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Everything posted by Liamo

  1. How about the fact that near this period it was established this game is "fan fiction" according to Lucasfilm now? I know it's not 100% clear if this is canon or not, but I know quite a few people that stopped playing because they weren't going to contribute to "fanfiction."
  2. I have found I can barely play. I know it's my problem with not being keyboard proficient, but if it were this way at launch, I probably wouldn't still be playing. I'm seriously considering cancelling my sub. When I spend 10 minutes trying to find my way around, the game isn't fun!
  3. Well, it has completely crippled my game play. I don't use WASD and heavily rely on the map. Was anyone asking for "consistency" on this issue?
  4. SWG changed too much to survive. If it were still under pre-NGE-and FIXED-I think it would've went on a lot longer...but maybe not...the closing down may have had a lot to do with this launch than anything else. I do know post NGE, the population never recovered. Servers were merged etc...all things not even needed pre-NGE. Server merges, on a game like that, is the death knell.
  5. It wasn't a failed MMO. It was one of the top ones when it was out. Also, it was closer to 400k subs. Not 200k. It bled almost 200k when the NGE hit. How many FULL servers did SWG have for a lot longer than TOR?
  6. I just found a work around. Move a little first, bring the map up. It then works the way it always did.
  7. Shadowfire was where are the K00l k1ds hung out.
  8. I guess since he didn't say it was "Legends" it means it's not Legends or the jury is still out-like you said. It's in a better position than most things, I'd have to say. If we see the Story Group credit on any more of the story expansion, I'd say it's canon and not Legends. I know they were on GSF but what about the new story arcs?
  9. Did anyone ask them the current status of TOR..as in Legends or Canon? A guild member said they claimed TOR was canon. I'm hoping this is the case.
  10. He isn't the only one. I have watched fan fiction and Troops, even Robot Chicken/Family Guy Star Wars and got a chuckle out of them-but I am not going to invest time and energy into them. Playing this game, for me, was my way of being part of a bigger universe. To compare it to sports, if the NFL was disbanded-all but the founding teams-would you still expect the same amount of excitement, when the non-NFL teams played? No. It wouldn't be the same. You might enjoy the game like you would a Big Mac but you wouldn't get invested into it-because it no longer was part of the bigger whole.
  11. TOR hasn't been invalidated yet. Looks to be the opposite and it's part of the actual continuity.
  12. Where do you see this date and claim?
  13. Disney is not wanting to obliterate the EU. They are making it all on the same level of canon. They now have a story group deciding it and I doubt we'll have to wait until Rebels, or Episode 7, to see what has been saved or not. They paid $4 billion for the universe. They will save as much of that as they can.
  14. What major retcons did the Clone Wars cause?
  15. My daughter just got her wisdom teeth out and she's back home where we can take care of her...how are we doing that? A Star Wars Marathon including TCW. It really elevates the Prequels.
  16. Um..not they haven't. They have actually cemented more EU lately, with TCW. Death Watch. Night Sisters. Darth Bane. Quinlan Vos...just to name a few.
  17. It was never said the Force started on Tython. Even the Rakata used the Force.
  18. Looks like Moraband and Korriban ARE the same and it's been acknowledged, officially. http://aceofgeeks.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-final-season-of-clone-wars-preview.html Spoliers, however. Could the new Flashpoint address this?
  19. You guys do realize, if ALL these rumors are true, this game goes the way of an expensive lesson in fanfiction? If Korriban is out, like another report said, that means they are screwing EVERYTHING up. The EU is the reason Star Wars is still popular. They are what made Star Wars jump from a major movie series, to a universe. The EU is the reason Disney paid $4 billion for EVERYTHING. I for one, if this is true, will be an ex-subscriber if this all comes to pass. Who, in their right mind, would spend money to play someone's fan-fiction? That being said, I don't think this will end up being true. I think we'll see a lot of post-ROTJ stories removed and pruned, but outright re-writing characters? It doesn't make sense. If they end up doing that, what moron would buy new games and new books with the promise they are "official?" Official until when? Until they decide not to make them official. Star Trek is dead because of they had no "EU" to support them. Then, they turned around and killed the original universe. That isn't working so well for them. Disney already has books, merchandise etc it can market and sell. Why re-invent the wheel for the sake of re-inventing it?
  20. That might be the "Whills." If so, it goes back to the earliest of days for Star Wars. Apparenlty, the entirety of the post-ROTJ EU is out..and not just out...read this...this seems like someone is just having some lulz at Disney...http://www.starwars7news.com/2014/01/new-star-wars-episode-7-rumors-more-on.html
  21. ....information on the last episodes of The Clone Wars has come in. Looks like the Sith origin world is NOT Korriban, but a world called Moriband. The descriptions are just like Korriban so it seems like an FU to fans, imo. If you want some semi-spoliers on the descriptions of the episodes head here http://jedinews.co.uk/default.aspx You'll need to scroll down but it's all there.
  22. Is your Website down currently when you update does it go down?
  23. Unofficial Star Wars properties, when it comes to novels etc, aren't the cash cows that the in universe items are. Star Trek has done this and it does nothing to further the franchise. They won't license unofficial things. They won't sell. Star Wars has made a point that the things you read, the games you play, are part of the larger universe. There is no reason to change that. Otherwise, all you have is fan fiction. Very few people will pay for that. Even die hard fans.
  24. The toys are still sold at Wal-mart alongside the current movie toys. When is the last time you saw Star Wars toys marked down to a $1 clearance like almost every summer "blockbuster" toy. To the person saying Avatar grossed more than ALL 6 of the movies..not even close. Episodes 4 and 1 out gross Avatar. The 3D movies weren't cancelled because TPM tanked. It did "ok." They were cancelled because Disney purchased LFL and wanted to look to the future. Also, does anyone see how bad the "reboot" of Star Trek has been for the health of the franchise? Before, even with crappy movies, new fans would have 40 years of TV shows to watch. purchase etc. Now, they have nothing but the other movies. Have any of the new Trek books been even on the NYT Bestsellers list? They used to be. What killed that cow was when no attempt at continuity was even attempted? How many "origins" of the Borg are we up to now? If the EU is nuked, for SW, you may have a blockbuster movie or two, but you'll no longer have a franchise. As I grew with the OT, my children look at the 90's EU and the prequels as "Star Wars." Erasing that, for them, would be like saying the OT didn't happen. I'm sure they aren't the only ones. Who is going to invest in series after series of books if they do this because it all go "poof" again? Pruning is needed. I imagine they will get a script outline and then decide "what conflicts must go" or something like that. Just understand to an entire post-ROTJ generation, the EU=Star Wars and if it weren't for the EU, we wouldn't be here today. Ask any business how it works out when they jettison loyal customers for "potential" customers? How is New Coke selling today? In a SW related incident, how is the "rebooted" SWG doing? Heck, even the rebooted Battlestar Galactica didn't have franchise legs. I hope Disney sees this as opposed to saying "we'll make it work when no one else has!"
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