason is just...yeah. Stun on a lower baseline cd, something like 40 seconds (30 seconds talented) and/or increased range. +100 total force baseline, it's something everyone takes so why not make it baseline and replace it with the force regen of subversion/concentration and make these buffs proc from force lightning and telekinetic throw aswell, it would defo help with the crappy regen of madness/balance. To fill up the empty space of a skill point option on the 2nd tier, well you can props think of something usefull. Cast pushback removed, cause it's not needed with the amount of ways to interupt a cast in this game.
  10. If all the stars allign and someone just sits there I can global someone on my combat sent, arsenal merc, tele sage, vigi jugg, mm sniper, deception sin, scrapper scoundrel aswell. To bad this happens only 1x a year, well apart from people sitting out the entire burst w/o doing anything.
  11. Force speed removing stuns roots and slow and making you immune to them for the duration much like blink. Doesn't make it OP cause people will just have to wait 2 seconds before they can charge again, only baddies will waste their charge and stuns. Reduced cd on force slow and increased duration or simply remove the cd since it costs force to use. Pretty much every class with a slow can spam it, it's just hella frustrating that a sorc/sage can't. Should even out the playfield a bit. Lolknockback 360 degree. Missing the current frontal cone due to serverlag or w/e dodgy reason is just...yeah. Stun on a lower baseline cd, something like 40 seconds (30 seconds talented). +100 total force baseline, it's something everyone takes so why not make it baseline and replace it with the force regen of subversion/concentration and make these buffs proc from force lightning and telekinetic throw aswell. To fill up the empty space of a skill point option on the 2nd tier, well you can props think of something usefull. Cast pushback removed, cause it's not needed with the amount of ways to interupt a cast in this game. If sorc/sage aint getting more survivability, then give them more utility to make up for it.
  12. Don't mind him, he's jut spouting random numbers all over the place. Just look at his other posts.
  13. I would defo buy it aswell. A hk droid that doesn't talk is no hk droid.
  14. Yeah I've used him from 1-50 on one of my characters but not on makeb or oricon. Still, affection isn't that much of a biggy I just wan't him to comment that he wants to blast the ignorant meatbag that stands in my way.
  15. There has propably already been a thread about it but I couldn't find it. I recently came back to the game and was happy that hk-51 finally is in the game. I was rather dissapointed though, he doesn't say anything during conversations and apparently holds no opinion over anything since you gain no affection or lose it during conversations. Hk-47 is by far my favorite character in a game of all times and mainly due to his hilarious comments during kotor1 and 2. So yeah, it would be lovely if we could actually get some comments from hk during quest conversations and possibly add affection gain and a few companion quests (wich result in more hilarious dialogues). And possibly maybe the option to make him call people meatbags instead of organics and the option for some customization for his looks. All regular companions have these things since launch so it seems fair to give this caring and innocent assassin droid some love. And the same would be nice for Treek since she doesn't really do anything either. To quote hk-47 in kotor1, "commentary: the master keeps me around to comment on his decisions." For those who haven't played kotor 1 or 2, here is a link to a couple of comments from hk-47 and you'll know what I miss about hk-51.
  16. And the QQ train continues, ignoring every bit of counter evidence or failing to come up with a constructive response. Choo choo! Derp
  17. bananaface


    A good deal of my old classmates apparently became killers, my bet is on that class I was in.
  18. So when you fail to come up with a valid point of discussion you pull the cheat card. I can't speak for others but I myself don't que solo.
  19. It's amazing what bs people are coming up with in an attempt to get this spec nerfed. Stop ignoring how much damage an AP PT loses cause you're only looking at what they gain, not what they lose. Sage/sorc being in a though spot atm has nothing to do with AP PT in ion cyl, there are other threads about it even though I agree they need a buff.
  20. Shadow has way higher shield chance. Shadow pvp tanks (dark maul) has the same aoe damage reduction. Shadow defensive cd's are a lot better then PT ones. Shield in pvp doesnt do much in pvp in the first place. Please show us the actuall number of shadow tank armor. I aint comparing them to sages/sorcs, simply saying they have it aswell while you said no one else has it. It's 30% damage reduction while stunned btw.
  21. For one, armor doesn't decrease all damage. Second your numbers are based on what? Cause I don't see those numbers anywhere. Third, full tank specced...clearly not the spec we are talking about. Here are are numbers based on the real deal. Full conq without rebraced armor and ion cel 5199 armor. 5199 armor = 27.08% damage reduction vs energy and kinetic damage. Full conq with rebraced armor and ion cel 9228 armor. 9228 armor = 46.73% damage reduction vs energy and kinetic damage. Ion cell gives 5% damage reduction baseline. You gain: - 24.65% damage reduction vs energy and kinetic damage. - And 5% damage reduction vs internal and elemental damage. - The ability to guard. What do you lose? - Auto crits on rail shot. - 15% increased movement speed. - 11% damage baseline from switching cilinders. - Depending on how you're specced, another 6% fire damage from hyper fuel. - Heat degeneration wich makes you use your blaster a lot more often, pretty much every other special attack instead of being able to use specials back to back. I don't have an exact number for the last one, but it sure is a huge difference in damage. Conclusion. You gain on average if the amount of all damage from all sources is the same another 14.825% damage reduction and you're able to guard. You lose a lot of uptime on your damage cause you'll be staying close to your guarded team member and the loss of 15% movement speed increase + the baseline damage lost + significantly worse heat management wich all added together will more then likely result in losing atleast a third of your damage.
  22. Sorc/sage have 30% damage reduction while stunned in madness/balance. They aint got 25% damage reduction baseline, just increased armor and 2% damage reduction from skill points if specced into it. Mara/sent has 30% damage reduction available for all spec. Every class has defensive cd's. You've just proven my point, thank you.
  23. I got all classes and I can deal with them just fine with most of my chars apart from those ac's/comps that get countered by this spec. And yes thats 1on1, arena and wz's. If anything, a small damage nerf to balance out the trade off, but thats about it. I'm not supporting this spec cuz I'm a fotm reroller cause I play all 8 of my toons, it's cause I like hybrids being a viable choice. Sacrifice damage to gain some utility/defense is imo a fair trade. If some people can't handle it, it doesn't mean that the spec is OP or broken. It says something about those people. If I get beaten by someone I try to learn from my mistakes and adapt or if I simply get outplayed by a better player or the other guys spec is a counter to mine, then I'm fine with it. A lot more people should do that instead of running to the forums screaming nerf this and nerf that while they could spend their time to learn how to beat them instead. I'm not so ignorant to go with the general mindless QQ but instead voice my own opinion based on experience.
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