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Everything posted by Olarid

  1. Sorry, just a rant For a gunslinger having 90% of my dmg going against defense checks, I miss my surge!
  2. Yes, but when you spent so much time on those items and got them, weee boy did you feel special. Fungi was the POOP Now you just say meh, oh well, will get 9 more bags in the next 2 days.
  3. All that absorption is great, especially paired with mods that give no shield rating! GL finding mods that make sense, best bet is to rip mods out of JK/SW columni tanking gear
  4. Only read the first few paragraphs. You missed Cannonade for annihilation droid
  5. Also, if you go to interface option in preferences you can rescale the health bars which will help immensely.
  6. Maybe they are just fun to play! http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/95920/module_gallery/original/369413.jpg http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/95920/module_gallery/original/369414.jpg
  7. That's so you can use it with your defense rating sniper rifle! (although there may be a tanking companion that uses sniper rifles, I duno )
  8. This game is restrictive enough on where I should go, doing that just makes it even more restrictive. yuk Not saying the botting isn't a problem but I rather enjoyed joyriding around hoth at level 25 just to check it out.
  9. So it's ok for this to happen in HM which is the loot you want anyway but not normals? Guilds should have a choice, if you don't want to pug and op with master looter, make a pug that enjoys random assignment. But guilds not being able to give gear to those that need it is just silly. I'd rather carry a person or two on HM then do normals with all of them so I ensure we can upgrade appropriately.
  10. It drops twice the amount of loot, sometimes it seems like more as there could be like 10 pieces including recipes and whatnot. Most people just don't do them because they are more difficult than 8 mans. An 8 man HM is a walk in the park compared to a 16 man HM on most encounters. (most)
  11. This is why There is no reason to buy credits, you get plenty and have nothing to buy
  12. So you don't have pvp gear or do dailies? I wouldn't invite you to my HM group either.
  13. While your add, explain if accuracy is actually useful! (don't tell me about imaginary def ratings either!)
  14. If your in raid gear and first learning the encounters, expect about 50k for near full repair. Luckily you make that back in 1 days doing dailies so meh
  15. Funny thing is that they were correct in the last beta build, along with different looking graphics on the raid gear. Now we are back to the uglier raid gear and broken weapon from 3 beta builds ago. I honestly think we are playing on an older build than the last beta version.....
  16. Agree 10000000000% It's a damn shame that my companion out dps'es half of our guild because we can't assign loot.
  17. I'd rather do as little as possible for my daily allowance =) in fact, they should just mail me the money and commendations daily!
  18. You may be able to use abilities more smoothly but...you might not be able to enter your ship!
  19. Funny thing is that in beta, all the tier sets had a different and actually cooler look. Someone how they managed to revert to garbage looks much like with the game graphics. I honestly think they gave us a build older than the one we beta tested or something.
  20. Why bash your head on wipefests and broken mechanics in HM dungeons when you can semi afk pvp and get good enough gear to do HM/NM operations. NTM the BEST weapon in the game is the battlemaster mainhand. Because Rakata weapons are still worse than Tionese. I'm sure this was all thought out before hand.
  21. So the cap is total? lol I haven't noticed because our server is actually fairly balanced for now and it's usually 15 vs 20ish. Might be worth while just to bring 100 republics there and lock the imps out of your shard and just afk run over night.
  22. That's not true either. I haven't respec'ed in two weeks, respec'ed last night and it still cost me 8k. Something is definately buggy and there is no reason it shouldn't tell you the cost before you do it and not after the fact.
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