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Everything posted by LilTikiBoy

  1. i actually didnt even realise how much it costs, i just loaded up the trainer and bought it. then i saw how much of my money it had taken and i was like huh....... oh well. played more hours and im 1/3 of the way back to what i was at.
  2. what time of the day are you playing? cause i play at 7am and i still see people all the time.
  3. I'd rather visit a dead city then have it take 2 hours to do a 10 minute quest because theres 100 people waiting for the same thing.
  4. The instancing allows them to have bonus quests like "kill 25 of whatever" without the need to put over 9000 of them in a zone so people arent fighting over respawns. It also cuts down on ganking (which is good and bad depending on your point of view) and also lowers the lag alot. I for one am glad that when I go to the imperial fleet and try to buy something of the GTN that i dont have to load 100+ characters or have to deal the idiots trying to block it so you cant interact. I might not "see" all the players but their there, and my game still runs smooth as butter.
  5. This. I rolled empire and its this statement right here that has me wondering. sure the empire has more people, but its been my experiance that the quality is lacking. for the most part i avoid groups because im tired of joining with people who dont know they can set their companions abilities, or even what the term AOE means. I guess, in a way, your kinda lucky to be republic.
  6. I think your confusing MMO with the number of times you have or haven't been ganked. I've personally only seen a few reps but that could be because ive been on mostly imperial worlds and I usally play in the early mornings. Somehow people still talk about forming roaming gank squats and whatnot during peak times. Maybe your just doing it wrong.
  7. inorite!!! i wish i could have been part of it! not sure how i would have kept myself from laughing my *** off though. 8P
  8. they could make it so the imperial fleet isnt instanced anymore, then we could all call it the lagperial fleet!
  9. really? feels like an mmo to me, maybe you should stop running around soloing stuff and start looking for groups, maybe make some friends, join a guild! The M in "M"morpg is there because the players are there, its up to you to go find em. If you play solo and never talk to anyone, never join a guild, never run group missions or pvp, then yes its gonna be more like a single player, but thats your fault not theirs.
  10. your trying to over complicate it. theres plenty of info on the classes out there for you to find out what class you wanna play. The idea idea that you have to play the first 10 levels over again being too much for some people is just lame. i leveled every class in wow, i didnt really get a feel for anything until 20+ because until then it was use ability A, use ability B, repeat. Just as it is in this game. You wont get a true feel for a class until higher level and the idea of getting to level 20+ and then just swapping over seems stupid. Plus it opens up a whole new can of worms for people to come on here and go "I was a sorc, and I didnt like it, so I switched to assassin when I got the choice. Now I dont like assassin and I wanna go back but I cant, this is dumb!" What then? give them another? and when they complain after that what then? give them another?!?!?! Just leave it as is or people will keep complaining till they have AC's removed completely. The first 10 levels arent that hard. They dont take that long to do, and lets face it, if the 2-3 hours it takes you to level up another character to 10 is too much for you then your not playing the right kind of game.
  11. its got just as much mutliplayer content as WoW, they just made it easier to lvl tanks and healers as well as fill groups by adding companions. dont know what your talking about there... sounds like a personal issue. yeah, because having to wait 30m for that quest monster to respawn was sooooo much fun. Again with the personal issues? Agree with the no mod support but disagree with the facerolling, unless your talking about questing. which its like that in every mmo ive ever played. how would making a healer more powerful help them solo? they can PEW PEW then to life!! oh wait... this isnt wow, they dont need resiliences. agreed, this is dumb. meh, minimal issue. if thats the case then every loot system in every mmo ive ever played is broken as well. thats because its a class, not a spec, when will you people get that through your thick lazy skulls? needs a little polish but its not game breaking. oh the humanity!!!! what? no targets targets targets target?? but how will i know whos taking damage from what and when? oh yeah, health bars. dude, you gotta stop with these personal issues, their getting old. ??? agreed again, thought i forsee that getting fixed. same as previous always gonna be those hardcore crazy people who devore the content as fast as they can so they can sit there and complain about being bored waiting for more. those guys should get a job.
  12. so because you dont want them, the rest of us cant have them? selfish much?
  13. was gonna say something here... but i think the quote says enough.
  14. There's a reason GW is free to play, my money says the second one will be just as bad. I liked the story, I liked the class design, hell I liked the game. Then they made it single player.
  15. Wish they would add something like rogue power bars. Just a small moveable buff/debuff bar.
  16. I miss my meter, I liked seeing how I was doing. If somebody of the same class destroyed ne I could ask what was different. Also helps devs see whose op and who needs a little loving.
  17. That's actually one of the things I didn't like about GW, but to each their own. Back to the subject at hand.... I like that BW didn't make any class that could do all 3 rolls, but I think they all should be able to perform 2 of the 3. If this means giving sniper a heal spec or a sentinel a tank spec so be it. Having one less dps per group means more tanks and heals are needed so having every class able do fill more then one roll would help. But that's just my 2 cents.
  18. Anyone else find all the different procs to watch out for with nothing but a tiny icon on the buff bar kinda annoying? I'm about to cut my resolution down just to make my buff bar bigger so their easier to see.
  19. my favorite part of this thread is that it's like 100 people saying no and the same 3 people saying it should be allowed.
  20. i agree, tried my first warzone today before i hit 20 because figured it was tiered like this, got in saw a lvl 12 and cried a bit, looked over at the lvl 39 and went ***? wont be doing that anymore unless im in a full premade group or they change it.
  21. im trying to point out that catering to the masses is a bad idea, its where wow started to go wrong. you make content to easy it get old and boring. you make lvling to easy it gets pointless and repetitive. you start trying to balance the game around too many things and it becomes even more unbalanced. adding an AC respec option not only makes the selection of the ACs pointless, it makes it so the storyline will forever stay the same (meaning no possible split in the future) it makes the greed problem already happening in games like this even more rampant (now people will roll on off-class gear too) and it makes the people who enjoyed the game before it was dumbed down grow tired of it, so they go play something else, costing the company money.
  22. scenario three- all the joe blows switch to a class so they can try out other aspecs of the game, resulting in said joes taking the gear from the people who enjoyed the game before the joes screwed with it. now everyone else quit because its frustrating dealing with all the joes. Joes decide on what class they want to play and now have a mountain of useless stuff that could have went to the people who deserved it and nobody to play with.
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