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Posts posted by Stoofa

  1. I've just checked the progress of my "The Galaxy Conqueror" achievement.

    In the list Hoth is not checked - however I have conquered it and I have the achievement to show I have.


    It is however possible that this achievement was gained from a Republic character, the rest from Imperial.

    Do you have to conquer all planets from the same faction for this achievement or have I simply found another achievement bug to add to the rest?

  2. With all due respect you can't solve a problem until you know what the problem is. Of course they have to look into it, they just found out about it.


    Thank you for replying so quickly Eric. Someone ought to consider you guys are actually people, and want to have something nice to wake up to in the morning.


    ~ Eudoxia



    Always someone ready to defend.

    They know EXACTLY what is wrong with it, it will be EXACTLY the same problem that stopped conquest from running a month or so ago. Considering the game hasn't been patched for so long it is highly unlikely to be something new.

    It is something that should have been permanently fixed when it happened last time (you know, similar to issues with other events that should have been permanently fixed - but still all failed in December) but of course wasn't.


    "Looking in to it" simply means yup - it happened again, we know why, we'll get around to fixing it.....again.....eventually.

  3. I think the loss of effort and money spent on machines that would not have been sought if they were released in the current state is worse than the communication issue. It's like the life day tree change. Things should not be quietly changed after the player has already invested in the object. Or if you absolutely must make changes, give players a heads up early enough for them to try to recoup their losses.



    There is not one person who sought and purchased the slot machine that didn't make their money back on it - saying that I expect loads of people to pop along now and tell me that isn't the case.

    With the machine at release you couldn't lose. Everyone got their reputation up to max, the green/blue/purple items sold to recoup the credits spent on the coins to run the machine. The certificates were used to unlock items people really desired - that is worth the money spent on the machine, and those not spent are stock-piled ready for this use.

    The Jawa Junk was turned into massive profit - we all know what purple crafting materials sell for.


    Add-in that the majority of machine owners got them as random drops from the cartel packs - so it was cartel coins they were spending anyway, they just got the machine as a random drop.

    I know some people paid credits for them, but they did so knowing full well they could reap the rewards from the machine and as above, I expect the majority of people who bought the machine for credits didn't lose anything during those days the machines remained as they were from release.

  4. I doubt seriously that's the case. Out of 5 games I play, swtor is the only one with the issue. Add to that the weird polygon issues, other odd bugs that plague the game, the crappy hero engine that's still to this day 32bit, and the fact I have friends on Radeon that can't run the game more than a few minutes before a lock up...


    I'd say the hero engine is at it's end of life.


    That alone doesn't mean it is not an NVidia issue. There is a current issue with ATI cards, you need to run at medium settings if you're running one of the latest two drivers or else things like lightsaber effects don't appear etc.

    This is an ATI issue as it wasn't a problem until two driver releases ago.


    I'm sure you're right in that it is almost certainly a "hero engine" issue - but still something NVidia/ATI need to fix, as they broke it in the first place.

  5. Every few weeks the same post.

    You have a choice, nobody is forcing you to do anything.

    Want the companion to add to the 15 you've already got - then stomach a few warzones and get him. You lose nothing from taking part in a WZ, as you know death means nothing. You might enjoy it, you might not - but it's a couple of hours work - play during the day, get arena's and they are over in a mater of minutes.

    Or, you don't get the companion.


    How is this any different to people who don't want to have to do PvE content to get a companion? Or the people who don't want to collect resources to get a companion? Who don't want to be subscribed on a certain date to get a companion?

    You have a choice, in the same way you have a choice to do the PvP missions during the Gree event. If you don't want to do them, don't. But you also don't get the reward for doing them.

  6. Please do this BW. Then, at the same time, turn the game into a full-downloadable and turn off the servers.

    You can then roll out your patches as "DLC" every 3-4 months (same rate you're doing patching right now).


    No PvP

    Everyone wants to just play on their own with overpowered companions - just shut them servers off. You'll save money not having to run the servers and you can get customers to buy "season tickets" for the DLC.


    I don't actually agree with anything I've written above, but it appears there are plenty of people that want this as a single player game, so give it to them maybe. Money to be made, just keep them off the servers once they have switched to "single-player at home" mode.

  7. There isn't the market for it.

    People either want to start at 1 and do anything and everything - takes what, 2-3 days to reach 65, or 5-7 casually.

    Or they instantly want to hit 60 and go off and do the new expansion - all 3hrs of the cinematic's.

    There will be effort required in designing a "straight to 50" token - no, it won't be a simple matter of changing the current token to reach 50 rather than 60.

    I'm sure it's something the OP wants, realistically not something the vast majority want.


    What I have noticed is the vast majority want a straight to 60 but will full credit for completing everything before - so all titles etc. and the ability to go back and do anything and everything they want from levels 1-60.

    Campaign for that - remember these days in SWTOR all you need is a few vocal people crying and threatening to quit and BW will give you what you want.

  8. Just one of the many, many bugs that have been around for months - simply because BW aren't doing patches at the moment.

    BW had more important things to worry about - coffee, lunch, extended Christmas break, coffee, doughnuts, more coffee.

    We wait to see if 4.1 will add new content and a lot of fixes or if it'll just add more content to sit on top of an extremely bug-ridden game.

  9. Which in turn boils down to "Yes, it does get very tedious and boring by the time you run, for example, your forth character through exactly the same content".

    I'd happily pay cartel coins for a "straight to chapter 10" token that can be used on any character about to embark on the latest expansion.

  10. So I was in beta and a lauch pre order memeber and played SWTOR for many months years ago, I reached level 50 with my Bounty Hunter and played happily before leaving the game for a couple years, I came back to see that the servers had been merged, I was on "Phrophecy of the Five" and was move to "The Ebon Hawk"


    Upon logging in I was unable to keep the original name of my character, even though no one on the server had that name "Zacrin"

    I lost all of my influence with all of my companions,

    and worst of all, My legacy was a complete blank slate, as if I never leveled my bounty hunter to lv 50.


    I have seen that this is a common issue on the threads and forums over the years, and would like to know what can be done to help. Please please help


    Thank you so much in advance <3


    Well you won't like the answers :)

    The name issue will either be that someone on the server you were moved to had that name or else it is now banned for whatever reason. You can try raising a ticket on the issue, however I don't recall anyone having any luck there.

    The issue with legacy was that you had to log characters in between certain dates for everything to be "registered" once the achievements were bought into the game. It was something like 6-8 months, but of course if you were away from the game for a couple of years then you will have missed those dates.


    Influence on companions I cannot explain and your legacy being reset to 0 is also confusing. Have you checked to make sure you haven't got other characters on other servers? Maybe your higher legacy is actually on a different server?


    Again, tickets to CS usually fall on deaf ears as they assume the 6-8 month period for people to login old characters was plenty of time for anyone who was likely to be "coming back".

  11. Because it isn't needed!

    The only two things you cannot do with level sync in play is:


    Solo world bosses - Good. They were never designed to be solo creatures and it gets in the way of groups who want them for conquest, etc.

    Gank lowbie players who are flagged - Good. No more groups of level 65's killing off 25-30's


    So, those are the things you cannot do with level sync on. Why do you want the ability to turn it off?



    Ah, can probably answer my own question - Eeeepeen.

  12. I'm sorry but if someone levels all the way to 65 they should be allowed to go around one shoting people and creatures if they feel like it. Especially if they are on a pvp server. Scaling down levels on a pvp server is retarded. Having to watch your butt for the random high level is part of the fun of being on a pvp server. Also part of the fun is coming back to some place that you had your butt handed to you many times while leveling so you could face stomp some lowbies as pay back.


    My guess is they did this so people can't solo world bosses anymore. The better fix to that problem would have been to simply make it so all world bosses are at level 65. Or do it like WoW and make your world bosses 2 or 3 levels higher then the current max level. Like 68.


    Now I'm not saying that scaling down is a bad thing. I just think it has its place. The only place a scale down should be is within an instanced group type area. Other than that its not really necessary or helpful.


    The game is the same game be it on a PvE or PvP server. I think I am safe in my statement, but you are certainly in the minority of people, even those on a PvP server that felt as, for example, as a level 25, having to keep an eye out for level 60+ was fun.

    That being ganked by groups of people double your level was "fun".

    If this was something you enjoyed then hats off to you, but the majority didn't, PvP servers are as good as dead anyway, so changing it back so you can be ganked is not going to happen.


    So very basically, you want the level cap removed so that you can go gank people the same way it happened to you? I'm not seeing any other arguments put forward. The world boss issue has been solved, with level cap.

    So the reason you want the cap removing is to go kill some 25-30's with your 65?

    I'm sure they would all be having so much fun while you did it.

  13. I agree it should not be a requirement for us to have to pick up a particular skill that we did not already have nor to have to spend over a million credits in the AH, I can tell you without any reservation on my part that i will not be making others rich in this game because Bio want to make us grind out materials on a quest for a lousy companion that i doubt I will ever use.

    This ticks me off more than the scale down and that has me almost mad enough to go back to WOW, .... ALMOST at 65 if I want to go back to other worlds and pummel on world bosses solo then that is my right I worked my *** off getting all 12 of my characters to that point, wait a sec you don't have some of the same idiots that did this to SWG working here do you?

    I think you want people to leave the game otherwise you would not pull this kind of crap.




    Overreaction much?

  14. There is still this major confusion with SWTOR that people need to understand.

    SWTOR is NOT a free-to-play game with a subscription option.

    SWTOR IS a subscription based game with a free-to-play option.

    This "re-framing" of what the game actually is does help people understand. The game is designed to be subscribed to and that subscription gets you everything. The free-to-play option is the limited option, the one that only allows you to progress to a certain level, to only experience part of the game.


    Realise this and then you can fully appreciate the differences between subscriber and preferred.

  15. Hi there,


    for the elder players there is not much left to do except "The Grind". The thing that kept me going was collecting the achievements while I grind away for companions, collection of crates or whatever it is you let us do over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for fun.


    However, with every patch you publish, more achievemts seem to get bugged. Fleet datacrons? Got them all, but the achievement is gone. Kill Makrins with fire on Makeb? Bugged since release of Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Getting all four of your Alliance growth to max? Only get 2/4 of the achievements. Get operations in all possible combinations done? No achievement triggering for 16 man story mode ... File in game bug reports? Get redirected to /dev/null


    So pretty please with cream and a cherry on top: Fix those achievements, because it is the only thing that makes the grind bearable.


    Thank you.




    Was actually fixed some time ago - I have this achievement

    I know, it came as a real shock to a lot of people - Bioware actually fixing a bug.

    Not that it was a major one like most, but still, a bug fix is a bug fix.....I guess.

  16. I made a premade 60 but didn't start the expansion and got her instead to 65 and done operations and such, well I wanted to start the expansion with her since she had some gear and such. Well here is the issue now, I arrived there and noticed that all of my abilities were gone off my toolbars, so I checked to see if they were in the abilities and they weren't listed at all! I reset ui, I have relogged, quit the game come back in and still nothing. Then I went back to my stronghold and they were there again all of my abilities, but once I tried reentering the chapter they were gone again. I have bug reported it, I have also made a ticket with Customer service...I just want to play but i can't with no abilities.


    You remember that pop-up you got on the screen when you started the expansion?

    The one you didn't bother reading and simply clicked off?

    Well now do what that pop-up told you to do and switch off "tutorial mode" and all your abilities will return.

  17. No.

    The game has been bug ridden for around 4 months now with absolutely no sign of any kind of bug fixes being released - next week the servers go down for 2hrs of "backend maintenance" and that's it.

    Stop dreaming of any major changes to this game. If they cannot even get the simple things right, like allowing players a near bug-free environment, then they aren't going to make any major changes.

  18. "Backend fixes" does not sound like bug fixes to me.

    But hay, we've had rubbish server performance, filled with bugs since what, October, so a few more weeks/months aren't going to hurt.

    It brings a real tear to the eye when the people who work on the game don't give a damn about it.

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