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Posts posted by Alavastre

  1. They promised you voice-driven story, they didn't say it was going to be good...


    How did you feel about how they ended up ruining the Reapers in Mass Effect 3, or the... god I don't even remember where Dragon Age was going. The starting storylines are good and I can't remember a thing about the second half of the game other than that long marathon thru the Fade. 2 doesn't exist imo.


    This is a great point. haha.


    The OP is correct though. The one main baddy is probably killed at a level 50 flashpoint. Kind of sad. I kind of figured out how this was going to go as I played the class stories. Even in there, there were few recurring characters throughout the story. It was always a new menace. And I agree, the Dread Masters seemed cool, but from what I see now, they are just goofy looking bad guys in some Op I don't play. Character development is seriously lacking in this game.

  2. I fully agree. It's not the market that's changed, it's that the genre has been engulfed by a slew of money hungry developers who all want to make a W0W clone, all doing similar things, but nobody doing it as well as W0W. Making money isn't a bad thing, but no developer (or accountant) is content with a decent sub base these days, not after seeing what W0W can pull in. Greed has stifled growth in the genre.


    Some of that, and there is the other side as well. The games that do innovate has had some glaring weaknesses and never pan out. It's a rough road for sure. However I think it is one that could be overcome with the right ideas.


    I'm interested in seeing what ESO does as they talked about communicating while in game, and more specifically Destiny and FFXIV. Destiny appears to have apps that link into the game. FFXIV has stated they will have mobile apps that allow you to communicate with your guildies. We shall see.

  3. So what? Nobody cares. If you like it, you stay and play. Little is gained. If you don't, you leave. Little is lost. If you think a 29 minute video plus a small novella on your reasons for leaving are going to excite anyone, you're delusional. All it shows is your lack of character. You stayed home from work to play the game so your co-workers had to cover for you.


    That's all I need to know. You should have been fired. That you are now leaving the game is GOOD FOR THE GAME!


    Yeah, that works. Don't worry about the people leaving the game, their opinions don't matter. You would go so far in business.

  4. All the old school MMOs from 10-15 years ago had pretty good social and community depth and meaning.


    But we have to face reality. We live in a different social era as it pertains to the internet. Smartphones, Twitter, and Facebook killed social elements in MMOs IMO. Heck.. they are doing a good job of killing social elements in real life too. When you see journalistic coverage of friends or even family members who are within talking distance inside their homes tweeting and texting to each other instead of talking.. and constantly fondling their smartphones 7/24.... how do you expect MMO social and community structures to be what they were a decade ago.


    I don't know about that. I think it's more that MMO's haven't innovated with those exact platforms you outlined. All of them said, this is what WoW has, this is what we will have, now how do we make it a bit different. There has been a lack of innovation in the social aspects of MMO's. It's sad really.

  5. Moffat had stated it is not about nostalgia and reunions but that it is about moving forward into the future of the series.


    But he also said don't believe everything you hear. I doubt K-9 will be apart of it, that was just a response to another post.


    Also, I got my Doctor Who 50th party planned. Well, we started to plan it. Should be fun.

  6. This is not logic, it is your opinion on what constitutes......wait for it.....your personal idea of what constitutes a grift of appreciation to subscribers based on your personal game play. ;p


    For me, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of other subscribers out there, this gift was perfect......and we've spent more time enjoying the fruits of that gift then we have agonizing over the perceived thought put into it as if it were a boyfriend on Valentines day. LOL


    All kidding aside though, the coins were the best of all decisions as they well know that it is rare that two people in this game ever agree on "what's right". The coins grant us more freedom to apply them to a particular item that we may desire. Restricting it to your idea of a gift may not suite my in-game needs and vice versa.


    I would also contend that alot more thought then people perceive had gone into this decision, but people on this board tend to proceed, more often then not, from a plethora of assumptions and logical fallacies.


    I would have to say this is absolutely false. Not that you didn't enjoy the gift, but rather that it was the best solution. I mean honestly, BW is making their own little universe here, and they could have done just about anything, created anything, changed the laws of physics, anything. It's almost like you could conjure up any present for someone, and you conjure up a gift certificate. Even in this context, it's pretty dull.


    As for the charity thing, I don't think anyone is hating on charity, and that honestly would have been an awesome gift to allow us to donate 5 bucks to charity. But this is the kicker,it's not actually 5 bucks to BW. They create that currency, it costs them relatively nothing to give you CC's. Like the Fed, just a number in a computer. This will never happen as 500CC doesn't actually carry a 5 dollar value to BW. Instead they just inflated the amount of currency, which was probably a tiny amount as is. They didn't actually take 5 bucks out of their bank account and hand it to you. I think this is what people don't understand.

  7. Obviously a charity has no direct need of Cartel Coins. But maybe BWEA has a problem where they donate some equivalent in cash to a charity for X amount of CC returned to BWEA.



    That you refer to it as a "fine" pretty much sums up all we need to know about you.


    If that happened, the veil would be lifted as BW would freak out to have to dish out 5 bucks in real cash. Why? Because to them they didn't take 5 dollars from their account, they just simply inflated the CC market. Sure, they will take a little loss on the stuff people would pay for, but now didn't happen. But there is no way in hell BW would ever make their little 500CC gift into real money. Because that would be real money, and not money they might have gotten if they didn't give people CC.

  8. You have no idea what type of person I am, so shut it down. I know how to graciously accept a gift. Something that a select few here could do well to learn.


    And, yes, I would accept the article of clothing, hold on to it for a little while and then donate it. :t_cool: That's how it's done.


    Again dude, it's not a gift. Nothing comes from BW that didn't come from us first in the form of money. They are trying to add value for Subscribers, but the gift analogy should go away.


    In fact, I think I regret using it to begin with. A company cannot give you a gift if you paying that company. They can take slightly less profit and that is all. In all the ways BW could take slightly less profit to show appreciation, I think this was to me, one of the worst ways to do it.

  9. Who do you speak for? All subs are mad about the CM? I'm certainly not, and I don't actually know many IRL who are. When I was on and someone in my guild noticed the coins, we all checked our balances and were very happy to see the extra coins.


    Just because you don't like the CM and don't appreciate the gift that doesn't mean that others (possibly even MOST others) don't appreciate it. And here's the thing... if you don't like it, just let it go. IT WAS EXTRA STUFF!


    I know, reading is hard. Never said all Subs were mad. This Sub was getting irritated and then got mad at the appreciations gift. However, I don't know a Sub that doesn't want more content. Especially for the people who are paying.


    Anyway, I could explain this all again, but it's apparently wasted time. I'm only on here long enough to make sure the Devs understand where some of the Subscription people are coming from. But thank god they have people that will toss money at them and be happy with anything that comes out the door. However, your 15 bucks probably won't keep BW afloat for very long.

  10. "Hype" is on the receiver's end. If you let yourself get worked up, that's on you. I never assumed it was going to be something even as good as 500 CC. I assumed it was going a stupid pet or title, maybe a speeder, like many others did. So rather than being disappointed, I was pleasantly surprised.


    That's on your end. Pet or Title would have been better.

  11. This is the attitude that I don't understand. We pay (or in your case, paid) BW for access to the game and the game features. If they choose to give us anything above and beyond the agreed-upon terms, then that is fantastic... but not "expected." The proper thing to do is to say, "thank you," whether it was what you expected or not.


    Say I go to a store's grand opening and they've advertised an "special gift" for the first 50 customers. When I get there, they thank me for coming out to support their store and hand me a coupon for 30% off of an item purchased. Should I throw it back in their face, call them lazy, and stamp my feet as I walk out of the store? No, I say, "thank you," and go find something to buy because I enjoy shopping at that store and they have good products.




    And if I don't find anything to buy that day, I take my coupon and go home. Maybe I'll use it next time I go to that store.


    That is just different, as we are purchasing a recurring service. And your whole ancedote glosses over the fact that BW gave CC to people who were angry over the CM. Like the other guy said, which seemed more accurate that you had too much salt on your food, so they sent you a free container of salt.


    Honestly, it was half assed on BW's part. But I think I'm more angry at the people who some how say I should be cool with it and go home and shut up more than I am with BW itself. I didn't cancel because the gift was dull, it was apart of it, but there is really nothing else to do that seems fun.


    Don't see the problem though? Subs wanted more content, so as a gift BW gave them no content.

  12. Ungrateful is a more appropriate term. These are the same people who would receive a gift from a friend or relative, make a stinkface, and then ask for the receipt so they can exchange it.


    That doesn't work, only because you are not paying a monthly fee to have family members. It's not ungrateful, we don't have to be grateful for anything since we are the consumers of this product. Do or do not, there is no try.


    I feel let down by this whole thing, I have spent serious cash on this game, and like some others I have just cancelled my sub. I will put those 500CC to good use, to help buy unlocks when I go to preffered. Thanks Bioware.

  13. If Eccleston is in it too that would be amazing , such a shame our Northern Dr. only stayed for 1 series.


    A little off topic but doesn't Eccleston voice an NPC or two in SWTOR ? One of them is on imperial Taris , he is the guy who thinks the place is bugged and sends you on a mission , if it's not him then his voice is very close so must also be from Salford :)


    K-9 should be in it , please?






    Haha, "lots of planets have a North!"


    K-9 was in the Sarah Jane chronicles I believe. So it's possible he will be apart of the 50th. Don't know. It would be hard to cram everything into one show I would imagine.

  14. That's the thinking behind redesigning transactions on PS4, Sony's opened up a lot of backdoors on the developer end to encourage MMOs or games with microtransactions to flourish on the platform when it comes out for both large and indie developers.


    Microtransactions are still a grey area and usually a dirty word to most customers. I think people hold Blizzard up to a higher standard than other companies(and they do it to themselves too) so they're not going to rush into anything that offends their market. They're still trying every day to distance themselves from Bobby Kotick's ominious money-grubbing Skylanders shadow.


    If you have the money to spend, it's not so bad. Which I do, so I don't worry about microtransactions. Also, I agree, Blizzard will tread carefully as they are a sub game, at least in the West. They will sell things that add to the game, and will try to make their subs feel like it's extra while still giving them value for subscriptions.


    Something SWTOR has been struggling with as of late.

  15. First, it's not like they are starting from scratch. BW has laid out what they want to do with the game over the period of years. Likely, they have already done VO work for some of the new stuff we don't know about. If there is new stuff.


    I'm in the camp that I would like to know where the game is headed. I was really thinking they would say something at E3, but they did not. So I'm not sure if they are planning something big, or they are scrapping additional "expansion" plans but don't want to say anything.


    More worrisome to me is that every time they add something, they add a new rep to grind. They added the Gree event, and now a BH event with rep grind. I think they are going this route to stretch out times between expansions. If that is the thinking, then we could be waiting for a while on any news of an expansion.

  16. It's silly for an MMO to limit the amount of money they could take in by the subscription model. All MMO's should and in the future will have some sort of in game microtransaction market.


    I love most markets, if they are fun and useful.


    The problem lies in not having an in game market, but if the said developer puts their effort into the market or the game. If the market is updated here and there, with some cool stuff, more power to them. If it's the focus, then they will get money, but their subs will start to get angry.


    In WoW's case, I don't think you have to worry about them just focusing on the market. And to be honest, they've already had some microtransaction stuff, just not in game.

  17. Steven Moffat used to be a colleague of my brother at work :) , I agree he has created some scary monsters , the silence you mention are quite frightening too.


    Remember when they re-introduced the Dalek's , when they ran up some stairs and thought they where safe ? I used to play such Dalek games as a child and when I saw them fly up the stairs It broke all the rules of safely running away from them as a kid ( in my mind ).


    My favourite companion has to be K-9 , so wish he would come back again.


    Is everyone looking forward to the 50th anniversary episode ? Tenant and Piper are supposed to be in it .






    Um yes. Though I was very disappointed in Series 7, I am psyched about the 50th anniversary show. I need to make a Doctor Who get together for the 50th.


    Also, with Moffat saying we shouldn't believe everything we've heard/read, I'm thinking maybe Eccleston will be a part of it. That is what I take from his comments. Of course that is a long shot, considering his chilly disposition to ever returning to Doctor Who.

  18. I don't get it. I'm not going to piss & moan about the OP or the idea....but seriously. Why is 500 bonus CC not enough? I mean it's not like you are owed anything....the "Thank You" is the 525 monthly sub coins.


    What are you talking about? We are owed what we think our 15 bucks buys us. We are the freaking customers!


    And when BW doesn't give their players what they think they are owed, they leave. The Thank you is not 525 monthly CC. That was to keep subs in the game. Imagine if you subbed and got 0 CC. Could you imagine? Honestly you are showing a lack of business and economic understanding. And don't be fooled, they gave you nothing. Just added numbers to a digital registry. It's not actually 5 dollars to BW. It's only 5 dollars to us.

  19. Something I think people are missing is the context in which this was done.


    Context is important; simply saying this was a "gift" and that we're total ingrates is completely inaccurate.


    We were told it was a gift for subscribers because of the bad feelings from the patch "2.1 - Cartel Cash Grab".


    In other words, they had a bunch of subscribers upset about the omnipresent Cartel Market, so to show "appreciation" they give us coins to buy stuff on the Cartel Market? And then announce that in order to celebrate KOTOR's anniversary, we have to buy the title from the Cartel Market?


    It's almost unbelievable.


    So, it's not that I don't like the "gift", I don't like the concept. It's like saying the Trojans shouldn't be upset about what the giant wooden horse turned out to be, they should just be thankful that the Greeks built it and gave it to them.....


    Thanks. That was hilarious. And I think it was very true. This is how I feel generally speaking. And I fear we are looking at the Trojan Horse now and not a gift.

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