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Personal Information

  • Location
    I live in Hertfordshire, England
  • Interests
    Playing World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2 and hopefully Star Wars Old Republic!!!
  • Occupation
    Retired bouncy castle man (Age 20)... i hate it :/
  1. Bloody brilliant! Shows how much you appreciate your on player base! Makes me wonder if blizzard will take a leaf from your book, If so they should have done it along time ago! Well done Bioware makes you look good and not like the cold hearted, penny snatching, soul stealing monsters that blizzard entertainment are!
  2. Hello everyone, I played a bounty hunter at launch and i leveled really fast in shield tech... I have neglected my 41 PT BH until now. I wish to level and DPS in WZ and i was wondering what spec i should play. things you should know about me to suggest what spec: - I am a casual gamer now; I dont want to be theorycrafting and thinking too hard on how my DPS can be 1000x better -I prefer Burst damage over sustained (Due to internet spikes) - I prefer as little tools as possible just for face rolling lol Ive played various MMO's and i would like a suggestion on what to play and why in order to allow me to draw from your experiences in order to make a decent decision that i dont have to think too much about. Thanks to anyone that helps out
  3. Hey guys, ive leveled a juggernaut to 50 and ive played around abit i love the class and wanted to play the other advanced class but as a jedi! Im not totally new to the class, i understand juggernaut/guardian quite solidly but as a sentinel i was wondering what spec should i level as and what comp people suggest for levelling or any other suggestions and if some spells are dropped altogether (Like master strike or slash or whatever ( just random examples)? thanks for reading
  4. Hi there, i have levelled to 50 and i have decided to to go immortal spec for PVE ive. I have read material on how to tank and things of similar nature... My question is this what do i do now? I am in questionable gear, no clue where to start my epic loot whoring so what should i do? Basically i need to know what i can do at this point in the game, i know i can go ilum and do the dailies but from a PVE stand point what flash points can i do? or are all the heroic modes doable for me or do i need to have cap my stats in order to complete them? Does anyone have suggestions on where to start for sets or pieces which will help me get my tanking stats up Sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes any advice is welcome P.S why is ilum suggested by my guildies what can i get from their? they just go on about the credits i can make :S im a gear motivated player i waste and spend credits as i do IRL lol.
  5. Does gravity lower the rage cost of force crush by 1?
  6. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101ZG0MZGMRrdbMbGR.1 this is how id go; last 2-3 points either in quake to increase survivability, 3 in battle-cry or 3/3 single sabre mastery and 2 in quake or battle cry Personally i don't use sundering assault unless im rocking vengeance, but that how i play rage. Also id go for the vicious slash increases due to it being a decent rage dump dont get me wrong if im at range i use force scream but to apply force crush and smash i need to be in melee range so i dont really need to use a big rage dump such as force scream when i have 20% ARP with the 2 stacks of sunder from sabre throw. I could be wrong on this but if smash is a force move it isnt effected by ARP and due to not grabbing vicious slash talents it is a wasted talent... once again dont quote me on this it most likely is wrong. Also ravage is a channelled spell its fine if they aren't moving but i believe it isnt work having 1 point in making it uninterrupted.
  7. Sand people gear = awesome id rock that all the way to 50
  8. Hi, Im just need a few things clarified; A)Is force scream used often? The reason i ask this is due to the high rage consumption making smash and obliterate delayed or is this just as a dump spell like Heroic strike was in WoW (I know its like one of our harder hitting abilities) B) Im level 28 do i still use Sundering strike or whatever to generate extra rage? Any other useful tips or quite rotation/priority will be appreciated im not looking for immense detail just basic things
  9. i get that with sabre ward and heroic moment.... i know its off GBC too
  10. Ion gas Cylinder is important and you will find that your auto-shoot type ability is important too.... rocket punch is a an awesome threat move. On Single targets use the unload and on Aoe use flame thrower... Obviously you can use flame thrower on single targets for a filler. Its quite easy to become overheated so in-between each move use your auto shoot ability with ion gas cylinder this will help alot. I rarely use rail-shot i dont know if this is a must at high level but i dont use it and i never have issues with aggro Dont take this as gospel i have a 40 BH PT shield tech and i get told im a good tank often but this doesn't give what im saying any credit, it has just worked for me at the point im at in the game
  11. Can someone please clarify (lots of mixed views) is it by date or random? is this something people who pre-ordered early in the year such as myself are telling ourselfs? or is it by random?
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