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Posts posted by PseudoScience

  1. I must say I find it quite amusing that most of the posters defending the merger are not affected by it while most of the players angered over the announcement are in fact affected by it. Really says something.


    It's the same three posters since the announcement came through.


    People need to ignore their futile attempts at agitation.

  2. The trade-off EA has given us is population vs performance. People's loyalties are with both and that's why we want a merger!


    Planetside 2 is F2P and has localised servers! I don't think the APAC servers are running at a loss but they are taking an opportunity to sacrifice the quality of our performance (ping/latency) to cost cut and increase revenues.

  3. Lets consider their solution:


    They are further fragmenting the community by diluting APAC populations into the North American servers.


    Why are the mergers not just transfers to any of the three servers mentioned?


    For the community that wants to stick around, we should be given an opportunity to rally the APAC server to one NA server if this is going ahead. We need players who play at our times and run operations to our schedules, yes you have a lot of people on at all times but the timezones are not exact. This solution will further fragment the community it needs to be reassessed.

  4. There is no point in trying to give our perspective to IceHawk he will just label it as irrational. He is nothing more than a troll masquerading as a "man of logic and reason". All his points are wild assumptions at best and I don't have the energy trying to educate him.


    This issue is bigger than a couple of troll guys, lets focus back on the community and what we want in light of the circumstances.

  5. Declaring that EA is completely in the wrong, fundamentally "evil" and "inhuman" and has consistently lied to APAC, or that there is no realistic foundation for this decision go beyond expressing dissatisfaction for being merged into a non-local server. .


    That is just a strong reaction from an angry community. EA should take some heat for this. The APAC community has been treated us like second class citizens since beta.


    Limited access for APAC players in beta

    Classed as "red zoners" at launch and made to wait 3 months for the game to launch in our region

    When the character slots increased on NA and EU servers to 12 slots we had to demand we get that also

    EA ignored the population issues for months and compounded the problem so more and more people left

    Now they are shutting APAC servers down


    When EA has this track record with our community you wonder why they get this strong reaction and why the population ran for the hills in the first place. I appreciate them giving us local servers but they are taking that away.


    I get that you don't have a vested interest or don't really care but all I'm saying is to get some perspective, you're not on EA's payroll so don't act like it.

  6. Just to put to rest the argument that the petition is being signed by many outside of APAC, currently at 330 sigs, >95% are from APAC. Also, if you think 330 sigs isn't that many, be aware that is in 24 hours, where the number dries up when people go to bed for 12am to 9am. During waking hours the sigs/hour rises steadily increases until late evening.

    At the current rate, it will be over 500 by the time I log off the game tonight.




    Well done! I've signed it days ago and am proud the APAC community is rallying around this issue.

  7. Any APAC people (not Americans... sorry) here, that are willing to support EA or BIO in there future endeavours???


    I personally will not be buying anymore EA games. I purchased Sim City and it is a complete disaster. This server shut down is the last straw for this company.

  8. LOGIC!


    Something the majority of these posters are short of nor understand either. :cool:


    Most of the community understand perfectly that this is a cost cutting exercise, that's one of the reasons they are angry. The issue is multifaceted and that is just one issue among many.


    But I seem to be trying to bring perspective to a few trolls in the post who like to agitate players under the guise of "logical" and "rational" argument.

  9. This would tend to be my argument; EA seriously mishandled the expansion into this marketplace, likely failed to achieve sustainable and significant enough ROI to rationalize continued investment in personnel, benefits, utilities, maintenance, et al, and are now retreating from the marketplace in an effort to cut their losses.


    IceHawk you are trying to bring "rationale" to a raw and emotional argument right now, what kind of sense of entitlement and purpose do you feel by agitating and already disheartened community? Your assumptions that APAC players should of seen this coming and should get over it because that's just what corporations do still doesn't make it right....how about you show some compassion and let people vent?


    Another issue:

    The players who are downplaying the latency/ping issue clearly don't PvP or PvE to any serious extent. There is a major difference in the performance and quality of the game on the NA server than on the APAC servers. Ability activation, response time and glittery performance are a common occurrence. This makes us subpar at the game because an equally skilled player in PvP can react better, same with a PvE player so the quality of our gaming experience is going to drop. That's not to mention players who aren't on the east coast whose pings will go through the roof.


    Those of us on the Harbinger or swiftsure already know that it felt like Christmas when we got placed into APAC servers and our character was responding the way it should! /tear

  10. I didn't say that they DID just decide it on the fly over some drinks at lunch. :p Oh thank you for implying something I didn't say.


    ALL I did say is I don't think they had decided the fate of the APAC servers at the same time the expansion was offered for pre-order. To imply more is to put proverbial words into my mouth.


    That and if you read my post that I'm not against refunds per-se, that part of my intent was to say that I don't see any solution for the APAC servers as being the "good" one.


    Oh well, I guess some people like to read between the lines, even when nothing is THERE to read.


    Your statement is implying that they didn't know, so I guess it works both ways.

  11. This move on EAware's part is kind of showing the downfall of swtor, and it makes me question what we will see after 2.0.


    Get ready brother, this won't be the last axe to fall in SW:TOR if current trends persist.

  12. If we go back to WoW, we will still have a NA ping, but we will be in an Oceanic community who function at the same peak times as we do and well... Just aren't so American.


    Exactly! The competitive advantage that SW:TOR had in the APAC region over WoW and other MMOs was the local servers that kept me coming back - despite the lag in new content and a smaller population. I still had fun and pvp queues were still going and operations were happening. but now that advantage is being taken away I don't have much incentive to stay. I won't be going to WoW though.

  13. I don't want to play on the NA servers and I feel that EA / Bioware has now done a bait and switch with the service being offered.


    Couldn't agree more! They released the game with the promise of APAC servers, we got them. They announced the expansion and opened pre orders under the pretense that our servers would still be there. They have essentially promoted and offered a higher quality service and given us a low quality service by removing the better performing/optimal servers.


    How long until the wheels really fall off and they admit they already have a timeline for the game's complete demise?

  14. So who do I need to talk to so that I can get a refund on what I prepaid for the expansion now that you are not going to be offering the same service that I paid for?


    Customer support give them a call.

  15. What is the issue then? That you guys are getting transferred?

    Guess what, I was on an early access East coast US server and I've been transferred twice, and lost all my character names to accounts younger than mine. I survived.


    I guess you're just more inclined to put up with EA's bull#### :)

  16. I don't believe that was ever given as a reason for APAC servers. It's always been more about community and playing with people in the same time zone. Most MMOs don't have servers hosted locally. That includes the biggest MMO world of warcraft which last I checked, had APAC servers but not ones hosted locally.


    Well if that's the only reason was timezone they would have left the community on the Harbinger or Swift sure in the first place. Also now they would of allowed transfers back to any of those US servers regardless of play style so the community could choose to transfer together, if they choose.


    The bottomline is: They wanted to capatilse on the APAC market but because the game (the whole game) is in population decline we are just the next axe to fall.

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