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Everything posted by Darth-Rammstein

  1. I think if any game is going to get hyped up due to the new movie it will be Battlefront.
  2. Yeah, that's why I fled Po5. I figure even if they merge ALL pvp servers into one it's still not going to be enough. Especially now that we've all left, how many people would be willing to go back? Probably not enough.
  3. What, Harbinger? On a serious note though, half the US servers never reach above light pop and the rest are standard except for the one noted above.
  4. What are ads, I don't get them when I'm browsing the web.
  5. No way EA would waste resources porting it to console.
  6. That would be kind of cool depending on the reward. Blizz does that with all their games.
  7. I agree why not both? Just make the reusable one weak enough that no one would prefer it over the consumable ones for endgame content. It was just a nice perk for my biochem toon to craft one stim and use it forever.
  8. If they take my wookiee away I'm rioting.
  9. Technically people buy credits everyday with the CM, difference is that's not against the ToS.
  10. Eh, I'm more upset about the removal of talent trees. Don't care if everyone used cookie cutter builds, I liked them.
  11. True. But he got his answer much faster by posting in GD.
  12. Doesn't getting your companions to 10k affection increase presence?
  13. There's the tauntaun mount on Hoth if that counts.
  14. Just thought I'd post this for all the negative people in here. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=828973
  15. That's awesome news. I remember not that long ago someone asked for that and the OP got eaten alive saying it will never happen and stop asking. Well, look now...
  16. The f2p in this game is bad, that's why I sub. Though it is nice that if you let your account lapse you can still log into some of your characters and do some basic things at least. If I let my WoW time lapse, that's it can't access characters without sub.
  17. They're lower than we'd all like, that's about all we know.
  18. So, was there ever an answer as to why in the versions of the movie past the VHS they changed Anakin to his younger self but obi wan and yoda are still the age they were when they died? Maybe it had to do with changing him back to when he was good but they used episode 3 Anakin when he was in the process of turning to the dark side. Idk, I guess it just doesn't make sense.
  19. While on the subject of mini games, give us pazaak please.
  20. I finished my class story at lv49 but I also didn't use all the complementary xp boosts they give you and I also wasn't in a guild at the time so I wasn't getting that 10% boost. A tip I read from another thread was to let your class story missions stack to 3 and then use your xp boost.
  21. I guess other people can but for me personally I'd never touch this game without the Star Wars name behind it. It's not THAT good on its own, but because I like Star Wars it's alright.
  22. A next gen SW galaxies game would be epic, but EA..
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