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Everything posted by Feztonio

  1. the 2 biggest reasons people quit mid warzone is either BW and their hamsters threw together an asinine match to start - ie, 6 or 7 sages on one team, or an 8 vs 4; or the other reason is full rated pvp gear premades are pugstomping a bunch of rando's in regs who are just trying to gear up or have fun. bw totally dropped the ball when it comes to no cross server and no smart que - using valor rank, gear score and experience to make competitive matches. many hardcore pvp guilds try to take advantage of this in order to roflstomp pugs and grief solo que users. i dont' want to spend several hours getting stomped by you and your fully geared, voice chat, organized and optimized min-max guild. I refuse to be your content, and if i end up in this scenario I drop wz. if you don't want quitters don't be douches and look to game the system to your sole advantage and ruin it for pugs, then get mad at the pugs for not wanting to be victimized.
  2. makes perfect sense. why develop a game to be fun, when you can develop it to be easier for the developers to develop, so it's easier for development. I'm on board !!!
  3. i think it's how they decide which class to nerf next. they run the stats and whatever class is most played by quitters get's all it's attacks and heals nerfed
  4. How can it be 100% impossible in a 3 year old game, but an 11 year old game like W0W has had it since the mid 2000's?
  5. it used to be 8 vs 8. but since they douchebaggedly refuse cross-server it took too long to get full 8 vs 8, and on top of that they had several broken or godmode classes - smash juggies/maras and healing ops/scoundrels for example, which decimated everyone else, and they allowed . so rather than making pvp a better experience with balancing classes and introducing both cross server que and some sort of que system that takes gear level and valor level into account to make more even match-ups, they just forced everyone to rank-que the 4 mans and didn't fix any issues that existed, and nerfed a bunch of other classes into even more pathetic and worthless in pvp (dps op/scoundrel). then as 3.0 loomed and the timeless plea of "cross-server" was once again raining down on the devs ears, they said "player base: we are preparing something even more amazing than cross server for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 3.0 dropped a couple months ago now. still no even more amazing....... SMH
  6. the match-making is horrendous in this game. we know it, BW knows it, everyone in MMO land knows it. but at least let the matches start with an even number of people. how on earth does it make sense to start a match with 8 on one team - and 4 on the other?
  7. i destroy with my merc .... if I can stand off to the side and free cast. unfortunately within 2 seconds of a pvp 4 man, the entire enemy 4 all leap, CC, stunlock, root and smash my merc into oblivion so I'm locked out of my character and dead within the opening seven seconds. in the 8 man regs, same deal - I can freecast big numbers, but I spend most of the match with between 1 and 3 guardians / juggies leaping onto me and locking me out of my toon while smashing me to dead, or 2 sins/shadows stunlocking me to dead with their spastic run around banging away with their lightsabres, or a PT using grapple to pull me down into a group of melee so I can - you guessed it, be locked out of my toon and crushed to dead. I don't think it's the survivability of the class per se, just that we're going on 3 years and the game is still 100% based on CC and locking an opponent out of their character until you can burst them down. the best is the white bar generally only fills up as you die, so you get to stand in spawn waiting on the door watching your white bar slowly drain.
  8. I'd agree you can't ever really go wrong having your comms maxed out when expansion hits. as previous poster said you can always run off the extras on med stims. i hope to have a toon or 2 maxed but it's hard to allocate the time with all the lowbies i can mow through on the 12 x's XP hehe
  9. were there open world pvp I'd be for it - but genuine pvp. unfortunately in mmo's the phrase Open World PVP tends to fall into 2 different camps. either high level players go to the lowbie / newbie zone and just camp kill all the baby-toons for a laugh, or it's in contested boss/elite spawn areas where guilds or groups are attempting to clear content and griefers from outside of the group are DOT'ing the healers or chain pulling adds into the group to wipe them and prevent them from downing their content. so do you want actual pvp in the open world, or do you want to grief other players? ooh or there's where everyone coordinates kill trading or some other form of bending the rules for everyone's advantage - think Illum back at launch; players are nothing if not great at thinking around the dev corners and using tactics that aren't intended to game the system
  10. there's 12 x's xp for story mode and the entire game is about to change and expand in mere weeks. who the heck would waste the time and effort to cheat at this stage of the game lolz. it's the equivalent of stealing 50's as the banker in monopoly when you play against your grandparents - sure you could... but why would you?
  11. we get it. you dont want cross server even though the player base has been asking for years; but if we're going to wait for ages for a que pop can you at least make sure the sides are fair and equal? 8v4 in an eight-man pvp map is utter rubbish. then the slow trickle of filling and rage-quits and you never have a full 8, until the team that began with 8 has all 3 nodes and has your 4 or 5 pinned near spawn and is just grief slaughtering for giggles. no cross server que, no class balance, no decent rewards, and a myriad of other things that make pvp less than it should be. can we at least start with even amounts of players? why on earth is that too much to ask for?
  12. i disagree it would take much more work at coding in order to write into the game true genuine random chance. it's actually very difficult to put into a program. most use a concept known as pseudo-random - which are numbers which appear random but are actually the product of using either a mathematical formula or some predetermined form of a random number generating (ie - a list of prefactored random numbers). we've all known bioware always takes the easiest and quickest route to programming so I'm supremely confident they didn't take the time to incorporate true and genuine random chance into a tiny little temporary mini-game. they're using some type of randomness generator within the casino event. it's just a matter of figuring out what they did.
  13. how bout we just remove entitled complainers from pvp ? that way they can go enjoy TSO or Wildstar and be the Leetiest Leet that ever Leeted in some other game.
  14. 3 years in almost and still.. doesn't matter the map, doesn't matter the score, doesn't matter team comp or call outs. doesn't matter what's what... no matter what the situation is, 4 to 5 of the 8 man team will just rush mid of the map and roll their faces and special tongues back and forth across their keyboard the entire match. i can see the gerbil in their heads saying "mash, mash, mash, mash, mash, mash, mash, mash, mash, keyboard turn, die, respawn.... back to mid asap to mash, mash, mash....." I promise you get more valor and comms if you win. you can still mash, just go to the snow node for your facerolling when someone calls for snow. you can suck and be a tool yet still win. i promise
  15. no worries i now have 16 lvl 55's both factions, one of each class and each A/C. whatever is OP i can merely just play that toon now! me 1 - BW 0 HAHAHA
  16. basically it comes down to: whatever team has more Guardians/Juggies wins. this makes it much more fun than any semblance of balance. if your team only has one Juggy dps, while theirs has 5 they win. if you get 4 on your team and they don't have any you win. glad I hit 55 on my juggy the day 2.7 came out. i planned ahead and capped both reg and ranked comms too while leveling so i plunked my brutalizer main'hand and both brutalizer relics, and legacy'd over a bunch of oberan set bonus stuff. the ear piece and 2 implants were a breeze to oberan up and am now working the swap to brutalizer pieces as i get comms. so I can go FoTM... i just rather play different toons, but the ED and way overpowered of the class is too much to pass up. i wanted to enjoy wildstar but after barely getting out of the starter zone this morning with early access i already don't care for it, so SWTOR or bust i guess.
  17. perhaps, though when a premade of 4 FOTM dps juggies que's regs all night in their voice chat just to roam in a pack preying on new 55's and pugs in regulars laughing and taunting and talking trash in /s all match... ? having the hero keyboard courage to brag how it takes 4 pugs to kill him in his full brutalizer gear on his OP spec with 3 other similar geared guildies roaming with him?
  18. I can say on PoT5 there's a facebook page for the elitist pvp'ers so they can plan premades, win swapping and organize themselves together in order to dominate the reg que, and game the system for the rated que with alts and on off playtimes to artificially inflate their win / %'ages and get their goodies. it was pretty big deal during the last week of season 1 with the rancor mount craze and the 'planning' of how best to game the system so they could get their wins and goodie bags. so now, explain again how this has no advantage over a rando-solo que group again?
  19. i like the idea of vertical.. but it doesn't seem to be high enough. it's really just one level with the spawn areas the goals on floor 2. yes the ball spawns in the basement but 90% of gameplay is deathmatch in the first floor and on ramps. it should be higher and bigger for vertical to work. the original huttball works because the map is large enough so that you have to really work at it. 2 lucky leaps/intercedes shouldn't take you from ball spawn to goalline in 12 seconds flat.
  20. the 30 second spawn time for a full-timer door is a bit much as well. you could almost score twice in 30 seconds if your team passes and the the team your scoring on is lop sided heals / tanks for instance and doesn't have the dps to burn down.
  21. probably trying to figure out how to place a fix on the Cartel Market.. 1800 CC's will earn your account protection from the heartbleed infection for 2200 Cartel Coins you can get the deluxe package that comes with the "heartbreaker" title for your toon; for only 460 more coins you can unlock said title for all your alts account-wide
  22. any time a class has any ability or damage yours doesn't why the hell does everyone cry NERF, NERF, NERF !!! ?? why not ask for your class to get lifted up instead of everyone else's to be torn down?
  23. you guys QQ'd to the point where we now can only do it 2 times. just demand it be taken away. why not take away heals and dps for ops too and make them have to stand in place and not be able to equip gear so you can beat them like a training dummy. lolz
  24. more armor that looks the same except for a different off-coloring please !!!!
  25. i just wish they still tried. it's a lazy re-coloring while they put the creative development into Cartel Market and work on player housing content i don't recall anyone clamoring for - likely due to the heavy monetizing of add on content for the housing to be sold in the Cartel Market. ick.... .
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