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Posts posted by PseudoScience

  1. Better communication? How about any communication? All thats been seen is some communication with a minority of players who actually participate on the forum. Where were the emails sent to all APAC players asking about their issues? In fact, most players are only finding out about this issue because of word of mouth from others discussing it in general chat.


    The communication during this whole fiasco is appalling. Some people on the APAC servers still have no idea about the decision. Why must we dredge through forums to find out about the future of our servers? Put it on the damn front page and informed your community Bioware!!

  2. Forum Guidlines state posting about petitions is frowned upon - im sure they will appreciate seeing something they specifically put in the guidlines banning popping up everywhere.


    Forum guidelines you violate:


    Discussion of political, sexual, or religious topics is prohibited on the forums.


    Do not bump posts to the top without adding constructive content to the thread.


    Do not hijack topics. Posting comments within a thread which severely disrupts the original conversation is prohibited.


    Profanity is not acceptable in communications on the forums or anywhere on the Service.



    You've been informed.

  3. Stability wouldn't be such an issue if there were more servers instead of less. I used to be able to run this game without any problems. And since the initial merger it has been HELL! Now they want to make it even worse before the expansion is released!? Now this seems like they have lost their minds! My god EAware it isn't hard giving incentives to being a subscriber that far out weight's the F2P person.


    EAware for the love of god, you guys really need to back off and take another look at this before making it real. Otherwise you will lose what subscribers you do have left and the game will end.


    The game already struggles with stability in high populations and yet they continue the consolidation of the servers.


    Cross servers queues would of been another option to consider.

  4. It is clear to me now eaware has their head in the sand. It never ceases to amaze me just how little they really care about what we want and continue to push on us what they want but keep trying to tell us it is what we want. I mean it would be like ordering a big mac but instead you get a turd sandwich yet mcdonalds insists it is a big mac.


    Best analogy I've heard on the situation yet!

  5. ok ive had enough your petition is cute and all but here is a reply from bioware regarding what the want to do,


    pretty much says they;re gonna do what they said regardless of what you guys do or sign or w/e. Sorry to burst your bubble but it was getting silly.


    Go down fighting, better to do something than nothing at all.


    Why do you care so much if you are so certain they are doing it anyway? Your justification makes no sense. You are really showing your true colours mate, I'm sure some of the people who ran with you on Dalborra are starting to realise how jaded you really are.


    I hope for your sake you let go of some of the anger you have inside and become happy one day.

  6. Bioware assume that this move will be better for us. There is no apology, no sympathy and no empathy from them at all just pure marketing spin!


    Where is the apology Bioware? Let me help you out.


    "With deep regret, Bioware will be shutting down the APAC servers. We would like to apologise to our APAC community for their loyalty since the release of these servers and hope to count on your support in the future of SWTOR. Many of you will be losing your names and guild names in this transition and we are sincerely sorry for that. The disruption to the community is inexcusable and we will work our hardest to ensure the mergers happen as smoothly as possible.


    Bioware loves its APAC community and we have many stories to tell together in the future."


    That's how you manage public relations with your company. Apologise to the community Bioware and stop pretending like this move is in our best interest. You have let us down and we deserve your compassion.

  7. Or perhaps they are adding server racks, increasing the server capacity?



    And why would they care? They are getting rid of what I assume money draining APEC servers (since companies generally don't close down successful business ventures).

    I imagine that even if every APEC player quit, their decision would be a net gain.


    In a game that poops itself when high amounts of people are clustered in one area I'm skeptical about that.


    You're probably right. But it doesn't mean I'm not going down without a fight. And once it's over I'll leave. Simple.

  8. I wouldn't go that far. You're not comparing apples to apples.


    Also, your signature suggests that unsubbing from the game may have a chance save the APAC servers... lol. If you really think they listen to your wallets, then get a petition together that says you will pay EXTRA money for your subscriptions to keep the servers alive. Unsubbing is only going to confirm their decision that they're better off shutting them down.


    I would, if the population is growing why aren't they reopening more NA and EU servers?


    They won't allow us to pay more money because it would look even worse than it does now. Unsubbing sends a message to Bioware that our subscription is contingent upon the localised servers and their removal will result in a section of the APAC population leaving the game.

  9. Legacy names aren't unique anymore.


    Also: How does setting up a dedicated APAC data center & servers translate to "Aussies mean nothing to us" ? But that didn't work out, so welcome back on the US servers.


    It means something when the game is riding high on hype and marketing. But once the decline hits we are the one of the first things to go. We aren't nothing but we a distant cousin.

  10. The populations issues were addressed on US and EU communities last summer. ;) AND... people did not quit over it... they have very much enjoyed the results. So you cannot associate the APAC population issues with US/EU.


    Those players were not forced onto other servers where they would receive high latency. The population problem on the APAC servers was compounded by Bioware's inaction. They were more focused on rushing this game F2P rather than consolidating the APAC servers and stop the bleeding of subs when the US and EU were merged.


    The game is on life support. It isn't the cash cow Bioware or EA wants and any server shutdown is a sign of trouble!

  11. Do you mean higher pops compared to no merge, or an APAC merge (for example Gav and MDN to Dalborra)? Because myself and others compared population numbers at our peak/your off peak, and a merge would be same pop-wise on the imperial side, and much better on the pub side (this was looking at fleet sizes on The Bastion).

    If pop sizes are similar, then keeping a server available in Australia is a much more favorable solution, as we will then still have our great ping, and be able to keep our communities fairly intact.


    Not favourable to their bottomline! Maybe we should ask the ousted EA CEO what he thinks.

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