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Everything posted by leene

  1. 'Us Founders', really? Speak for yourself. I really don't get why people who've been here since the start have the illusion that they are somehow more special than all the others... I've been subbed from the beginning, my involvement goes as far back as closed beta testing. And I never really thought I deserve special attention. Fact is, I don't, and neither do you. No one forced you to be a sub for four years, the fact that you did subscribe for that amount of time must mean that you took some enjoyment out of it. And if that either isn't the case or reward enough for you... well, then the problem probably lies more with you than with the game.
  2. Fastest way? Dailies, as mentioned above. Gets a bit tedious after a while, although nowadays there are actually so many daily areas that there's even a bit of variety. I gave up on dailies a while ago though. To gain credits I just simply pick gathering skills for every new character I level (Slicing + 2 of the others, doesn't really matter which). Then, while running around for missions on planets, I scavenge every node I can find while sending comps away on Slicing missions. Whenever I have a full stack it goes on the GTN, and done. That's an easy 5mil by the time you've reached 60 (at least).
  3. It may be helpful to include the name of your server and/or post these kind of threads directly into the respective server forum here on the site. I hope you'll find someone to enjoy the game with!
  4. When you think about what game we're playing... Nice trailer, enjoyed it a lot.
  5. Just check their Twitch page. It says 4pm CST.
  6. Transferring characters from NA to EU servers and vice versa is not possible (yet; one can dream).
  7. Oh wow, thank you for adjusting server downtimes to my schedule! (I know, I know, it probably will be back to Tuesday downtime next week; still glad I can play this Tuesday though.)
  8. Yeah, which sadly happens more often than not. If my class has the ability I will most certainly throw in a heal here and there. Leveling a Commando at the moment which makes it easy to just switch the Cylinder and heal for a bit if no one else does. Although I refuse to heal people who jump ahead. Their problem if they can't wait. Usually they learn their lesson after their 1st death.
  9. I'm below 100k but more of a lurker than a poster. Was a beta player as well, although that summer was so hectic for me I don't really remember which beta phase I was part of.
  10. I have a guildie who enjoys playing a Sorc so much, he has 8 (or is it 9 after the last 2xp?) of them. All 55, most geared, many dps, some healers. I don't see the problem though, I love them as well. I only have 2 (and a Sage), and I really don't like the healing myself, but I enjoy my dps sorcs immensely. So, if you ask me, there can never be too many of them
  11. Giant, headless robot-chicken. That's what their movement reminds me of. I find them quite amusing honestly. I wouldn't want one for myself, but it's funny to watch other people running around with them. Also, Banthas. Their movement looks like they're gliding or something.
  12. Pretty much this. Whenever I'm grouped with a guildie and questing on Hoth we head for this mob just in case, to kill it multiple times (depends how many people are in the group). Haven't had trouble finding it yet, even if it includes switching instances. We just split up, move along its path and usually find it pretty fast. I'm on TRE server as well, by the way.
  13. I usually save my Elite Comms for whenever I need to gear up an alt that recently dinged 55. There's also the possibility to buy a Mass Manipulation Generator for 350 Elite Comms and 20 Exotic Element Equalizers from the vendor in the crew skill section of the fleet (although I wouldn't recommend it if the GTN prizes for MMGs and EEEs on your server resemble the ones on TRE). Other than that there is no other use for Elite Commendations I can think of right now. Schematics of Black Market/Verpine/Oriconian implants or earpieces cannot be learned as far as I know. Only the recipes for the gear purchased with Unassembled tokens (i.e. Arkanian/Underworld/Dread Forged) can be learned.
  14. A few guildies and I sometimes team up to go through a planet or two together. We're usually 3-4 people, so we always deal with reinforcements as well; and I have to say I don't see why that should be a problem. We never have issues with the additional mobs, even though they are elites or more strongs. I don't recall a single wipe and I've been playing with these people for the better part of a year now. I really hope the devs won't get any ideas to get rid of the reinforcements, as I rather enjoy it this way. That being said, us being on TS all the time may play into this since we can coordinate better, but that shouldn't make such a big difference (especially since some people don't listen ).
  15. Beta player, CE owner and all that jazz... My sub has never run out, but I have occasional short breaks here und there just to keep myself interested in the game.
  16. That sounds suspiciously like we're on the same server. Although I'm pretty sure TRE isn't the only server that's had this problem lately.
  17. That's the reason why I don't sell mine anymore. Instead, I craft the augments now and sell those. Admittedly, earning credits through that is slower, but the overall profit is larger.
  18. When I got to the Archon on my very first toon I had this issue as well. As was already said, the easiest thing to do is simply to DPS the boss down. It takes a little longer maybe, but is not really that hard. If you don't want to take that route, try to reset the phase and do the palace again. That may solve your problem with the drops, but it doesn't always succeed.
  19. What do you mean? This wasn't a suggestion, this happened to the OP on live apparently. A GSF match with only 1 participant on each side where one of them leaves is not how this is supposed to work I think. Either there really was no one else queuing up after the initial pop or there was an issue with backfilling the missing slots.
  20. That happened to me a few times as well. Once I said to a tank who I found a little hard to heal for a DF SM that he may want to think about getting mitigation augments instead of the endurance ones (which he had on ALL of his gear) after which he promptly put me on his ignore list. I was giving friendly advise but I guess he thought I was criticizing him or something. Oh well But I'm also happy to say that I've experienced the opposite as well. This last weekend I used the double xp to level another sorc. I was constantly complaining to my guild on TS that I couldn't wait to get off Korriban and DK, because Gen Chat was going nuts, and even more so than usual (pretty sure I got on everyone's nerves that day on TS about this topic ;P). I still tried to answer some general questions some new people had about the game and stuff though. One was how to get XP apart from sidequests. I answered that I'm doing a lot of WZs and the odd FP so that I only have to do my story quests on planets. They whispered me asking what a WZ was, and I explained the concept of warzones. They thanked me, and a little while later they asked where my char's name came from (a book series) and the conversation went from there. First I thought 'Oh no, another one that won't leave you alone after you've offered help', but it was quite the opposite. I enjoyed our conversation, which wasn't even about the game anymore, even though my XP boost ran out without being used in the process And so it was that instead of adding to my own ignore list, I happily added a new name to my friends list that day. Although I still was relieved when I finally could leave DK behind in the end
  21. The code isn't on the CE box itself. The box contains another smaller metallic keep case (?) with the actual discs of the game inside next to a sheet of paper with the product code and relatively detailed information on how to unlock it. If you obtain an unopened CE box I think you can be fairly certain that the code included within has not been used yet
  22. Um... of course they don't read the message more closely. When I see someone in general chat posting a link along with some numbers including credit/euro/dollar signs I don't even spend a 2nd thought on it before reporting the message and ignoring the character. Goldspammers don't deserve more attention and neither do people posing as such, joke or not. Seriously, this is one of the dumbest things I've seen in a long time, and that's really something.
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