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Everything posted by SliceAntilles

  1. Seriously? I get screwed because I stopped playing my main at 49, seriously, 49, been 49 for over a month because between being busy real life and alts, I just didnt' feel like finishing the level. Thanks EA... I won't forget this.
  2. I willfully chose to forget that episode 1-3 were ever made.
  3. Am I the only one that likes the red, blue and green from the movies? Ah well...
  4. The OP here is soooo tempting to troll, but I'll be good. I'll be nice. I'll abide by the rules... *twitch*
  5. I was going with all my characters just concidentally have the same last name. It's like the star wars version of Smith.
  6. 1.2... cool I guess, to me it's just Thursday.
  7. Just don't do them. If you have to do them to be competitive in this game... then this game isn't worth playing.
  8. My reason is that everyone is in some kind of rush. It's stressful to always have to be chasing after people who won't stop to let you breath. As far as I'm concerned it's the people who rush through everything in groups who are anti-social, not the people going solo. Solo I can take a moment to chat on general, or send a tell to a friend. In a rush rush rush group I can't do anything but get stressed out trying to keep up and contribute. I love to talk, and I enjoy socializing, but in my experience a group prevents either. That said, if I found a group of people who like to take an easy pace, I'd happily join in.
  9. I'll summarize: I don't like it so no one should have it, waaah!
  10. "Carebear" You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.
  11. I happen to be a big fan of the space station, and "spacer living" in general, when it comes to sci-fi. If you don't like the space station, don't hang around on it, find another place that you and likeminded people can designate as the "we're too cool for spacestations" hang out spot. I like the space station, hands off my home.
  12. Wow, after reading this thread I've concluded: lots of words != saying anything
  13. So you're basically they guy everyone's complaining about. I still say who cares? Expect people to be greedy selfish immature little losers in a PUG, and you'll rarely be disappointed or surprised. Joining a PUG is for one reason and one reason only: mission complete. If you want loot: solo. If you want social adventure: friends and guild mates. Otherwise remember you're on the internet, and expect people to be... [imagine a long chain of explitives here].
  14. It's the internet, I've been doing this since I was 11, and all I can say is expect people to be greedy selfish petty small minded losers. When I join a PUG it's to get the mission done, that's it, that's all. I roll greed on everything, I get zero loot, I don't care, I'll never play with any of these idiots again. If some of them aren't idiots, that's cool, and opens up potential friends, guildies, or allies... but don't expect it. I make plenty of cash and loot when I'm teamed up with friends, guildies, or just plain solo, so I don't care what happens in the PUG so long as I get a mission complete at the end of it. You might not like it but this is the internet, if you expect anything different you're going to be very unhappy and likely rage on forums a lot... Hope for the best, but expect the worse, especially online.
  15. Disappointing... thank you for the info though. I return to retreating this as a PvE game, and get my PvP fix elsewhere.
  16. The servers won't be ghost towns any time soon no matter how much you wish it. I haven't PvP'd yet on this game because I've never been able to take non-shooter pvp seriously. I didn't come here for the PvP though... as I said, there are shooters I play when I want that. I've read some stuff in this thread that piqued my curiousity though. Is it true that it's not another "my gear beat your gear" style of PvP? Actual skill required? It would be a first (to me) as far as MMOs go, and very welcome... if it's true.
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