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Everything posted by Qpocalyps

  1. after the 7.0 patch the achievement progress on the left side of the achievement page have all turned the same blue color making it harder to spot what you have done and not done the way it was before with this current blue color being 0% yellow being 1-99% and green for 100% was much better visiual and more gratifying to look at thanks for reading my post
  2. an abillity like saber throw is a iconic abillity for a jedi knight / sith warrior and it shoudnt be and optional choice it shoud be baseline
  3. on my sage healer after they added the discipline system my cleanse does not remove negative physical debuffs anymore even though the talent is still there Mend Wounds Restoration now removes negative physical effets and heal the target for 897-1447 it does the healing but it does not remove the physical debuffs and i find it anoying since almost every debuff on any of the high lvl planets is either physical or tech meaning i cant do **** about it even though im a healer and from what i have seen no one else have mentioned it and bioware just ignore tickets about it
  4. so are we able to change advance class in shadow of revan or is it only the talent tree they are changing
  5. how come everytime there comes a new patch where they fix some problems in then 20new problems apears
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