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Posts posted by Sizzurps

  1. There are too many reasons why it fails for me to list, but to put it simply, to me it fails because there are too many crucial things wrong to continue paying $15 for it.


    It's as simple as that. The game is fun, but the fun only lasts temporarily. And in an MMO that is not a good thing.


    Same... that and the fact BW refuses to acknowledge there's an issue dealing with how assets are being handled with the HEROengine.


    Feb 24th Q/A:


    TheJestersHat: What is BioWare planning to do about performance issues that people get with Warzone, open world PVP, and general FPS issues?


    Damion Schubert: We have an internal strike team that is fully devoted to ensuring that the game runs better and faster, especially on low end machines, and we consider this team's work to be a crucial internal initiative. You should see evidence of this work as soon as Patch 1.1.5, when we will be introducing a new 'very low' setting to shader quality, which should drastically increase the number of mid-to-low machines the game can run well on, especially in Warzones and Operations.



    Since the FPS issues are related to assets handling, etc. His response was an utter joke. Mid to low end? X 4, X 6, and X 8 are all being affected.

















    Here's my prediction - as soon as D3 hits - this game is over. No one will be waiting around because of SWTOR's "potential." D3 will be merely the first domino.


    D3 - Easter... June latest.


    GW2 will possibly be released around July.



    Mists of Pandaria will go into beta testing around June with a Fall 2012 release.

  2. TheJestersHat: What is BioWare planning to do about performance issues that people get with Warzone, open world PVP, and general FPS issues?


    Damion Schubert: We have an internal strike team that is fully devoted to ensuring that the game runs better and faster, especially on low end machines, and we consider this team's work to be a crucial internal initiative. You should see evidence of this work as soon as Patch 1.1.5, when we will be introducing a new 'very low' setting to shader quality, which should drastically increase the number of mid-to-low machines the game can run well on, especially in Warzones and Operations.





    Since the FPS issues are related to assets handling, etc. His response was an utter joke. Mid to low end? X 4, X 6, and X 8 are all being effected.












  3. Do not fool yourselves.


    while Swtor sets the standard in terms of how to make an mmo interesting to lvl, it fails 100% in every other avenue.


    This game is basically the worst 'mmo' u will ever play.


    The premise of an mmo is to bring a 'community' of people together.


    But this game endevours to segregate people at every oppurtunity.


    Evrything is instanced. Fleet/ Ship/ Every single planet/ Even zones within planets/ Zero world wide chat...i could go on...


    Moving on....graphics! "2012 graphics?...really???


    well lets go along with the mantra of 'getting people on low-end spec pc's to be able to play'


    Dont fool yourselves...there is nothing games companies can release that my pc cannot handle 'effortlessly'...but swtor makes my pc's fan scream. Really?..with those graphics??


    haha...this game is the biggest scam i have ever seen.


    Absolutely showing me how people are such sheep, plus how laughable all these so called 'reviews' are from these big companies.


    If you listen to any strangers advice in your life people, listen to this....cancel your sub immediately..THIS IS A RIPP-OFF.


    I agree with certain points. SWTOR is only innovative in terms of being fully voiced over. Nothing design wise is innovative. The graphics and engine look dated compared to MMOs that cost 1/4 of BW's budget....


    1. SWTOR (HEROengine)



    2. DCUO (Unreal Engine)


  4. Not a pic; I do have a pretty dumb video a nice co-worker of mine put on youtube of me. This is what we do in our downtime at my old job, lol. I was the first "dumb chick" to attempt it, more followed after they seen how well it tasted w/coffee.


    Yup, I def do not have any issue's looking like an arse!



    LOL, I used to do the cracker challenge with friends.

  5. A secretary walks into a store and needs a solid word processor. She has the choice between....


    A) Microsoft Office


    B) A new word processor that looks and performs like... WordPerfect 5.1.


    A fanbois for the new word processor stops her and says... "You should buy B because it has potential." The secretary replies, "Why should I wait for performance and reliability when I can just buy A?"

  6. Then get off the forums of the sub standard MMO because you and the like aren't productive at all.


    Calm down Lucis... sounds like you're mad. If you cared about the product you would see the lack of optimization of the engine which I demonstrated in the post that you said you wouldn't read.

  7. I don't understand why you're posting a whole bunch of garbage that I'm not going to look at? I never said WoW has FPS issues now, and I never said that SW:TOR didn't have FPS issues. I said that WoW had FPS issues at the beginning, which is more relevant to discussion at hand.


    And I said neither of us have SSs from 2004... so you can talk until you're blue in the face. *Shrug*

  8. And you seem to be implying that I should allign myself with one MMO and stick with it to the hilt. If I encounter poor quality goods I'm not going to pretend it's ok just because it might get better months or even years down the line. If GW2 is a good game then I'll find out sooner or later when I get round to playing it. Until then I'm under no obligation to play a sub-standard MMO just because...



  9. I'll say it again, I was talking about WoW, in high pop areas with a lot of particle affects. Perfect example of FPS issues, which are the same areas in SW:TOR atm where we usually have FPS issues, high pop areas with lots of particle affects.


    Again, I don't have any SSs from 2004... so we can agree to disagree on that aspect. You can say you had terrible FPS.... I'll stand by my 30 FPS. The issue at hand comes down to this in 2012...













    Processor : AMD Athlon II X4 @ 3200MHz

    Physical Memory : 8192MB (2 x 4096 DDR3-SDRAM )

    Video Card : Radeon HD 6870

    Operating System : Windows 7 (64-bit)

    Connection: Fiber

    Average Latency: 50ms



    SWTOR (HEROengine)

    All Settings: High



    SWTOR World (55- 65 FPS):









    SWTOR PvP (15 - 18 FPS):










    SWTOR (Opening closing bags - 2 FPS):








    DC Universe Online (Unreal Engine 3)

    All Settings: High


    DCUO World (75 - 90 FPS):







    DC Combat (FPS 70 - 80 FPS):









    DCUO (Opening closing inventory - 85 - 90 FPS):







    Diablo III Beta

    All Settings: High


    D3 Mini-Boss (78 FPS)




    D3 (Opening closing inventory while DPSing - 88 FPS)









    WoW (v4.x Proprietary Engine)


    Settings: Ultra


    50 FPS +






    Opening and closing bags...











    Videos across Youtube:











  10. WoW at release had terrible FPS issues with high population areas. Don't make me mention Ironforge.


    I signed up in December of 2004. Horde on Archimonde... I never went below 30 FPS. We would have epic battles at Southshore and at the Lighthouse in EPL. I never went below 30 FPS.

  11. UE3 and CE2 both came out after they started making this game.


    Even those are already considered "old". UE4 is in the works already. Welcome to technology. If it's released, it's outdated.


    This is fallacious. The Unreal architecture was there... it's constantly updated. Epic provides "amazing support" for their product.




    Apparently, BW liked the Unreal architecture enough to license it for their "Mass Effect" games.





  12. Here's my opinion about SWTOR. I was in the beta... I had FPS issues... I reported them over and over. Because of my beta experience... I didn't purchase the game until a couple weeks later... after the urging of a few of my buds. They assured me the issue was fixed. I found out... they didn't know what a solid frame rate was from a hole in the ground. I leveled two toons to 50... Legacy 15... got to the end game... and ugh. I wanted to like SWTOR... there are some fun aspects to it. Ultimately, a terribly unoptimized engine, bad design choices, very uneven PvP design, lack of CS, and more... killed it for me.
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