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Posts posted by Mikro

  1. Why not read the numerous questions already posted on the forum and write them down? ;)


    We are doing that to some extent already. I wanted to make this a bit more personal. Engage people directly to give me their questions and I take them to Jeff Hickman for example and say "Hey, user Kourage from the forum asked this..."

  2. Would like to know how long it will take until the codex is finally completely working? Do they even care about the codex or is it just there to annoy completionists?


    Also I would like to know if we can expect to get a barber shop to change the appearance of our characters and new options to customize them (say new hairstyles or hair colours) which will cost some cartel coins?


    I have the barber shop question on the list on reddit already - thanks for asking though :)

  3. Hello everyone.


    I apologize for hijacking your thread a bit and not speaking German, but I wanted to share this with the people that are interested about Gamescom news. I will be attending Gamescom this year as press and we have an interview scheduled with Bioware, Austin staff on the 15th. I would love to take some community questions to Bioware directly and if any of you want to participate please feel free to post your questions in the following thread.




    Thanks for your time and hope I see you at Gamescom.

  4. Hello everyone,


    Gamescom is the biggest gaming convention in Europe and I will be going there to cover all the latest gaming news. Reporting from the SWTOR camp is a big part of my plans. We will be doing interviews with the people there, including some pretty high up people. As with Gamescom 2010, 1st Fan Site Summit and E3 2011 we will be taking YOUR questions to the people in charge (at each of these events we asked community questions to the devs).


    Please make sure you do not ask questions we already have answers for or that you know will not be answered.


    I will be revising this post with the questions that are candidates to be asked. Thank you for your time and if you are visiting Gamescom let me know and we can hang out.


    Here's a recap of questions so far:



    • When can we expect the continuation of our class story AND will it be of the same quality as the first three chapters?



    • When can we expect solo que for ranked warzones and if there will be a duo que
    • Reconnect feature for warzones



    • Would like to know how long it will take until the codex is finally completely working? Do they even care about the codex or is it just there to annoy completionists?
    • I'd like to know if there is a set plan (including a launch window) for an Achievement system, or a major overhaul of the Codex system?
      I'm looking for titles, mounts, pets, points, and tracking of stuff I do in game in an easy to read way, and to allow others to view their progress vs mine.



    • can we get a rough eta on when Nightmare EC and Terror from Beyond might be coming


    Quality of life

    • terrible GTN interface! No subcategories for Companion Gifts or anyway to search for schematics by skill level. Using the "usable by" does not work either.



    • same-gender romance options "this year"

  5. I had to touch on the star topic of the hour - Server Transfers. Nothing spectacular in this one, but I had to express my feelings about this



  6. Thank you all for that awesome feedback. Here's the latest comic about some of those FUUUUuuuuu moments in PvP. This will be a multi part one I think



  7. Hi everyone,


    I have no skills in drawing whatsoever, but I have been with this game for so long that there are some situations I just have to visually express them. So, I will be creating several short SWTOR comics in the following weeks and if I have the inspiration and you guys like it I might continue making these. The style of the comics will be photoshop or basic drawings with a lot of meme references, so if that is your thing you will probably like it. Besides, memes are kind of my thing (check out the Daniel Erickson one here http://www.swtor-life.com/humor/daniel-ericksons-meme/662/)


    You will be able to find the latest comics at http://www.swtor-life.com/webcomic/ , but I will be posting them in this thread as well. As an exclusive I will post tomorrow's comic here first.



    1st comic of the new batch of comics



    Exclusive preview of the 2nd one for SWTOR forums

  8. Is a good idea. However, take a look at the 1.3 Coming-Soon video, at 0:44 it shows what happens when you complete a group using the Group Finder tool. A window says "A shuttle to your destination is available. Would you like to travel now?" ... which might mean you can form a 1-person group and go ahead and travel to whereever.




    I think that will return you only to where you previously were when you accepted to start the flashpoint. I think that the group finder teleport will be similar to what you have right now when you finish a warzone - you get teleported back to where you were when you started the warzone. My solution is for

  9. Hi,


    While doing dailies as a level 50 I noticed that a lot of time is spent in between your ship, various planet space stations and planets themselves, including loading times between all those instances. I think that there is a time saving mechanic that could be implemented in the game without much trouble that could potentially shorten in-between planet travel time by as much as 66%.


    There should be a small button on the minimap, just like the one for planet Map, that brings up the galaxy map, no matter where you are located at the time. You can pick your destination planet and perhaps even a quick travel point on that planet you want to go to. The game loads the planet resources next and positions you as if you just teleported to the quick travel point on the planet's map. See the first minute of the video bellow - I have edited a regular travel video to show the prototype of this functionality.



    I think that the functionality and code for all of this is already in the game and it wouldn't take too many programming resources to implement it. It could be argued that this makes your space ship obsolete, but considering that space ships in SWTOR are equivalents of housing there should be other incentives to bring players to the ships and not travel alone. This feature should not remove the existing ways of traveling between planets so RP-ers can still fully enjoy their experience as well. There remains a problem of events and quests happening on planet space stations, but there are very few of these (less than 50 - or even less) and It is possible to alter these in a reasonable amount of time to take into account this new traveling feature.


    Oh, and while we are at it - there should be a quick travel with 30 minute cooldown to your ship anyways.

  10. Hi everyone. I made an article/blog post about my server Dune Bantha ad my experiences with its community and the game in general. You can find the original post here, but I wanted to share it with the community at large here on the forums as well. Let me know if you have similar stories to this one with your characters and your servers.



    Weird sequence of events led me to have my main SWTOR character on a PvE server called Dune Bantha. I initially started playing Republic with my wife on a server some of my SWTOR Life buddies played on, but my wife soon quit due to annoyances in the game she couldn't pass over and I needed an Empire character to discover some things for our SWTOR Spy Database. That is how Zarmelesh, a demented Twi'lek Sith Assassin came to life – a female character with a randomly assigned name and no ambition whatsoever.


    Dune Bantha was chosen because it had low population at the time and I didn’t want to wait for queues nor did I want to have my game investigations hampered by random PvP (so PvE server was chosen). I was power leveling my assassin, with exception of class quests which had such great cutscenes and story that I just couldn’t speed past those. Two unexpected things happened. I started loving my demented assassin and some of its companions (Khem FTW). I also started playing loads of PvP warzones. So much that I mostly level through PvP from level 30 to level 49. I was rank 49 in PvP and I had to level to 50 to be able to get to PvP rank 50 – meaning – my PvP rank leveling curve was ahead of my actual experience leveling curve.


    The consequence of so much PvP was that I’ve started seeing the same faces in PvP and getting familiar with their play styles. We soon started sending each other /wave-s and /hug-s as on Imperial Fleet hallways. The thing about pre-50 PvP is that there are a lot of people that play it just a few times and those that play it all the time. Soon we had a team of regulars that you knew the tactics and were tough to play against. By that time though there was already a big decline in active players and we started seeing less and less PvP matches pop. Nevertheless, I remember this one Sith Warrior called Narfle - he was my PvP God at the time. He was unbeatable and I always wondered how did he manage to survive everything, score regularly and be first on the score board. Cheers Narfle – it was always a pleasure losing to you ;) .


    Reaching level 50 changed the game for me because PvP suddenly became a different game. There were people with PvP gear and knowledge of tactics. Very few noobs existed or were so humiliated that they either practiced to become better or left never to return to PvP. Server population became even smaller and we had perhaps 40-50 players both republic and imperial side that regularly played PvP. I started seeing always the same faces. It was a lot of fun because we all played PvP for hours with the same people and we really bonded – may it be through rivalry or camaraderie – but we kind of bonded. I always knew that if I played with fat and bald bounty hunter Egg or sorcerer Zyntharia or Sith Warrior Morgoth in the group I would win because they were so good at what they did. There were republic players that we knew we would lose against because they were so good Syth , Kitven, Gilgamesh, thejedi, Emi (which is Zyntharia’s rep character)). I started learning from these greats and started getting some better PvP gear and sooner rather than later I was getting to be one of the veterans as well. I specced into tanking PvP build and started showing up in the top of the score board more often than not. Tanking build also made it possible to do PvE.


    PvE was not so good for a very long time. The first three months I barely ever found a group for a HM flashpoint. The server was low pop as it is and people started leaving very soon, which made things even more difficult. I was in a zerg guild that had 15 members online out of 500 all the time (and none of them were level 50). In a surprising turn of events I got an invite one night form a Danish guild. They needed an off-tank to help them in their EV raid. I was ecstatic. I think some of their members knew me from PvP or I was the only tank online. Whatever the case I was soon experiencing my first raid content in SWTOR and not just watched it on livestreams. Things went really well and I even got some gear. Thanks to the Danish Invasion I had my first SOA kill and raiding PvE experience in SWTOR 3+ months after the game launched. We raided several more times in the next month and it is the most fun I had in SWTOR beside some great PvP matches. I would like to take this opportunity to thank P’nes, Aeonkazza, Rion, Rambo, Glikus, Greken, Taball and the rest of the gang for taking me in and putting up with my complete lack of knowledge of Danish language and lack of any tanking skills. You guys made SWTOR a memorable experience.


    For a few weeks now it has been very hard to get a raid going. Some people got fed up with Bioware’s inability to react to problems. Others left as soon as Diablo 3 launched. Some still persist and try and get a raid going every now and then with the help of two other crippled guilds. It is still fun hanging out with these guys and playing together, but the occasions have become seldom. Zyntharia is still kicking *** in PvP. I enjoy it whenever it happens. Unfortunately it can be hours now before a match pops. Besides, there are so few of us playing now that as soon as one side loses they never reapply for PvP and we go into a waiting mode for an hour.


    I wanted to tell you my story of the server Dune Bantha and the people I enjoyed playing this game with. I wasn’t planning on it. I always thought I would be a raiding and healing smuggler on the Juyo server. Instead, I became a demented PvP Assassin in a Danish guild. Now that many have left I feel that I need to put this story in writing. I want all of you that stumbled upon this blog entry to know that from January to April 2012 there was this game Star Wars: The Old Republic that we all thought is awesome and that there was this server Dune Bantha on which I found people that gave me hours and days of gaming heaven.


    P.S. I would like to thank and mention the following players I kept playing with/against in PvP that made me come back to warzones day after day: Drix, Diogo, Valarius, Reddas, Jaqen, Dose, Drix, Tasia (I still hate you :) ), Treyus, Bleach, Firezone and others swhose nick I can;t remember right now.

  11. As part of today's Rakghoul event in Tatooine there are 9 codex entries to be earned. Warning the 5th codex entry is not trivial. In fact it includes 4 steps.



    You first need to click on three objects in Anchorhead (or Mos Ila). You get a buff from this. With the buff you can activate a panel at a special station setup close to the Anchorhead/Mos Ila taxi. This will send you on a treasure hunt across Tatooine to pick up 12 pieces of the wreckage. Once you accomplish this you will get the codex entry, but to finish the special quest you need to do one more step and that is find a crate.



    Full guide with 30+ screenshots containing all the wreckage pieces locations can be found at:




    Beside this you need to kill 3 Heroic World bosses and complete Area|Daily quests on Tatooine to collect all Codex entries for the Rakghoul Event.


    Zama Brak location and Codex entry:



    Urtagh location and Codex Entry:



    Infected Trapjaw location and Codex Entry:



    I hope you guys find this useful.

  12. Hey all. I just wanted to thank the people in this thread. I would never be able to find the Rakata cubes if it weren't for the screenshots and coordinates in this thread. This was the last datacron I needed to complete all the guides for Belsavis datacron locations on SWTOR Spy. I have credited this thread and all the people that contributed to it in the guide. Cheers once again.


    P.S. Here are a few screenshots of my own to add to the thread.





  13. I'd also like to recommend our own database of datacron locations. We have been manually adding them together with screenshots explaining how to exactly get to the datacron. Although our site is a SWTOR database, this is not a pure data dump - we have written about each and every datacron we found so far.


    Check it out at:




    Here's an example of Tython datacrons:



  14. Hello fellow German SWTOR fans. I apologize for writing in English but I wanted to share this with you as soon as possible (and not wait for translator).


    We are a fan made SWTOR database called SWTOR Spy. We have released world first Quests Database And Talent Calculator in German! You can find it here






    We are still in beta but all of it is fully funcitonal. The quests database has all the choices and quest branches along with dark side/ light side rewards and possible outcomes. We also have screenshots helping with every step of the quest for over 500 quests! I hope you find it useful and please send us feedback if you have any.


    Here comes Google Translation just in case.


    Hier kommt Google Translation nur für den Fall.



    Hallo Kollegen deutschen SWTOR Fans. I für das Schreiben in englischer Sprache zu entschuldigen, aber ich wollte mit Ihnen teilen so bald wie möglich (und nicht darauf warten, Übersetzer).


    Wir sind ein Fan gemacht SWTOR Datenbank namens SWTOR Spy. Wir haben weltweit ersten Quests Database Und Talent Calculator auf Deutsch erschienen! Sie können es hier finden






    Wir sind noch in der Betaphase, aber alles ist voll funcitonal. Die Quests Datenbank hat alle Entscheidungen und Streben des Filialnetzes sowie die dunkle Seite / helle Seite Belohnungen und mögliche Ergebnisse. Wir haben auch Screenshots helfen bei jedem Schritt von der Suche nach mehr als 500 Quests! Ich hoffe, Sie finden es nützlich und senden Sie uns bitte Feedback, wenn Sie welche haben.

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