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Everything posted by Raurth

  1. Not sure if I'd take the word of a US website over the OED. However, in legal terms (as your source rightly asserts) "hanged" is the correct usage (agreed upon by the majority of the English Usage Panel) for anyone being executed by capital punishment, which your statement suggested.
  2. No ****, they're being hanged. (Yes, people are hanged, objects are hung. Except me.)
  3. What reason could you possibly have for not wanting a combat log? DPS Meters and Dungeon Finder I can sort of understand (One is because you're bad, the other is because you think spamming for an hour builds "community" and not rage.). But a Combat Log? How does that harm your gameplay?
  4. Bioware's fault for failing so epically with the implementation of a pvp zone.
  5. Shame that all 3 tiers of raiding/pvp gear looks identical as well!
  6. What's the point of them apart from Crafting Bots? They're being removed from Ilum. Their quests are done, they don't come to raids or Hardmode Flashpoints or Warzones. Are they really just levelling pets and mobile crafting droids?
  7. Yup, let's ignore the fact that all the races use the same model, animations and customisation options. Move along guys! Bioware were lazy with their character creation because the films came out 40 years ago!
  8. Except, hitting 60 in wow took a frigging long time. Hitting 60 in SWTOR takes 3 days.
  9. The problem with this is the Endgame is terribly broken. My companions are now pointless except as credit farmers. They don't talk to me, there's no quests left, they're even being banished from Ilum soon so I can't use them in PvP. There's no story left, the only quests in my log are Dailies and Weeklies. And no, I will not, personally, pay 15quid a month to level an alt through the same zones, same quests.
  10. Hit 50 in the first 2 weeks of the game, have full champion apart from the chestpiece, which is centurion. About to hit Rank 60 Valor, with both ilum and warzone weeklies ready to hand in.
  11. Firstly: Game Mechanics should never be sacrificed for "Story". Secondly, OP is correct. Gear system is a complete joke. PvP Gear takes far less time to gather than PvE gear and is better than drops from Hardmode Flashpoints, making them completely worthless (having done them while levelling, the story is of no interest, not to mention their horrific buggyness).
  12. Yup, the only people who are able to level fast are those who play all day every day. Not those who understand how efficient levelling works, did 20 levels in Beta and don't get distracted by pretending to run a twi'lek only cantina on the starter planet.
  13. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/rift So, 2 points above Rift. This game is the bomb.
  14. How to be a forum ****** like Lokai! Step 1: Make up unsubstantiated crap. Step 2: Make sure to get your use of "your" and "you're" incorrect. Step 3: Post!
  15. Quests are marked on the Map and Minimap from 5 minutes walking distance away. You can already tell if a mob is going to wreck you by looking at its level and HP and type. The dungeons are already found. If you mean "Groups", it's not fun spending 1 hour looking for one. Yes, I want a mod to tell me my DPS so I can optimise my rotation, to actually use my brain instead of randomly facespamming keys hoping that I'm doing it right. Tough for you to understand from your postition of being terrible at games.
  16. The 99 Percent that want you to stop putting a frigging apostrophe in "Add ons". "ADD ON'S" What the hell is that?
  17. Yup! Raid Content =! "Immersive Solo Quest Content!" Btw =! means "Does not equal". Just in case.
  18. Nothing but repair costs. Gear is gained from PvP or PvE, crafted gear is useless. Mods are gained from Dailies (higher level than anything craftable). You could buy every speeder, or save for the 1.5 million credit one, but that's a personal choice really.
  19. I'm fine with hundreds of players doing the same "Kill X Droid Quest". That doesn't bother me really. I'm not fine with my character being told that I am the "chosen one" (Actual ingame quote), when I am clearly not. Fundamental problem with "Story based" mmos.
  20. There is no immersion in SW:TOR, unless you count being "one of 270,000 Jedi Knights who happen to save the Galaxy", immersive.
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