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Everything posted by Darindesh

  1. <Darkest Hour> recruiting active players. We are looking to build upon our active OPS team to raid every Wed (8pm Eastern) & Sun (7pm eastern). We have a solid 8 man group working on 16 man and/or 2 8 man groups. We have Discord and Flagship. We are recruiting all DPS classes/spec. Bring who you like to play. We are an adult guild that is pretty laid back and has a lot of fun. Come join us for a run or two and if you enjoy the company, stay and reap the benefits!! Only requirement is Discord, just a reminder as this is an adult guild and not always clean... wear a headset!! Look for the following: Darindesh Cruela Thaniselle Shadox Look for us online or look us up on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/286839644694181/
  2. Merc looking to server transfer. Looking to OPS two nights a week. Wanting to do heroic but will start out on SM if the goal is to get into heroic. I am 300 CXP and 1 242, rest is 246/248.
  3. Darkest Hour is recruiting active players that can do OPS on Sunday and Wednesday nights 8pm - 10pm server (Eastern). We are recruiting all classes and specs. We are an adult guild that is pretty laid back and has a lot of fun. Come join us for a run or two and if you enjoy the company, stay and reap the benefits!! Only requirement is Discord, just a reminder as this is an adult guild and not always clean... wear a headset!! Look for the following: Darindesh Cruela Thaniselle Shadox
  4. Bump devs!!! Please look into this. Grouping with friends when this is the bonus and trying to do this as a group sucks.. let us queue as a group or like above, have a drop down menu or checked boxes would be oh so nice for quality of life!!!
  5. Founder looking for Ops team. Havent done many ops but a long time WoW raider. Moving my focus to SWtOR. I have 216-224 gear 4pc set. Looking for OPS team that starts around 9pm central time. Let me know if you have any questions!!
  6. What are the chances of allowing addons or macros into the game? For example DBM (Deadly Boss Mods), Recount, healing mod, weak auras.... would be nice to try and min/max my game play and some would just be quality of life deals.
  7. Did this ever happen.... I have all of these ?'s
  8. Thanks for the response, I did do Makeb, if everything ends in ops guessing I will have to skip!
  9. Ive been away for some time now, I am lvl 55 but dont know where to start to continue my story. I did see two quests in my ship but says spoiler alert and need to finish my class quest. Where do I go for that? Thanks for all the help in advance!!!
  10. Sadly this... I am a huge Star Wars fan, you get my money cause of the name and I don't play as often as I used to on WoW. I started WoW just after open and quit when ToR came out. ToR is not even close to providing the entertainment that WoW does.... you guys need to draw people in not trick them into coming back to find out they have to pay for items they win in a roll. You guys have a good start but learn what keeps players going back to WoW, any player good or bad can play any part of WoW. Different layers of skill sets of raids, easy group forming. Can change factions quickly to get a new "feel" for the game. Fun=money, you might have to take a hit at the start (as far as profit) but it will make you another giant. Another note....fix your crashes.....I spend more time relogging into the game from crashing to desktop more than I get to play....
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