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Posts posted by WheresMyWhisky

  1. Yeah tbh if doesn't improve after the merges will have to give serious consideration to whether i want to pay for a lag fest, when you could spend half the night trying to get sisters down due to lag which will make progression the 3rd boss no fun at all when it comes out.


    Also as Rivon said any new or returning players stepping in GODs just now are very unlikely to stay if this is not resolved

  2. Carnage / Combat has been pretty much the best raid spec for sentinels / marauders for pretty much ever apart from brief period at end of 2 when watchman was awesome.


    Even when watchman has been very good carnage has generally been equal on most bosses and better on others

  3. Until I see actual statistics on Annihilation I will still assume it is superior in DPS because it was the highest parsing .


    Just on the parsing side before the nerf fury had the 2nd top dps on parsley barely 30 dps behind annihilation so I think you can safely assume that is now the top parsing spec as everything else was getting nerfs :). Opinions seem to vary but from the little parsing I do I reckon anni is about 600 - 700 dps down on where it was some think its nearer 400 but suppose depends on how lucky / unlucky you got on relative parses


    Now the high alacrity build peeps are using to get that on fury I am not convinced will translate as well to ops but that has always been the case with parsing.


    But anyway for ops if you want to take the best spec it will be either carnage or fury so the op has a point what is the point of watchman now

  4. There seems to be some very bad lag spikes since the patch on Tuesday.


    It has affected us on both tyth and the sisters in HM (although I believe some of the guys said they had seen in pvp also) and it is not individual players its the whole raid team at the same time. Its not great during inversion or the beams when the whole raid teams game freezes for 3 or 4 sec.


    It is not a provider issue as we have peeps from Norway, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, France , Greece and UK so we are all using different isp's etc and it affects us all at exactly the same time so assume it s related to your backend work for the server merges

  5. you nerf mando progressive scan for 7% but you do not nerf Kolto-Waves

    seems legit.


    Srsly BW Merc heals are on par with Sage right now in case of HPS.

    Anyway Wandering Mend is an instant Heal while progressive Scan and Kolto-Waves are not Instant.


    I do not understand the Merc Heal nerfs... + a lot of Merc HPS comes from Trauma Stabilizers and Adrenaline Rush....

    The only advantage of Merc heals are the Defs at the moment - thats all. There are only a few Merc/Mando Heal Players who are able to pull over 10k HPS with this class...


    Take those away and Merc Heal is screwed again congrats Biofail


    Ehm roaming / slash wandering mend if only instant if you choose to use resurgence to make it so, and since nerf its not very often that is worth doing so.


    If a merc healer cannot keep up with a sorc as heals currently stand they need to learn to play.


    The advantage of merc heals if you know how to play them is the insane burst healing.


    Anyway instead of crying like a ***** learn to play your class merc heals are very good

  6. Compared to the other two, they are useless. And yes, you can still heal any HM/Nim ops with two sage's/sorc's. If they are both at +45 apms per, and both the healer's skill are in the top 5%, which is ridiculas. Why they turned the sage/sorc into a comp healer, and why they are doing the same thing to scoundrels is beyond me. It shouldn't make a difference? You kidding? You heal at all? Let me guess, you pvp right?


    No I heal nim ops and new ops on my main which is a sorc

  7. Wait...What??


    Sage/Sorc are not "burst" healer's anymore. They haven't been since the nerf. No burst, no AoE's, no HoT's. They are pretty much comp healer's and have been.


    By brought in line, do they mean nothing?? If these changes are any indication of what they did to sorc's/sage's they will be useless too in PvE. Crazy.


    Yeah sorcs burst is not great since nerf, but they are far from useless. You can heal all HM and Nim with double sorcs it just requires a lot more effort now. All healers were completely op so they did need brought in line and for HM it really should not make much difference

  8. It is not brought in line in terms of raw hps just relative to sorc heals. I cant give exact nums as my maths ain't good enough but your hps is still above sorcs


    The changes should make it easier to play if I get them correctly less punishing if you don't manage hots properly. TBH without crunching nums you might have better burst or least no worse than sorcs as the changes really hit their burst hard not that it didn't need to.


    The changes seem fair in my opinion as all healers have been putting our far too much hps, and I have found double sorcs on some nim fights to be fun since their nerf as you actually have to try at times now

  9. Two things, first off you believe this game needs more heals??? You must love easy mode gameplay....


    Second, you've played sorc healer for almost 6 years, in that time you've been the most overpowered heal spec in the game, so don't complain that they are bringing you in line with other healers.


    The thing I love about CXP is that it screws over those players that always have to be flavor of the month, which is a great thing!


    Lol well you haven't played since launch have you? As operatives / scoundrels were top dog for pretty much all 1.0 through 2.0, and mercs were probably better in 3.0.


    Anyway the sorc nerf as far as pvp goes probably make sense to an extent but its not really the ultimate healing potential of the class that has made it op in pvp its all the escapes it now has I mean why on earth did you give us phase walk? It was pointed out many times when you did this that we would just start trolling people in pvp as you totally overdid our lack of escapes and inevitably made us the best healer in pvp.


    As far as PVE goes we might be over target but certainly no where near as far as the nerf goes. Mathematically at the moment the healing classes are probably not too far apart given that an operative has to maintain its hots. I can totally accept that roaming is too effective but I do hope you stay true to your word and when you find out the PVE side of it is too much you sort us out in a couple of months not a year later.


    At this point given the nerf for PVE it will make no sense at all to not take my merc heals instead of my sorc as it won't out heal it by a little bit but a fairly reasonable amount its not even a debate.


    Just because you had not made changes for ages doesn't mean you have to come in and make swinging changes given the fact you have never got a class nerf or buff even close to right smaller changes would have been more prudent to see if they actually had the effect you thought they would. My fav was anni in 2 when you decided we needed a buff so you promptly gave us around 500 dps then some peeps said fix the double proc bug from the kell dragon relics (you don't realise they did this apparently) which you did and then you had to buff us another 400 dps which ably highlights my point that you generally get this stuff very wrong.


    Anyway I really do appreciate the communication we now get on the forums I just might not agree with you all the time.

  10. A ~20% healing decrease (averaged based on usage) across all skills when hps output was not the biggest issue to begin with. This strategy overnerfs raw output while not properly address the problems with sorc/sage healing.


    There are currently two major issues with sorc/sage healing compared to the other classes:


    The first is that due to simple and overly-forgiving force management combined with over-utilization of 'smart' healing abilities, they're much easier to play at an effective level.


    The other issue, which is what sees sorcs rising to the top particularly in ranked pvp, is the high mobility and lack of necessary hard casting due to most of the healing being loaded into instant and 'smart' abilities.



    The proposed changes will have a severe negative impact healers at all skill levels. If it does knock sorcs and sages out of 'fotm' status, it'll only be because the healing output is so far behind the other classes.


    Any metrics you have showing that sorcs have a significantly higher output than the other classes is due to the fact that target selection and resource management are a lot more forgiving than other classes which allows inexperienced players able to put up bigger numbers than their skill suggests.



    With all of that being said, here is my counter-proposal with explanations for each item:


    • Increase the cooldown of roaming mend by 5 seconds (15 to 20s)
    • Reduce the base force regenerated by consuming darkness from 40 to 25
    • Increase the force regenerated by consuming darkness by consuming 1 stack of force surge to 15 (up from 5)


    (for the)DevNotes: The 5 second cooldown increase to roaming mend will increase the time between burst windows and force healers to think creatively both about what to do with the 3~ extra gcds between mends as well as think more carefully about it's usage as not to waste the potential. The end result is a 30% hps decrease for the ability and approximately a 4% hps decrease overall.


    It's impossible to make roaming mend ineffective as a single target heal (unless you nerf it by more than 50% or prevent it from hitting a target more than once), but this strategy forces players to do more casting (particularly infusion in single target) between mends.


    The changes to consuming darkness make resource management important. Overall force management will be tighter due to the decreased force regeneration of consuming darkness with force surge stacks (by 5). This will reduce sustained hps by a further 5% or so due to the added consumes needed to maintain force. In addition, the steep decrease in base the base regen of consuming darkness will make using it without force surge very costly in terms of healing downtime.


    These adjustments address both the sustained and burst healing targets, but do so in a way that creates a noticeable skill progression for the class. The maximum healing will go down moderately while the average healing outputs will probably drop sharply to become more in line with other classes at relative experience levels.


    A very good description of the issue and far better solution than the one currently being proposed

  11. The tears in this thread are glorious.


    Such a long time as the top dog healer, blatently overpowered which ruined pvp and made pve healing trivial. The moment they get balanced to be equal to mercs and operative healers the crys of OMG unsub and not playing anymore come out.


    If you cant heal on anything that is not overpowered, dont heal at all, period. Balance is good for the game.


    Well mathematically they are not currently overpowered, now obviously what maths says and the reality are a wee bit different however bants numbers for healing etc (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=918622) are not wrong so the reality is that a sorc is too easily accessible not that its actually massively overpowered in terms of pure numbers. The main issue with massive hps nums is the aoe (because although it is complete **** as something to heal up real damage its low cost and spam ability give you awesome hps) but easiest and best solution to that are far higher cost and give actual heals that make a difference

  12. R E V I V I F I C A T I ON - is already so TERRIBLE, why would you even feel the need to whack any further? It's like not even 7% of my parse, like what are you doing?!


    This is the dumbest change i've seen to date, It's like nerfing Gunnery/Arsenal damage while ignoring the main problem their gosh darned surviviability.


    It s because you can spam it at a very low cost and get massive hps even although it doesn't heal any real dmg but its very big boost to hps so if you want to hunt massive healing nums you use it a lot, anyway that's my guess I would have preferred much higher cost longer cooldown and some proper heals off it again solves the spamming and gives us a decent aoe heal when we need it

  13. Well the maths always said we were in the middle of the pack as far as healing goes and in terms of that bant was about correct. Now obviously what you can mathematically do vs how effective you are in raids is another thing buut really wow.


    A Nerf to roaming is afire enough as it really was a bit much, if you don't want peeps to spam the aoe why not just increase the cost so it didn't encourage it, that would have brought our hps in ops and pvp down a fair bit and if you really wanted to go to town an increase to its cooldown.


    Anyway a nerf starting at 5 - 8% would have been fair enough but 15% is I think a bit over the top

  14. I am slightly concerned there is actual communication going on here these days had to double check it was indeed the SWTOR forums.


    Musco must be so delighted to not have to come up with same lame excuse for once.


    Will be very happy if the communication continues

  15. Eric,


    From a Public Relations standpoint you guys really need to get ahead of the data miners. Because this info was all over the net a week or so ago and everyone is already mad. You are releasing a new T4 with a 100 more levels that require more CXP at the same time the 350% bonus that you have on right now will be ending. While you said you plan to increase CXP rewards it won't be to that level. So people that have been grinding up CXP on 1 or 2 chars to even get T3 have more in front of them. People that have several characters in their Legacy still have no idea how they will ever get those other chars into good gear without spending another mountain of time grinding them up.


    All the while you have people that have been players for years feeling like they don't want to deal with this hot mess anymore and moving on. I mean I have subbed for 5 years straight since release for instance. Even when I took breaks for months to do play other games and give myself a SWTOR rest I still would pay my sub because I wanted to support the game because I always planned to come back. Now I'm really considering just taking a full permanent break from the game, cancel sub and move on. I finally got 2 chars to T3 by just buckling down and grinding hours on the fastest CXP gain items on those 2 chars until I got them there, using boosts along the way that cost me RL money on top of my sub fee. This was probably the worse experience I have had with this game in 5 years. Who wants to play that way just to get 1 or 2 characters ahead? Instead of playing content I like I made myself just grind the largest CXP over quickest time items.


    If you have all these grand plans to fix things and make the community want to play this game and resub then I suggest you get it out there and stop being so secret. MMO's are long haul games and people want to know the road map. After all you don't take a cross country drive without a map right!


    One easy fix would be to take out all if not some of the RNG from crates. Make certain levels of CXP give out a certain specific piece. Eventually when you get to T2 you should had got every T1 piece, same when you get to T3, every T2 piece and so on. If you switch between tank and dps on a character then maybe just give one of each so if the person never plays tank they will just disgard them but if they play both char types they can still do that.


    Have to totally agree with this person

  16. Nope, hitting them back then was totally fine. GETTING hit on the other hand...


    One of the most fun bosses to tank in the entire game imo. Back when running away from the ughnauts was still a thing.


    Well in my experience if you hit them at all you got threat, they tried to hit you if they did it hurt a lot ergo hitting them was stupid and why would I want to when the fire made such a good job of killing them :D


    Anyways we both meant the same thing which if you got hit by them it wasn't good, maybe my tanks were just pish :p

  17. Actually you can ignore the adds for the most part. Both his shout and the fire will damage them, so healers should either kite them through fire to kill them, or drag them to the boss so the tank can pick them up. If the tank picks them up, they can also be killed via rotational dotspread without losing boss dps.


    Always just killed em :) Well apart from the nightmare buff nim version obvs cause hitting them was silly and painful

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