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Posts posted by WheresMyWhisky

  1. I heard sorcs and sages were getting some Labradors to lie at their feet and keep their tootsies warm while they heal.


    Also there will be 5 new operations with sm and hm released immediately and Nim 4 months after the expansion launches.


    Oh and my Labrador will mitigate all melee dmg to sorcs / sages in pvp cause you know they need more help with survivability :)


    More likely no new ops and a cancelled sub but we can dream, and I would genuinely like a wee Labrador for my healer

  2. So they say.


    If that was true, that player should have been arrested an example made of them.


    Funny how it wasn't.


    Funny also how when a BW employee causes trouble, all you get is silence from BW as well.




    No, nothing is done. They refuse to discuss matters as well.


    The dev was tracked down in real life and they have been a lot less communicative since you can read the thread below. There are thinngs about it on reddit I wont link but it isn't here say it did happen



  3. You do realize the vast majority of the community enjoyed KotFE and never even visits this toxic wasteland of a forum that the debbie down gang is trying their best to destroy.


    Lol you have seen the population on many of the servers now right? If the vast majority liked it why is even TRE half dead at times these days given that most of TOFN transferred there because their server was dead.


    Not that they were ever that communicative but they have been noticeably less so since 3.0 when the combat dev tried to explain why they had made a complete mess of the watchman / annihilation spec and was actually tracked down on facebook etc and threatened. So the community with reactions like that have undoubtedly reduced the amount of interaction the devs would want to have with us. So to an extent we only have ourselves to blame


    But the whole not saying anything about operations is hurting the game, my guild have had many raiders leave for WOW in the last month (enough to setup 2 -3 raid teams) as they do not believe their will be new operations in the expansion. With the general argument being if there were going to be they would have told us. Eric you must have also seen this if you read reddit, the forums etc. With WOW dropping new raids imminently you are just hurting yourselves by saying nothing ,if you actually have new raids coming, as most of the raiders have had enough. Although there are a few silly ones like me that hang onto the hope that new raids will be announced on the 7th. If there aren't just tell us as you have fleeced an extra year out of us anyway.


    Even if there are new raids, you need to look at the amount of content you release compared to WOW and FFXIV. They both release much more content than SWTOR and don't leave a section of the community out when they do. In the KOTET I really hope you have learned and release new content for all sections of the community whether they be raiders, questors (story players) or pvpers the other games do in their expansions so should you. Also I hope the story is better in kotet as it kind of sucked in kofte and when that's what you are selling the expansion on its kind of embarrassing with plot holes everywhere and choices that DO NOT matter.


    Anyway if there are no new ops it will be off to WOW with rest of the guild

  4. I would start with bants numbers as they are pretty good


    Operative - Medicine || Scoundrel - Sawbones

    12888+-379 HPS @ 40 APM | 6127 Endurance | 5179 Mastery (Stim) | 2788 Power

    1505 Critical (7xE, 3xA, 2xC) | 1283 Alacrity (3xE, 11xA) | 0 Accuracy


    then adjust to suit yourself, those are the 220 gear numbers you can see all the shiz here for 224 stats etc



  5. An arsenal merc that knows when to use his / her dcds and a healer mate is devastating, so you cant have everything you can literally rip very other class a new one if you are good but if foused course you will go down. Burst has always been king in pvp and mercs have loads of it.


    Quite often its not the top dmg peep hats most influential in a warzone

  6. Yip spot on, when you get to the point you don't need to play to progress i.e. let your op companion do it for you its too easy.


    Although bioware keep saying everything is great and its their best / most popular expansion ever I would just say then why have the fleet populations tanked? because they have. I suspect they might have more different people playing but they are probably logging once a month for an hour to complete the 30 min story line and not much else which is not good for the game, since it meant to be an MMO


    They really need to pull their finger out like square enix did with ffxiv and release new raids, new pvp maps and new story every 3-4 months and the amount they produce in terms of story alone in one of those patches is more than what bioware have done in the last year. Anyway ffxiv is the model of what we should get as the game should be catering to questers, raiders and pvpers and not just one group at a time although tbf they have never concentrated on the poor pvpers.


    Oh and minus master and blaser and revan there is no challenge in the HM ops :p.

  7. If its another poorly written chapter based story expansion then bioware can shove the game where the sun don't shine. I have no interest in paying for a game my companion can complete the story for me and knowing them a stupid arsed solo operations mode


    I like most of my guild have stuck around in the hope that there will be new group content and by that I mean proper challenging group content as that's what makes people log.


    Bioware may say that kotfe has been a success but I would anecdotally look at the fleet and be very confident in saying there are far fewer players online on most servers, so maybe through their rose tinted glasses it has been but the server populations tell a different story.


    Anyway if there are no new ops I for one won't be giving them another penny. I want to be excited for kotet but am fairly sure its what will make myself and many of my guildies quit the game

  8. There is a game to play? honestly until Arcann made you do something slightly different your companion could clear everything.


    I gave them the benefit of the doubt as soon as they said they would be focusing on story in KOFTE and just levelling the old ops to 65 I mean makes sense doesn't it to try and get new players into the game when there has just been a new star wars film released. But the story is rubbish is a disjointed mishmash where they have literally tried to think of ways you can get your old companions back that they just cant fit into a coherent narrative. If the story had been ok at least the stupidly easy content may have been more bearable.


    I am honestly expecting solo ops in the next expansion which is when you know its time to quit, although to be honest looking at the numbers on fleet looks like at least 50% of the regular players have but then again no repeatable challenging group content i.e. operations and totally neglecting pvp since forever what do you expect

  9. The game developers have stated clearly that they are not interested in raiding and are focussing on solo player content.



    Don't recall them ever saying this? They did say this expansion would focus on story and there would be no new operations in this expansion. They did say last year at the same time once this had dropped they would be developing new operations, so unless they have been lying again there will be new operations .


    They also said there would be no new nim ops which I think is a mistake as SM is lol easy and most HM is no where near hard enough and if they make the HM as hard as Rav and TOS were at release they just alienate huge part of the player base.


    Anyway back to the topic do we need new operations yes we do, the drop in general server population since this expansion hit has been huge, the raiders and pvpers are the ones that tend to log regularly, subscribe and a lot also do the story stuff as well.


    Things like the eternal championship are fun for a week or two but once you have the titles you just don't go back, the story isn't repeatable once I have done it on one character I have no inclination to do it on others, 6the DvL event lol I have 20 65's why on earth would I want to level any for such a lazy arsed f u event.


    Anyway think if its another story driven expansion with FP like group content then the rest of the raiders who are hanging on for dear life through their current boredom will quit as well and there quite a lot more than people seem to think there are.


    Anyway I don't get why we should accept them focusing solely on one part of then game at a time, MMO's should be catering to raiders, pvpers and the questers. As previously mentioned in the thread square enix release new stuff for all of the community every 4 months or so therefore why can't Bioware? Then we can stop the ******** about whether there should be new ops next, more story etc. Simply there should be at 2 new ops minimum per year, 2 new pvp maps per year and new story on a regular release cadence just like square enix manage

  10. Well setting your companion to dps is not wrong as a marauder or sentinel but the only reason to do it this way is if you want the sprint champion title. If you do set a character to dps for this they must be melee otherwise they will die in about 15s and you get them to attack the right hand monster and you do the left however this is much harder you will need to use kolto stations so unless you are trying for title I wouldn't do it this way especially if you have been struggling.


    I would do as lord turin suggests for first kill, set your companion to heals. I always did it this way by killing the right one first, then mr ripper then the boss and set my companion to hit the boss on pull as mr ripper tends to stand about not doing much if you do it that way. That method never needed a kolto station but for this I did used a ranged companion for heals so they kept well away form me and red circles

  11. Just like NO


    Its an MMO that means group content you want a solo game go play something else


    Oh and have you noticed how the population has tanked with no new grouped content and a new story driven arc? Even although their metrics said people loved story?


    So instead of spending time on pish ideas like this lets hope they actually start developing new group and pvp content on a regular basis

  12. It's funny how people talk about anni rotation being hard and fragile while I almost never can do better in carnage than I can in anni, back in 3.0 times I had 400-500 dps advantage in anni on lurker as compared to carnage and it's believed to be a burst fight. So rotation being difficult? Not THAT much.



    I don't think the rotation is hard just fragile i.e. if you get tiny bit out of sync and things stop lining up perfectly the dps drop is very large if my hands could actually take 55apm carnage is much more forgiving to play (I don't say much easier as they are both easy) but after one boss I pretty much have RSI from carnage


    I am pretty much just saying you should not balance off dummy parses


    and to support the dummy hero thingy


    Added visual dps/hps spread to http://ixparse.com/rating/ - sents/maras may be dummy heroes, but in real fights all classes seem to be on par



  13. Anni is perhaps one of the most fragile rotations, the moment it gets out of sync due to a loss of uptime you lose a lot of dps getting it back in sync or even more if you just yolo onwards..


    Basically this yes there are some huge dps numbers from it on a dummy but if you look at the uploaded logs for bosses its very rarely at the top and is usually behind carnage. As soon as you have any downtime your dps drops markedly.


    Anyway I would hope Bioware balance classes on how they do in actual fights not on what they can do on a dummy, as that is a much more realistic measure in my book.

  14. Its not that its not doable especially if you know the fight. However for the ones people are probably less comfortable with e.g. Revan HM then it is not exactly helpful, but it all comes down to how comfortable you are with the fights how much it affects you.


    For me though the reply from Musco was final straw as it again shows they do not care about raiding so bugger this for a game of toy soldiers

  15. /signed


    sub since early access but most of my time is raiding or pvp and nothing new for pvp n forever and pve well new ops 2018 at this rate so basically ft******


    The new story is ok but it is not worth my sub


    Oh and I cancelled my sub like half my raid team just have so looks like FF as a lot of us have lvl toons there lats few weeks

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