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Everything posted by Pryona

  1. Check grievance out at http://www.grievancegaming.org. currently going for hardmode progression
  2. With Grievance starting 16m operations we are needing more people so we can run them full time,If you want those ultimates and have a fun time raiding with a good guild Make sure to check us out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ so I can get you into a raiding spot before its taken
  3. Should check Grievance out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a helpful family community.We accept all 18+ If grievance looks like what you want you can Contact me in game on Either Pryona or Huulruk offcers are GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco Raid Leader-Huulruk Recruit Officer-Lordrolo Officer-Verentri Officer-Furocious ^^^all will be able to answer any questions you have
  4. Should check Grievance out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a helpful family community.We accept all 18+ If grievance looks like what you want you can Contact me in game on Either Pryona or Huulruk offcers are GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco Raid Leader-Huulruk Recruit Officer-Lordrolo Officer-Verentri Officer-Furocious ^^^all will be able to answer any questions you have
  5. Should check Grievance out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a helpful family community.We accept all 18+ If grievance looks like what you want you can Contact me in game on Either Pryona or Huulruk offcers are GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco Raid Leader-Huulruk Recruit Officer-Lordrolo Officer-Verentri Officer-Furocious ^^^all will be able to answer any questions you have !
  6. Should check Grievance out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a helpful family community.We accept all 18+ If grievance looks like what you want you can Contact me in game on Either Pryona or Huulruk offcers are GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco Raid Leader-Huulruk Recruit Officer-Lordrolo Officer-Verentri Officer-Furocious ^^^all will be able to answer any questions you have
  7. Should check Grievance out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a helpful family community.We accept all 18+ If grievance looks like what you want you can Contact me in game on Either Pryona or Huulruk offcers are GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco Raid Leader-Huulruk Recruit Officer-Lordrolo Officer-Verentri Officer-Furocious ^^^all will be able to answer any questions you have
  8. check out Grievance at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a 18+ only guild.big on family the guild is spread out on almost all mmos that are out so alot of experience if interested You can contact me on either Pryona or Huulruk or one of our officers online GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco RL-Huulruk Officer-Verentri Officer-Creedes Officer-Furocious or do a /who grievance and ask for someone
  9. Check out Grievance at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a 18+ only guild.big on family a lot of wow and swg players in our guild also the guild is spread out on almost all mmos that are out so alot of experience if interested You can contact me on either Pryona or Huulruk or one of our officers online GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco RL-Furocious Officer-Verentri Officer-Creedes Officer-Huulruk or do a /who grievance and ask for someone
  10. check out Grievance at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a 18+ only guild.big on family a lot of wow and swg players in our guild also the guild is spread out on almost all mmos that are out so alot of experience if interested You can contact me on either Pryona or Huulruk or one of our officers online GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco RL-Furocious Officer-Verentri Officer-Creedes Officer-Huulruk or do a /who grievance and ask for someone
  11. check out Grievance at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a 18+ only guild.big on family a lot of wow and swg players in our guild also the guild is spread out on almost all mmos that are out so alot of experience if interested You can contact me on either Pryona or Huulruk or one of our officers online GL-Rocketdeath Exo-Sheco RL-Furocious Officer-Verentri Officer-Creedes Officer-Huulruk or do a /who grievance and ask for someone
  12. New to the game? Possibly Returning from break? or just looking for a new Guild to call home? welll your in luck Grievance is recruiting all levels new and old check us out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/
  13. http://www.grievancegaming.org/ if you are still looking for a guild.we Recruit all
  14. http://www.grievancegaming.org/ Amazing family and Community
  15. Grievance is recruiting if you would like to check us out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ or Pm me in game either on Pryona or Huulruk to learn more. also you can do /who Grievance and ask for an officer .we do 3 raid nights a week Monday,Tuesday,Thursday 8:30pm-11pm est
  16. So I hear you can't find the right guild that keeps you playing mmos ...well do i have a surprise for you! Grievance is that guild !!! don't freak out tho! cause you can be one of us too ..check out http://www.grievancegaming.org/ and you could be in an amazing guild too
  17. IF your having Problems getting in touch with me .you can try talking to one of the other officers that may be on and let them tell you about the guild GL- Rocketdeath XO- Sheco Raid Leader- Furocious Officer :Verentri Officer :Creedes or type /who Grievance and ask if theres a officer on since we all have a bunch of alts
  18. Grievance has a spot for any and everyone im online .if not on Pryona then Huulruk .or head over to the grievance site at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ and check us out to see if you like the guild :}
  19. If you hit me up in game on either Pryona or Huulruk i can give you more information on the guild i am in.Grievance
  20. Tired of being in a boring guild or just playing by yourself? Join Grievance today and be apart of the best online family ever !
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