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Everything posted by Aeysh

  1. First take a picture which is (Print Screen or Pr SC) of your characters face, I would then say go into character creation and alt tab and find the options you chose, because once you create your character, there is really no way for you to determine which options numerically you chose. Hope that helps you out
  2. I would say switch servers, Shien is good, on avg we have 50-75 and sometimes past 100 in the afternoons and 50 pvp has some pretty quick ques
  3. One thing I have noticed is if any of you guys read the comics, that lead up to this particular game, A sith Pureblood aided the republic simply because it could mean destroying So in technicality she may have been still Sith, but she was working towards the downfall of the emperor. It may not make much sense, but I think its awesome that they allow complete customization like that so you CAN create your own story... Perhaps you were one of and now u want to fight back against him. PLUS you DONT have to be a good doer on the republic side, u could be 10,000 darkside.
  4. In my honest opinion, the Sith Purebloods are very cool. But my favorite race is the Chiss, in fact all my republic classes are now chiss... chiss trooper, chiss sentinel, chiss gunslinger and chiss shadow. all following the chiss naming template :3. But A Sith Pureblood knight makes little since in my opinion. Due to the fact that the Sith are incredibly proud of their lineage and any child that defected to the other side, their family would be honor bound to kill them... (i think i have that right)
  5. you are horrifying person... infecting others with this plague. What kind of Galactic being are you?
  6. yea... I am an altoholic too, for the first two months, i didnt have a character past 29, then for some reason i said, "ok, focus on one alt every week..." bam 4 50s. now i am starting my first chiss jedi sentinel, really fun! but anyway I think that it should be based on how continuous you subbed, cause I have a good friend that it took him 3 months to get a char to 50, and for some people it takes even longer, so maybe it would be easier if it was based on 50s. Still, would be nice if it was awarded based on, (i was in on first day of pre release) and those who subbed after march wont get it etc...
  7. Anyone who wants to be on a RP server, Location: Shien Faction: Sith Empire Characters: - Xintomy - 50 Sith Assassin - Stobak - 50 Bounty Hunter Powertech - Traeor - 15 Imperial Agent Language: English Guild: The Silent Council Feel free to message me on here (the SWTOR website) and we can meet up and I can help you out if you want.
  8. I have had this question for a while, and I hope it will be answered; when I am in a warzone, and the teams are fairly evenly matched, when both teams have the same progress then one wins and the other looses... is that intentional? For example, I was doing Voidstar and we made it to the door just before the reactor core pit. Then when we were on defense, the other side got to the same spot as we did but failed to even place a bomb on the door... yet they won. At some point will you be implementing a "Draw" system that will give things like that a fair balance of rewards?
  9. they have answered that question in public, yet people refuse to take it. people want an immediate answer saying it will be released on this date. They announced that they will be adding SGRA but its still in the works, so when i look at the questions forum and i see every 1 in 5 questions asking that i rub my eyes. please look up Bioware's question on this topic.
  10. Are you going to fix the "deployable" wings on the sith warrior/inquisitor ship? every time i take off and land i see them deploy, but in space combat they are closed. Also the Jedi Knight/Consular ship has two "missing" engine outputs on the back at the bottom during space combat but during take off and landing they are there.
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