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Posts posted by Alavastre

  1. I will. Keep saying that, dumb a s s when only F2P morons are left in game. Rookies!


    Wow, you may be the most negative person on this forum. That's saying a lot. Did EA punch your child? Did they key your car? Push you down the stairs? Spit in your food? Play on your drums without permission?

  2. It has flared up because of 2.1, but it will die down eventually. I think BW knew this would happen, and is why they have been oddly silent lately. I'm hoping they thought of all of this, and have something good for 2.2. If not, god help them.


    As a fanboi, I enjoy the game. But this last update, though packed full of stuff has left a bad taste in my mouth. Specifically all the extra customizations that cost CC, like the white eyes, human hair , hair color ect. I didn't expect that, maybe I didn't read enough about the patch. It's not a terrible thing mind you, and eventually it may end up being cool if they keep coming out with new hairstyles ect.


    With that said, there has to be a point where they build up content to make the game fun, rather than avenues for more profit. It's a hard line to walk I'm sure. As a subscriber, I pay a monthly fee, bought CC for packs, bought RotHC, paid for the Cathar and much more. There is a limit for everyone, and I'm sad to say I'm beginning to reach mine.


    To go back to the OP's point, I think you are seeing more and more people reaching their limit. In which case there is more rage and negativity. I'm guessing 2.2 might have something cool to ease the SWTOR rage. It is possible that the subscribers won't care as much if the next patch is a good amount of content. We shall see.

  3. Hey Daniel. Do you honestly feel okay with buying an item from the cartel market, enjoying it for months and then suddenly having its features drastically changed? In order to use it like you did for months you're required to pay cartel coins exceeding monthly grant you're paying for through subscription. It would take two months to unlock one music therapy probe for the whole account without paying extra for coins.


    What exactly changed on the CM that now makes you pay for it? I'm interested in your theory here.

  4. I can tell you I wasn't amused when I went home to check the update. Didn't mind paying for the Cathar, but when I went to make one, I wasn't terribly impressed by the options. Black to white with a few browns in the middle. Few hair options. I did like the markings and the complexion options though.


    What I really didn't like was the hair sets you had the purchase, the white eyes ect. Race specific. I kind of set back and said, are you serious? Maybe it's a rush to judgement, but that left a bad taste in my mouth. I am subbing after all. I didn't mind buying crap like that in Champions Online, but I wasn't paying a subscription fee either.


    They better wow us with patch 2.2, or there may be a subscriber revolt.

  5. These forums look exactly like Sony's did in 2005. Paying subscribers upset over their game being ruined and a bunch of trolls telling them to quit if they didn't like it.


    Guess What Happened????





    Makes sense. SWTOR is exactly the same game as SWG, and the same things are happening.

  6. They said an even longer time ago subscribers wouldn't have to pay for new content..


    So if people unsubscribe, for being justly angry at the bare faced lies bioware,electronic arts churn out, they have none to blame but themselves..


    with EA's tracK record of how it treats the people it employs, its hardly surprising they treat the customers. like something they walked in


    But they didn't lie. The came out and said months and months ago the CATHAR would be purchased from the CM. The only people who are angry at this, are the people who were not paying attention.

  7. true not denying that MMOS have unbalance, but the fact being theres a difference between OP and unbalanced my meaning by that is, while for e.g grav round just as example can hit 5-9k so can master strike from a sentinel difference is master strike has a cooldown. now thats an aceptable un balance as sentinels have other moves to make up the dps, but you have to admit that comparing both a sentinel/ mara and a merc/commando VS the sniper/slinger thats the OP problem, at least a commando can be hit, sniper/slinger A) hits the highest out of ranged dps, B) has cover to reduce damage C) now has a roll for another escape as well as their other stuns and a immunity each time they go into cover.


    thats the OP part, now the little un balancing like smash and grav rounds i understand but when a class like the sniper gets that buff it destroys pvp.

    okay tell me how you counter snipers/slingers then, not being a ******** but seriously how do you counter them, i play a sent and guardian. i shouldnt have to rethink PVP in total because of something like that, you rethink how you pvp when Focus/Rage/Smash spec got its buff you learn how to counter a single move, but an entire class's dynamics thats OP please tell me how you have worked out how to counter them


    Really? Did you ever play WoW when Paladins were gods? Might as well not even try to kill them. It was pointless. Honestly, I have not experienced anything in SWTOR like that. But yeah, there is no real balance in MMO's, there will always be an exploit. You shouldn't get so tense about it. Just take the beating and move on.

  8. You mean an everlasting holostatue of Satele/Malgus ? Why not.


    Could you imagine a room on your ship and a line up of holostatues? That would be pretty cool. Allow your guild to learn skills right on your ship. There could also be missions for acquiring these said holotrainers. Give guilds something to do.

  9. We haven't heard from our Chevin conglomerate friends in a while, they could start hiding Conglomerate Smuggler Holocoms in the cartel packs to steal business from the hutts. It wouldn't all have to be a statue, more like a simple repeating live holofeed, and I'm sure it'd be easy to make use of the Chevin event hologram.


    Yes. I like that idea. Give us a Chevin holostatue.

  10. And I'm really impressed at how much of BioWare Austin's resources go into new, and exciting cartel market items. Let me know when some of those riches are invested into chapter 4 of our class stories.


    How are you expecting to find out? Unless they tell you of course. You can be sarcastic about it, or you can have a little understanding that such things take time.


    I'm sure they have a blue print of the story and where it's going. Chapter 4 is probably well laid out, and now after they are starting to make money they will probably start to work on in more and find a way to release it. BW was hurting before F2P, so they would obviously be cautious about spending more money on the game. Now I think they will loosen their belts a bit and invest in the game as they see potential and real profits. Makeb was the first step. They may plan on doing small DLC's like Makeb or maybe they will go with a larger DLC in the future. Either way, I guarantee you they are have been and are currently working on new story. Whether or not that is your definition of what Chapter 4 should be is another question. I don't think they have given up on class stories, but I could see some of the class stories merging in the future.

  11. http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates

    According to the link subs will get one rename free. My question is does this include the legacy rename we got awhile back? I think we got it when the policy on legacy names being unique was changed.


    The reason i ask is i still have not renamed my legacy. When 2.1 goes live and I decide to use that rename will i still have a free rename available?


    If you haven't renamed your legacy after the server merge, then you may still have a free one after you name it. That was kind of a different situation though. They had to rename legacies when they merged servers.

  12. It's a tough question. Possibly a perfect storm of SWG people coming over thinking this game will be SWG, then the EA haters, the video games shouldn't make money people, MMO elitists, then the Star Wars purists and finally the new MMO players. In each "this game sucks" thread you read one or more of these groups will be supported.


    Now there is always criticism like how much a subscriber should get, the CM prices and new content, but a lot of things are blown out of proportion. Half of all the criticism is before the feature is even introduced.


    I'm however very optimistic with where the game is going. We're getting more content now, whether that is CM or not, it's still more. More options, more customizations, armor and now Makeb. I think the future is bright. I've even tried to go back to other MMO's and I just can't. SWTOR holds it own and is a solid MMO.

  13. For whatever it is worth, I personally think having the ability to change species is purely a money making tactic from BW/EA. I do not understand the logic in being able to change your species and how it would fit in the SW world. I just find it odd.


    Seriously? Of course it's a money making tactic. Eric Musco said so himself.


    What other MMO can you get a free species change? I can think of none.


    Also, you know this isn't Star Wars. It's set in that universe, but it's actually a game. A game that was built to make money. Would you spend years making something people constantly ***** about with no pay?

  14. Nope, I have been. Came back to this game after it went F2P (Left pre-1.3, back right arount 1.7) and immediatle re-subbed after less than an hour of Preferred.


    Played Scarlet Blade (which is all naked women NPCs, btw, but pretty combat and interesting back story) and stopped playing because of the ridiculous money grabs. In order to use /shout, you have to purchase megaphones with RL$.


    Started playing LotRO and stopped when I hit the first point I "needed" to spend RL$. I mean, it could certainly be me as the outlier -- I haven't seen enough information to make a claim either way. But when I see something advertised as "free" -- I run in the other direction the second I see a pricetag on something I "need" in-game. SWTOR seems to be the exception to my fears though. No idea why.


    That is you, and I'm the opposite. I will pay for things I like even if it's "F2P". Why? Because nothing is free. Some one is paying for it some where. If you like something, you should support it. I did have a guild mate that bought the flash point unlock for a week. If anything the CM is expanding options. But yes, things cost money.


    And if you don't pay, then you're just there to populate a game so the people who do pay enjoy it more. Either way some one is paying. I guess the point to this is that you cannot just use a blanket statement in regards to everyone, because I know that there are plenty of F2P people that are dropping cash on this game. More so once 2.1 hits.

  15. Uh -- if you aren't willing to spend $15/mo on a subscription -- why the heck would anyone think you'd pay money for CCs?


    Seriously. Subs are the ones pumping money into the market. F2P/Preffered people aren't even going to spend $15/mo on a subscription with 600 coins included -- so why would they spend any money on the CM?


    And -- he has a good point. If you really don't think subscription is worth it -- you have the option to go Preferred. You can buy a bunch of unlocks on the CM before you swap over. I don't see anything hostile about that. . . .


    Apparently you've never been on the opposite side of the F2P stuff? I was bored and grabbed Champions Online for a while. Enjoyed it. Ended up spending 50 bucks in about 2 months. Much more than I would have spent for a subscription. What did I buy? Just different costumes, unlocks and player housing.


    Though subs are buying a lot of stuff, I wouldn't discount how many F2P people buy. In which case it's not per person, it's simply bulk of little orders.

  16. I think the Guild idea is a good one. Don't think you'll see Capital Ships, but more of a convenience patch with a massive Guild update. Thinking Guild quests, progression, calender ect. A solid update, but nothing that is going to knock your socks off.


    But if you're reading this BW, you are more than welcome to knock my socks off.

  17. Hi there! I've asked the Appearance Designer Kiosk developers about this, and it wasn't overlooked! When previewing changes, the Kiosk displays characters as they currently are in game. This means that if you have Dark Side Corruption enabled, Appearance Designer will take that into account. Hopefully this answers your question with regards to seeing new looks on your Dark Side characters.


    So I assume if we have the Show Dark Side Corruption toggle on, we will see the DSC, and if it's not, we won't. It's based on what we have currently selected for out character.

  18. "Impossible"


    You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.



    Still, it is hard to spot. The path is hidden inside the large rock wall. So look around a bit, to your left and right looking for the entrance. If you just look straight ahead you'll probably miss it.


  19. As someone who majored in art, I have to say the art is actually quite good, and it has a rather classic Star wars'esque feel to it. Reminds me of a lot of novel covers, though honestly probably a lot better, lol. As someone else pointed out, what we're seeing here is someone who dislikes the style. And I've found over the years that most people really don't know how to distinguish between well-produced art and whether it aesthetically pleases their personal taste.


    Honestly, I find the OP rather offensive.


    As some one who has majored in art, then you should know it's about tastes. Like for instance, abstract artists for the most part now are people who don't have any real artistic skills but want to be an artist. I do say this being an amateur artist myself and going to galleries when I was in college. Or laughing at what art students produced on the "tests" they were given to get into the college.


    I'm not trying to say you're a terrible artist or anything, so don't think that. Just saying what may be awesome to you, some one else might dislike. And if you were using the original splash screen as the style, this one is a bit lazily done at some points. Most of it is really good, but as I pointed out, your eyes fall to the bottom of that picture, and it was simply a few brush strokes (digital of course) and wasn't fleshed out enough, in my opinion.


    To each their own, I like it, but it's not the same quality of work as the first splash screen. Not that it's a game breaker or even worth arguing over. That's just what I think.

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