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Posts posted by IBJammin

  1. At launch there were complaints everywhere. After a little time passes, the people who were really disappointed tend to move on, but official forums are always pretty stuffed with complaints and "I'm quitting" threads, in my experience.


    Maybe they can have an "I'm Quitting" sub forum and the mods can just move all of those threads there. Then they can all be miserable together which might make them happy... then what?

  2. Because they are too busy playing :)


    Or feel like it's pointless to say so. Any statement of like or dislike turns into this odd repetitive chatter. I've never seen so many people so worked up about liking or not liking a game.



    I'm enjoying the heck out of it.


    I keep coming back to the forms hoping people are talking about things other than what they want that was in such a such game that isn't this one. Or seeing if the flame wars have died down and people are actually discussing gameplay, tactics, storylines, or other aspects of the game. I see it happening little by little not enough yet.

  3. There's really nothing wrong with Pandaren. WoW already has cow people, dog people and alien goat people. I don't see how panda people is any more stupid than those are.


    I'm fairly certain that the only people who hate Pandaren are children and people who weren't around in vanilla WoW. I remember back right before BC was going to come out how pretty much everyone wanted to see Pandaren, hence why they were almost the Alliance race instead of Draenei.



    Cow people?! lol! That's awesomely kitschy.

  4. Nice try. Were people asking for a dungeon finder at WoW's launch? People asking to fix raid frame bugs? Responsiveness? The complaints were very much so different. People weren't asking for features that already existed in past MMOs, it was mostly content demand. That was also 2004, its 2011 now. The more recent games had a chance to see what worked and what didn't on the market, yet still didn't capitalize on it until it was too late. Please go.



    You're assuming that every new feature in modern MMO's turned out to actually be good for the game.


    I'm sure we'll be seeing some new things implemented that players are asking for, some others I believe are being shied away from on purpose because of the type of playing and social environments the developers have envisioned.

  5. @OP Well I have a guild that would probably suit your needs, but we are Republic on Infinite Empire.




    If you are Republic, please check out <Never Enough> on Infinite Empire.


    Just got the site up today - its a work in progress but looks decent for now.




    I am a very experienced gamer/mmo player. I love to be around both new players AND pros. In WoW, I enjoy helping new players/ guild members as much as I do playing 2k+ arena matches.



    May the Force be with you!



    Thanks for the tip/offer. Just as an FYI... I wasn't able to read the charter even after signing up for an account. I'm not sure if you're trying to make that public information or not.

  6. jedi's are not allowed to "feel" love or something...and the sith kinds are just evil and have no heart. RP that mister! :D


    and to our OP....ppl do that crap all the time to me...i just kick them in the nutz and keep going forward.



    lol. Yet this toon is going to ignore than when he finally meets the Female Jedi in his story Arc.


    Possibly the only Dark Side points I'll collect with this character.

  7. I'm in the same boat. I just keep viewing mission statements on the various Guild homepages looking for good possibilities. I'm sure there's a good fit somewhere. I'm interested in improving and learning if folks are willing to impart knowledge but I have no desire to feel like I've joined the military. It's very interesting jumping into this world coming from the KOTOR and ME side of things rather than from another MMO. You not only have to learn a new game but new mechanics for playing it AND an entirely new culture and vocabulary.
  8. I'm definitely getting setup with some sort of voice system here in the next week. Being new to group play it would be great if I could interact with people more quickly to find out what I'm doing right and wrong or what is expected. It would be much better than folks instantly assuming just because you desire to do group play you're well versed in the system.
  9. I'm not sure why everyone is jumping on this guy. Seems legit enough to me. He hit 50, says there's not much he's enjoying now, and will check back later when the endgame population increases or more content is added. What's wrong with any of that? I work 6 days a week so I'm only at 27 and I have a while to go before I hit endgame. He's not posting anyone that's not 50 is a noob or something of that manner. People can come to the game and enjoy it for any number of reasons. The OP has and says see you in a bit and a bunch of folks jump down his throat. llo... what gives?
  10. As you can see, here you'll get a hundred replies saying they don't mind "constructive criticism", it's just the "bashing" they dislike. This is so they don't look like they are trying to shut down all commentary that isn't blind adoration. The catch is, no complaint or suggestion EVER meets their criteria for "constructive criticism" so they feel justified in bashing them all.


    They think they are clever.



    There are folks on both sides of the coin in that regard.


    Game Bashers and Don't Bash My Gamers.


    And either group can go overboard.


    I think what is bothersome is the attitude with which even legitimate complaints are being presented. They're not requests or concerns, rather simple outright attacks.


    That being said the responses that attempt to belittle the OP aren't any more desirable or constructive.


    Personally I get tempted to respond out of irritation from reading the same whining over and over. It would be wonderful to see actual game discussion and a community feel on these boards rather than this battle that seems to be taking place over what people want the game to be verses what the game actually is.


    I can only assume that things will eventually calm down and it will have a more community like feel and I'm looking forward to it.

  11. Mostly It's true.


    Could have summed it up a little nicer though.


    Basically, If you like the KOTOR linear story play style ( nothing wrong with that ), you will probably enjoy the game quite a bit.


    If you're looking for a ground breaking MMO with open worlds to explore, you're going to be very disappointed. ( nothing wrong with that as well. )






    This game can't be all things to all people. Some are really going to enjoy it! Some are looking for something different. No biggie. What's really interesting to me is how upset it makes some folks when they figure out they don't enjoy the gameplay.

  12. Does sapphire radeon 6570 run swtor with no lag on low graphic settings?

    I'm looking to purchase this so I can run the game with no lag on minimum settings.

    Please leave your comments.




    Sure... Low would be no problem if the rest of your rig it up to spec.

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